# May 2024
It's May. Hard to believe. This is the month that comes with a lot of rain and clouds, despite the poem about April showers bringing May flowers.
This is a website that is like a messy desk; I put things I learn here and am in the process of learning. It's like exploring my brain. There are probably over _ten thousand_ notes taken over the course of a decade.
The idea here is not to read things in order but simply to _jump in and explore._ The following sections provide two ways to do that.
# Places to begin
- My [[May 2024]] log.
- The idea of [[Miswanting]], or having "if/then" scenarios in regard to happiness in your life
- [[Science Is a Strong-Link Problem]] by [[Adam Mastroianni]], which made me think about the concept of [[Science is a strong link problem]]
- I learned about the [[Anna persona ceremony]], which is kind of like a personality test for infants
- I've been thinking about applying the idea of [[Anti vision]] to [[coaching]]. Deciding who you are NOT going to be, to figure out who you are.
- Realizing that, when it comes to my upcoming PhD program, I want to be [[Speeding up ahead on a bike trip]].
- Lots of AI thoughts, such as [[AI can't match human creativity because of our knowledge that it isn't human, not because of quality output]].
- Also related is [[Seth Godin on how to be better than AI]]
# Navigation, if you must...
It's a little bit messy, but you can explore via folder if you prefer. There's a panel on the left.
**Periodic Notes** include my daily/weekly/monthly/yearly notes. These are granular updates on things I'm learning and working on. Kind of a stream of consciousness toward discovery.
The **Zettelaksten** is a repository of key concepts, fleeting thoughts, literature notes, and the like. This is a garden of stuff, and a good way for me to reference placeholders in my thinking.
The **Sources, Readwise, and Omnivore** sections are highlights I've made across the web and the books I'm reading along with occasional commentary. These will eventually work their way up to atomic notes or even blog posts.
**Blog posts**, in the form of short, daily mini-essays, can be found [here](http://ziahassan.blog). I figure it's better to have a separate home for this kind of writing.
Full essays can be found [here](http://ziahassan.substack.com), my podcasts [here](http://anchor.fm/ziahassan.), and my YouTube channel [here](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEUWg9xNwH8N4_K0-iLHNMQ).p
# Some classics 📘
[[Good Old Days]]
[[On Being a Highly Sensitive Person]]
### My reasons for creating this site:
- Learning in public;
- experimenting with knowledge systems;
- Keeping people in the loop about my life;
- reinforcing a daily habit of publishing work.
- While I will publish work in other places, this will be a home for _all of it_ and it will be gloriously interlinked and interdisciplinary ✨
A good starting place is to get to know me if you don't already, by reading the [[Who Am I?]] page.
Also, [[What is this Obsidian site, exactly?]]