# Tieflings ## Description Tieflings can be found all over the world, decorated with many various skin tones and a wide variety of expressive horns and tails. Some of the most common colorations of their skin are red, purple, crimson, mahogany, rust or orange. Alongside these colors, their horns are usually of a similar pigment if not a darker hue of the color of their skin. Tieflings stand a bit taller than humans on average, between both their horns protruding from their skulls and their general stature, they tend to be around 6-7 feet tall. Their tails are generally thick like that of a large lizard, and have been rumored to be related to basilisks. In addition to these natural traits, some tieflings are graced by their heritage with infamous wings, similar to a bat with their leathery skin and appearance, these tend to be a rare occurrence however. ## History Tieflings have a very muddied and bloodied history with the world of Mannon. Their first appearances came from an unprecedented union of young women being tempted by the devils that roamed free during the Age of Gold. This appeared to be a frequent method of their appearance, despite many efforts of the church as humanity moved into a time of superstition regarding the dealings with these devils. Many peoples of the various continents found themselves divided as there were men and women who sided with the fiends who roamed in the shadows, making claims that the devils were only called that because of their appearances while they were in fact very kind and benevolent, while others held steadfast to their belief in the gods and the higher powers that granted them the gifts they currently had, stating that they would never stoop to such a point of dealings with these devils. Handfuls of men and women from various different settlements departed from their homes because they thought differently than the collective, many of them establishing cults and secluded religions to these beings of hellish origin. As time passed, more tieflings entered the world from many different kinds of rituals. Some were born of intimate union, while other instances have shown that tieflings can be created from giving a child to a devil or demon via contract is enough to transform them into these humanoid people. The Age of Silver brought a time where humanity was still very fearful of what lay in the shadows, despite their magical adeptness as well as the creation of the blood hunter orders to aid them and their efforts of snuffing out evil. The early ages of the world were a time where tieflings found themselves lucky to be able to live into adulthood, with how many rumors stood from the dogmatic practices of burning the women who were their mothers, to the vile acts of capturing and dissecting tiefling children to attempt an understanding of their origin. The churches and temples stood as an enemy to anyone of fiendish or tiefling descent. There were small pockets and settlements that held primary populations of tieflings who had settled and made their mark on the land, just the same as any human settlement. There were truthfully very little differences between the two races in how they operated on the day to day life experiences. A time remembered and spoken of by tielfings was called the "fiendish massacre." The massacre occurred in a remote village just a few miles from the main city of Diune, a group of guards were on temporary leave and just before the church had made their public decree were causing a great deal of trouble in the middle of the village. This village was primarily composed of tieflings who were tolerated at the time by the other locals, and the guards began to stir up a fight at the tavern. This fight was brought outside, primarily set between the captain of these guards and the largest tiefling member of the village. Gasps and murmurs were fluttering around the village square as the two duked it out for a time in public, and as the farmer was going to win the guard captain drew his sword in a drunken stupor and slew the farmer without hesitation. An uproar was caused from this heinous action as other farmers began to step forwards carrying their tools and makeshift defense items. The other guards began to step in and easily overpowered the farmers with their martial training. Many of the men in the village were slain that day, and the muddy streets ran red as the rainfall began to clear away the pooling blood of the fallen farmers. Tieflings slowly began to integrate themselves into society as humanity continued to progress into a higher state of being, bringing forth the age of technology as the Age of Platinum crested the calendar, the churches and temples across the land had a change of heart. Most do not know the intention or the reason why they decided it was time to recognize the broad spectrum of the peoples of the world, but that is what they did and it was by no social convention or publicity stunt that this news would come forwards. At this point in time, tieflings had become a flourishing population in spite of their previous oppressors and contract killers still roaming the world at large. They were accepted into the cities and major towns with hesitancy, but this hesitancy was reassured by the temples actively assisting them and offering them safe places to go when they were harassed or pestered by other civilians or martial personnel. ### Subraces #### Umberfell Tieflings ## Description Umberfell TIeflings have an ashen gray or near black skin, with much larger horns than their other tiefling cousins that often stand straight up or have a slight curve. Dancing along their skin, there are markings and scar-like abrasions that look very similar to lava and magma, which give off a luminescent glow all over their body. Some members of the subrace have adapted wings that resemble their fiendish heritage when compared to the other members of the tiefling population. On average they stand at about 6 feet tall, with a more lithe frame than other tieflings due to their Dark Elven heritage. When compared to other tieflings, members of the Umberfell subrace tend to live a great deal longer, with known lifespans reaching around 400 years and the oldest recorded member of the race living to 600. They mature at the same rate as humans. ## History Born of the unholy union of Dark Elves and the Devils that roamed the world during the late age of silver, the Umberfell Tieflings rose into existence with a grotesque visage of hellish traits tainting the ebony skin of their elven heritage. Commonly mistaken as devils and demons themselves, these people were always treated as outcasts and frequently were rejected from migration to larger settlements due to fears and superstition of their bloodline coming forth in horrendous ways. During the times where superstitions of these people ran rampant, there were many witch trials and accusations of dark magic surrounding them. Attempts of burning them at the stake were a complete failure, as this cousin race to the common tiefling was entirely immune to fire, though they possessed no innate magical attributes about them otherwise. Though their heritage was cast to scorn for the people of Arebyss, they were welcomed with open arms and the people felt born anew with their regionally given name. Many would preach the word of the gods against them, and so these people turned to the Titans after finding solace within the lands of Vistigia, where they adopted a new name: Stygian Tieflings. ### Racial Traits **Wreathed in Flames** This feature replaces the "Hellish Resistance" and "Infernal Legacy" features. You gain immunity to fire damage and are acclimated to extreme heat temperatures. **Languages** You can speak, read, and write Primordial. ![[Pasted image 20230119131647.png]] ![[Pasted image 20230115210033.png]] ![[8e389524e6266f32d1bfea21dd9a1927.jpg]]