# What AI is changing in education ![[magic.png]] > [!example]+ Plan > - [[#A New Threat?|A New Threat?]] > - [[#Banned|Banned]] > - [[#What is it?|What is it?]] > - [[#Is it different from the past?|Is it different from the past?]] > - [[#The End of Homework|The End of Homework]] > - [[#A preview of progress|A Preview of Progress]] > - [[#New Skills|New Skills]] > - [[#A New Way of Interacting With Machines|A New Way of Interacting With Machines]] > - [[#What can teachers do?|What can teachers do??]] > - [[#Teach the Hardest Skills]] > - [[#What can teachers do??#The Transfer Problem|The Transfer Problem]] > - [[#What can teachers do??#Breaking the Illusion of Explanatory Depth|Breaking the Illusion of Explanatory Depth]] > - [[#What can teachers do??#Practicing Evaluation: The Power of Teaching Someone|Practicing Evaluation: The Power of Teaching Someone]] > - [[#But...|But...]] ## A New Threat? [This article from the Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/28/ai-students-essays-cheat-teachers-plagiarism-tech) (28/11/22) starts like this: > Parents and teachers across the world are rejoicing as students have returned to classrooms. But unbeknownst to them, ==an unexpected insidious academic threat== is on the scene: a revolution in artificial intelligence has created powerful new automatic writing tools. These are ==machines optimised for cheating== on school and university papers, ==a potential siren song== for students that is difficult, if not outright impossible, to catch. - Before the *cheater* had to pay someone to write an essay for them - Or download an essay from the web that was easily detectable by plagiarism software (the text is generated not copied) - New AI language-generation technologies make it easy to produce high-quality essays. > While it’s important that parents and teachers know about ==these new tools for cheating==, there’s not much they can do about it. It’s almost impossible to prevent kids from accessing these new technologies, and ==schools will be outmatched== when it comes to detecting their use. ([Now AI can write students’ essays for them, will everyone become a cheat?](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/28/ai-students-essays-cheat-teachers-plagiarism-tech)) So chatGPT is causing fear amongst educators (and journalists). ![[ai-hands.jpeg]] ## Banned As a consequence, use of [ChatGPT](https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/) generated text for content on Stack Overflow is temporarily banned on [Stack Overflow](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/421831/temporary-policy-chatgpt-is-banned): > Overall, because the average rate of getting _correct_ answers from ChatGPT is too low, **the posting of answers created by ChatGPT is _substantially harmful_ to the site and to users who are asking and looking for _correct_ answers.** Then, several schools in New York, Seattle banned chatGPT. It is not a solution. Find references. > New York City public schools banned access to ChatGPT, an artificial-intelligence chatbot, on its internet networks and school devices after officials raised concerns that [students could use the AI program](https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-it-human-or-ai-new-tools-help-you-spot-the-bots-11673356404?mod=article_inline) to answer questions, do homework or write essays. [ChatGPT Banned in New York City Public Schools Over Concerns About Cheating, Learning Development](https://www.wsj.com/articles/chatgpt-banned-in-new-york-city-public-schools-over-concerns-about-cheating-learning-development-11673024059) ## What is it? Read [[Documentation/Intelligence artificielle/GPT-3]] to learn more. In a nutshell, > _Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3_ (**GPT-3**) is a ==language model== that leverages deep learning to generate human-like text (output). Not only can it produce text, but it can also generate code, stories, poems, etc ([OpenAI GPT-3: Everything You Need to Know](https://www.springboard.com/blog/data-science/machine-learning-gpt-3-open-ai/)) It's a [conversational agent](https://deepai.org/machine-learning-glossary-and-terms/conversational-agent). > ==You can speak to it== as though you’ve run into a colleague by the coffee machine — if you ask it how the kids are doing, it will tell you it is a machine and cannot reproduce — or as though you’re querying a history professor on the causes of either Sino-Japanese War. ([We asked an AI bot hundreds of questions. Here’s what we learned.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/interactive/2022/chatgpt-questions-predictions-ethics/)) Using chatGPT, you can ask "Write a short rhyming poem explaining the war in Ukraine in a Shakespearean style" or "Explain the causes of the first world war". In seconds, you'll get a convincing result. To see for yourself, just go to [chatGPT](https://chat.openai.com/chat) or [Playground](https://beta.openai.com/playground/) (it works even though I misspelt the adjective "Shakespearian"). ![[short-rhyming-poem.mp4]] ## Is it different from the past? Math teachers already experienced this disruption. > ==The obvious analogy to what ChatGPT means for homework is the calculator==: instead of doing tedious math calculations students could simply punch in the relevant numbers and get the right answer, every time; teachers adjusted by making students show their work. ([AI Homework](https://stratechery.com/2022/ai-homework/)) Old story > Soyons tout à fait honnêtes sur ce point, il va rapidement falloir revoir la nature de nos enseignements (et de nos évaluations) en lien avec la capacité de rédiger des productions documentaires. Il ne s’agit pas pour autant d’en faire une alarme catastrophiste. Et je rejoins totalement en cela le camarade Antonio Casilli. ==Nous nous sommes déjà remis de ce que l’on annonçait – souvenez-vous – comme le début de la fin des enseignants et des bibliothécaires lorsque les moteurs de recherche apparurent, de la fin des relations sociales lorsque les réseaux sociaux devinrent massifs, et la fin de la capacité de construire et de certifier des connaissances lorsque Wikipedia apparût.== Nous nous remettrons donc très certainement aussi de cette nouvelle capacité rédactionnelle artefactuelle offerte à l’ensemble des étudiant.e.s, élèves ou apprenant.e.s. Nous l’intégrerons dans nos pratiques et parviendrons à l’évaluer pour ce qu’elle est. Mais sans sombrer dans le catastrophisme, il serait tout aussi idiot de ne pas envisager que nous sommes une nouvelle fois devant un changement absolument majeur de notre manière d’enseigner, de transmettre, et d’interagir dans un cadre éducatif, a fortiori lorsque celui-ci est asynchrone et/ou à distance. ([GPT-3 : c’est toi le Chat.](https://affordance.framasoft.org/2023/01/gpt-3-cest-toi-le-chat/)) > ## The End of Homework So, you can no longer give homework or home exams. > The essay, in particular the undergraduate essay, has been ==the center of humanistic pedagogy== for generations. It is the way we teach children how to research, think, and write. That entire tradition is about to be disrupted from the ground up. ([The College Essay Is Dead](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/12/chatgpt-ai-writing-college-student-essays/672371/)) But there is hope. > In a lecture at the University of Texas at Austin, computer science professor Scott Aaronson, currently a guest researcher at OpenAI, revealed that ==OpenAI is developing a tool for “statistically watermarking the outputs of a text [AI system].” Whenever a system — say, ChatGPT — generates text, the tool would embed an “unnoticeable secret signal” indicating where the text came from==. [OpenAI’s attempts to watermark AI text hit limits](https://techcrunch.com/2022/12/10/openais-attempts-to-watermark-ai-text-hit-limits/) [The College Essay Is Dead](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/12/chatgpt-ai-writing-college-student-essays/672371/) author argues that a chasm exists between humanists and technologists and that the humanists will need to understand natural-language processing for many reasons. > It is going to ==clarify matters of attribution and literary dating== that no system ever devised will approach; the parameters in large language models are much more sophisticated than the current systems used to determine which plays Shakespeare wrote, for example. It may even ==allow for certain types of restorations, filling the gaps in damaged texts== by means of text-prediction models. It will ==reformulate questions of literary style== and philology; if you can teach a machine to write like Samuel Taylor Coleridge, that machine must be able to inform you, in some way, about how Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote. > [...] > We want it to be much harder to take [an AI system’s] output and pass it off as if it came from a human,” Aaronson said in his remarks. “This could be helpful for ==preventing academic plagiarism==, obviously, but also, for example, ==mass generation of propaganda== — you know, spamming every blog with seemingly on-topic comments supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine without even a building full of trolls in Moscow. Or ==impersonating someone’s writing style== in order to incriminate them. So we could benefit from AI. If adults can, students can too. Why would it be a tool for cheating for students and a valuable tool for adults? One could say that adults know how to write (however, I'd be careful when asserting this kind of things). So, AI could become - a gift for student cheats - or a powerful teaching assistant (read the impressive article [The Mechanical Professor](https://oneusefulthing.substack.com/p/the-mechanical-professor)). More on that later. ![[mechanical-professor.jpeg | 500]] Who would be the cheater actually? > Just as a ==student== can generate an essay in seconds, so a ==teacher== can assess it. [New AI tools that can write student essays require educators to rethink teaching and assessment](https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2022/05/17/new-ai-tools-that-can-write-student-essays-require-educators-to-rethink-teaching-and-assessment/) Many say that it's time to rethink assessment. > Students will employ AI to write assignments. Teachers will use AI to assess them. Nobody learns, nobody gains. ==If ever there were a time to rethink assessment, it’s now==. Instead of educators trying to outwit AI Transformers, let’s harness them for learning. [New AI tools that can write student essays require educators to rethink teaching and assessment](https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2022/05/17/new-ai-tools-that-can-write-student-essays-require-educators-to-rethink-teaching-and-assessment/). Mike Sharples discusses the implications of this technology for higher education and argues that they should be used to ==enhance pedagogy==, rather than accelerating an ongoing arms race between increasingly sophisticated fraudsters and fraud detectors. ([New AI tools that can write student essays require educators to rethink teaching and assessment](https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2022/05/17/new-ai-tools-that-can-write-student-essays-require-educators-to-rethink-teaching-and-assessment/)) > as educators, if we are setting students assignments that can be answered by AI Transformers, are we really helping students learn? [New AI tools that can write student essays require educators to rethink teaching and assessment](https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2022/05/17/new-ai-tools-that-can-write-student-essays-require-educators-to-rethink-teaching-and-assessment/). Have a look at - [[15 exemples concrets d'utilisation en classe de l'IA]] - [[Comment détecter les textes générés par l'IA]] ## A preview of progress Teachers have to explore the limits of AI. > The magic—and danger—of these large language models lies in ==the illusion of correctness==. The sentences they produce look right—they use the right kinds of words in the correct order. But the AI doesn’t know what any of it means. These models work by predicting the most likely next word in a sentence. They haven’t a clue whether something is correct or false, and they confidently present information as true even when it is not. ([How to spot AI-generated text](https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/12/19/1065596/how-to-spot-ai-generated-text/)) Clive Thompson agrees. > AI like GPT-3 cannot reason very well because it doesn’t seem to truly know any facts. It is, as the scientist Gary Marcus notes, ==merely the “king of pastiche”==, blending together snippets of language that merely sound plausible. ([On Bullshit, And AI-Generated Prose](https://clivethompson.medium.com/on-bullshit-and-ai-generated-prose-611a0f899c5)) It is in fact a =="a stochastic parrot"== ([We asked an AI bot hundreds of questions. Here’s what we learned.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/interactive/2022/chatgpt-questions-predictions-ethics/)). The Verge describes it as =="fluent bullshit"== ([AI-generated answers temporarily banned on coding Q&A site Stack Overflow](https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/5/23493932/chatgpt-ai-generated-answers-temporarily-banned-stack-overflow-llms-dangers)). OpenAI’s co-founder Sam Altman even warns us: > ==ChatGPT is incredibly limited, but good enough at some things to create a misleading impression of greatness==…it’s a mistake to be relying on it for anything important right now. it’s a preview of progress; we have lots of work to do on robustness and truthfulness. ([ChatGPT: Its Nothing, You Don’t Need It. And We’ll Have It In Six Months.](https://mondaynote.com/chatgpt-its-nothing-you-dont-need-it-and-we-ll-have-it-in-six-months-b26c20f1669b)) > ==LLMs and other AI algorithms live in math world==, doing amazing tasks that do not require an understanding of the real world and are consequently utterly incapable of determining whether the statistical patterns they discover are meaningful or coincidental. [An AI that can "write" is feeding delusions about how smart artificial intelligence really is](https://www.salon.com/2023/01/01/an-ai-that-can-write-is-feeding-delusions-about-how-smart-artificial-intelligence-really-is/) This is a great opportunity for educators to help students develop their critical thinking skills. Teacher can "use the unique written responses generated by ChatGPT to provide students with exemplars they can analyze and discuss to prepare for their writing assignments." [How Disruptive Will ChatGPT Be?](https://catlintucker.com/2022/12/chatgpt-disruptive-tech/) ## New Skills An editor instead of a regurgitator. > Here’s an example of what homework might look like under this new paradigm. Imagine that a school acquires an AI software suite that students are expected to use for their answers about Hobbes or anything else; every answer that is generated is recorded so that teachers can instantly ascertain that students didn’t use a different system. Moreover, instead of futilely demanding that students write essays themselves, teachers insist on AI. Here’s the thing, though: the system will frequently give the wrong answers (and not just on accident — wrong answers will be often pushed out on purpose); ==the real skill in the homework assignment will be in verifying the answers the system churns out — learning how to be a verifier and an editor, instead of a regurgitator.== ([AI Homework](https://stratechery.com/2022/ai-homework/)) A writer using AI would also be an editor. > Néanmoins, dans la pratique, la collaboration avec une intelligence artificielle nécessite généralement que les auteurs et les autrices adoptent une posture plus proche de celle de l’éditeur.ice. Si c’est l’intelligence artificielle qui produit le premier jet, c’est l’humain qui la guide avec des mots-clés, qui sélectionne les meilleures propositions et qui retravaille les phrases. ==Il ne s’agit plus d’une stricte création, mais plutôt d’un travail éditorial impliquant une curation et une révision==. ([Littérature et intelligence artificielle, où en sommes-nous ?](https://carnet.fabriquedunumerique.org/litterature-et-intelligence-artificielle-ou-en-sommes-nous/)) The more a technology is democratised, the less significant its use becomes and the less it seems necessary to mention its use. > Plus la pratique se démocratise, toutefois, moins l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle devient significative et moins il semble nécessaire de mentionner son emploi. Effectivement, comme le fait remarquer Tom Lebrun, ==nul ne remercie Word ou Antidote en début de roman==, même si ces logiciels proposent bien souvent des corrections du texte pertinentes (orthographiques, syntaxiques, grammaticales). De façon similaire, ==celui ou celle qui prend une photo avec un filtre ou avec le mode automatique n’en est pas moins aujourd’hui considéré comme le photographe==; le rôle joué par la machine ne lui vole pas ce titre. ([Littérature et intelligence artificielle, où en sommes-nous ?](https://carnet.fabriquedunumerique.org/litterature-et-intelligence-artificielle-ou-en-sommes-nous/)) Very interesting comparison between the writer and image editing (reread [Photoshop for text](https://stephanango.com/photoshop-for-text) by the way). No one would say a photographer is a cheater because he or she is using an image editor. Tech requires to work better. > If your work isn’t more useful or insightful or urgent than GPT can create in 12 seconds, don’t interrupt people with it. > ==Technology begins by making old work easier, but then it requires that new work be better==. [Attention, trust and GPT3](https://seths.blog/2022/12/attention-trust-and-gpt3/) A student's testimony. > I still do my homework on things I need to learn to pass, I just use AI to handle the things I don’t want to do or find meaningless,” innovate_rye added. [Students Are Using AI to Write Their Papers, Because Of Course They Are](https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7g5yq/students-are-using-ai-to-write-their-papers-because-of-course-they-are) ## A New Way of Interacting With Machines It's already been possible for a while. You can, for instance, use [natural language](https://usmsystems.com/natural-language-processing/) (by simply typing or speaking) in your calendar app to create an invent and by typing Wednesday, the app understand that the event has to be scheduled for that specific day. Using Siri, it works the same. You speak and you interact that way with your app. The example below brings it to the next level. >![](https://twitter.com/mathemagic1an/status/1589657222094934016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1589657222094934016%7Ctwgr%5E60721d0ec82f2d605fc8f4d6662f4f5798e3cb7b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitframe.com%2Fshow%3Furl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fmathemagic1an%2Fstatus%2F1589657222094934016%3Fs%3D20) > ## What can teachers do? There are many ways that AI, in general, can enhance education: >- **==Personalized learning==:** AI can be used to create personalized learning experiences for students based on their individual strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This can help students learn more effectively and at their own pace. >- **==Automated grading==:** AI can be used to grade assignments, essays, and other written work, allowing teachers to spend less time on administrative tasks and more time supporting student learning. >- **==Adaptive tutoring==:** AI can be used to create adaptive tutoring systems that can help students learn and understand difficult concepts. These systems can provide instant feedback and support to students, helping them stay engaged and motivated. >- **==Early detection of learning difficulties==:** AI can be used to monitor students’ progress and identify areas where they may be struggling. This can help teachers intervene early and provide targeted support to students who need it. >- **==Improved accessibility==:** AI can be used to create educational tools and resources that are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. This can help ensure that all students have equal access to high-quality education. [HOW AI CAN ENHANCE EDUCATION](https://blog.tcea.org/ai-vr-how-ai-can-enhance-education/) Providing quality feedback > One high school teacher told me that he used ChatGPT to evaluate a few of his students’ papers, and that the app had provided more detailed and useful feedback on them than he would have, in a tiny fraction of the time. [Don’t Ban ChatGPT in Schools. Teach With It.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/12/technology/chatgpt-schools-teachers.html?unlocked_article_code=uW3noPXK-PeYu9qPFFRzHA37uWiegbdcCIUD21Jkd-RXjBDX6VsgdUj9vWkWwXVa1VaY23GZrn3vFuiPXLJR3WcydyQYIYqNCpPou0-j9PPuSQEEaH2-EeT65j4eap08QEUMD4rVCH7XaZfbcXvqexyMwooDmSnstlM_MkKJQYWpCvlVwvmnT3saDMFw0G1YV7DHmH7MgdNQJQVYezUtqN953zH9QAbKmUfwLi7n9rZc1xde6Wrcsccf3cORbmefxbaseFUiz2folrd4iBF-CKyQ9eXwqiisJpcj685_Zc5_15L94qHeqUDjMRg78wfaAkk6sC0GJnDxrwJW-OOkLoHoCsGKSA&smid=share-url) ![[dont-ban-ai.jpeg]] THE solution: > So, now that a simple chat interface can write a better-than-mediocre essay on just about any topic for just about any high school student, what should be done? > The answer is simple but difficult: ==Switch to the Sal Khan model. Lectures at home, classes are for homework==. [The end of the high school essay](https://seths.blog/2023/01/the-end-of-the-high-school-essay/) Catlin Tucker says the exact same thing. > Writing is a skill that requires years to develop. Instead of sending writing assignments home with students, ==teachers can use blended learning models== (e.g., flipped classroom, station rotation, and playlist models) to design lessons that make space for these tasks in the classroom, where students benefit from teacher feedback and peer support. [How Disruptive Will ChatGPT Be?](https://catlintucker.com/2022/12/chatgpt-disruptive-tech/) She explains that we need to 1. Rethink our approach to homework 2. Design lessons that allow students to write in class with support 3. Cultivate a robust teaching tool belt with multiple instructional models (i.e. buy and read [her book](https://www.amazon.com/UDL-Blended-Learning-Thriving-Landscapes/dp/1948334313) written with Katie Novak) Written homework is now irrelevant. GPT solves the problem of inequity and in the same time create the perfect occasion of asking students to produce something more meaningful. ![[hardest-skills.jpeg | 500]] ### Teach the Hardest Skills In [How to... use AI to teach some of the hardest skills](https://oneusefulthing.substack.com/p/how-to-use-ai-to-teach-some-of-the), the author discusses the opportunity provided by AI and argues "that Al can be used to overcome three barriers to learning in the classroom: improving transfer, breaking the illusion of explanatory depth, and training students to critically evaluate explanations". #### The Transfer Problem > AI is a cheap way to provide students with many examples, some of which may be inaccurate, or need further explanation, or may simply be made up. For students with foundational knowledge of a topic, ==you can use AI to help them test their understanding, and explicitly push them to name and explain inaccuracies, gaps, and missing aspects of a topic== > The basic idea is to have students ask the AI to create scenarios that apply a concept they learned in class: Create a Star Wars script illustrating how a bill becomes a law. Show how aliens might use the concept of photosynthesis to conquer Earth. Write a rap that uses metaphors. Then, ==ask the students to critique and dive deeper into these models, and potentially suggest improvements==. Funny and interesting example: *Show how aliens might use the concept of photosynthesis to conquer Earth* (reread this article for more details).. #### Breaking the Illusion of Explanatory Depth We tend to overestimate our understanding of some concept. It reminds me the illusion of knowledge that Harari talks about. The goal is to confront one’s own ignorance. > We created an assignment where students ask the AI to explain a particular concept step by step, something AI is very good at. Students should then improve this output by adding information, considering the order of the steps, and re-thinking the depth of their knowledge about the topic. Here, we are using AI to come up with steps in a process so that students can critique and improve upon a process. ==The prompt can include something that students feel they understand well or something complex that will require additional research or numerous steps to make whole.== #### Practicing Evaluation: The Power of Teaching Someone > When students hear you explain and discuss a concept, they often feel that they understand what you mean, but that feeling isn’t always accurate. ==One powerful way to turn concepts from theory into practice is to teach someone else, to evaluate their work, and to give concrete and timely advice about how to improve==. As any teacher knows, the act of assessing and evaluating someone else’s work and teaching someone else improves our own knowledge of a topic. > ==By acting as a “student,” the AI can provide essays about a topic for students to critique and improve==. One [more example](https://twitter.com/DrKellermann/status/1615983126425276416?s=20) which is a great opportunity to foster critical thinking: Pre-fill every student's unique assessment question with a ChatGPT response in a Word doc and give it as a default mark of zero. They get marks for improving it with track changes turned on. A Wharton School professor issued these guidelines for his class (quoted by Jean-Louis Gassée in [The ChatGPT Maelstrom. by Jean-Louis Gassée | Monday Note](https://mondaynote.com/the-chatgpt-maelstrom-cec2f79ba681)): ![[AI Policy.jpeg]] Read the full teachers' blog post [All my classes suddenly became AI classes](https://oneusefulthing.substack.com/p/all-my-classes-suddenly-became-ai). ## But... As stated in [this presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Vo9w4ftPx-rizdWyaYoB-pQ3DzK1n325OgDgXsnt0X0/edit#slide=id.g1cc76543f64_0_1260) (from slide 6 to 9) [^1], GPT is "in its infancy". Furthermore, - OpenAI ==collects a lot of data== from chatGPT users - The [privacy policy](https://openai.com/privacy/) states that ==data can be shared== with third-party vendors, law enforcement, affiliates, and other users. - It is ==not GDPR compliant and it violates the COPPA==, [Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule](https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/rules/childrens-online-privacy-protection-rule-coppa) (therefore it is not to be used by children under 13) - Conversations with GPT can be ==used for training== At this point, [we have no evidence](https://edunumrech.hypotheses.org/8350) that the use of AI in education (AIED) improves educational outcomes. > Strictly speaking, we do not know for sure if AIED 'works' or not. More importantly, it is not entirely clear what such 'working' would comprise. Educators around the world will once again have to fight against the sirens of marketing and an overly enthusiastic technophile ideology (from which yours truly is not always spared) and little concern for evidence. Here are the words of an executive from Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc. who is serving us an AI "soup" quite similar to the one we were served for MOOCS. > a classroom today still resembles a classroom one hundred years ago. We know the flaws of today's education-it is one-size-fits-all yet we know each student is different, and it is expensive and cannot be scaled to poorer countries and regions with a reasonable student-to-teacher ratio. Al can play a major part in fixing these flaws and transform education [.] With Al taking over significant aspects of education, basic costs will be lowered, which will allow more people to access education. > It can truly equalize education by liberating course content and top teachers from the confines of elite institutions and delivering Al teachers that have near-zero marginal cost. [.] I believe this symbiotic and flexible new education model can dramatically improve accessibility of education, and also help every student realize his or her potential in the Age of Al. (Lee & Qiufan, 2021, p. 118) Each time, the speech is the same. MOOCS or AI will make it possible to offer better quality - of better quality - more equitable - less expensive Which, of course, is not often (far from it) the case, as explained in [[Failure to Disrupt Presentation]]. So, for now, we need to be careful when using AI. It's full of promise, but it's not GDPR compliant and many companies will do their best to enjoin educators to spend a lot of money. > [!info]+ > All images, except for the first one that has been generated using MidJourney, come from websites mentioned in this article. > [!example]+ Read also > - [[15 exemples concrets d'utilisation en classe de l'IA]] > - [[15 Propositions de travaux d'écriture du primaire au lycée]] > - [[IA & Quiz]] > - [[Ateliers d'écriture et IA]] > - [[Autres exemples d'utilisation de l'IA en classe]] > - [[Comment détecter les textes générés par l'IA]] > - [[Utilisation de l'IA en classe]] > - [[Présentation MLF]] [^1]: [Have a look at her Twitter account](https://twitter.com/torreytrust?s=20)