[find me on mastodon](https://kolektiva.social/@valhalla_dev)
[find me on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@valhalla_dev)
welcome to the garden. this is part [[blog]], part research hub, part filesystem for my ramblings. i will be posting here about [[antifascism]], [[privacy]] and [[security]], [[mutual aid]], [[politics]], [[cryptocurrency]] and [[decentralization]] and lots of other things.
this site follows the [digital garden](https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/09/03/1007716/digital-gardens-let-you-cultivate-your-own-little-bit-of-the-internet/) approach. it will be a bit disorganized and messy, but these are the environments from which ideas, philosophies and movements grow. obsidian, the app I'm using to build out this garden, is built on top of linking things together in a sort of graph of interconnected ideas that can be explored. this is especially helpful when researching how extremist groups are interconnected, but it can even be helpful when researching [[hydroponic gardening]] and [[software development]], among lots of other topics.
## how to explore the garden
#### everything that isn't a [[blog]] is incomplete
this is, more than anything, a place for incomplete notes, exploration and research. this means that if it isn't posted or referenced by a post under the [[blog]] folder, the research is incomplete, and it should be treated as a note. that doesn't mean that it's incorrect or less reliable, it just means that, as an idea, it's not wholly done.
#### if you're looking for a niche, you will find none/plenty
this isn't a hypercapitalized blog. it won't be SEO-optimized, but there won't be ads (in the traditional sense) on the blog either. it won't be niche, you won't find me establishing myself as a thought leader here, and you'll find things on this blog that aren't really your thing. this blog both is for you and isn't. the best way to read it is to explore the ideas in it, find the parts you like and want to read, and share those as widely as you'd like (even if it's by telling me i am wrong)
#### look at links
wherever possible, i'm going to link people, places, ideas, articles, blogs, papers, videos, pictures, etc. together. look at those links, explore the connections between ideas and people that hold them, and think critically about them.
#### topic pages
where possible, this site will have topic pages that link to sub-pages. these topic pages (if you like digital gardens, you'll know them as Maps of Content or MOCs) will be the hubs for specific topics to take you elsewhere. not everything will be directly linked in topic pages, but you should still be able to browse sub-pages via the navigation pane on the site.
## Topic Pages
## [[actual gardening]]
gardening (micro-farming, hydroponics, etc.) of the real/non-digital variety. this includes research, updates on my own efforts, and more.
## [[antifascism]]
research about fascist movements past, present and future, and the people that made them up.
## [[art]]
this is where i'll show off my own art as well as art I find cool and interesting. if i ever forget to give credit to artists, let me know.
## [[blog]]
this is where my more complete thoughts and research will go.
## [[economics]]
on economics, market economies, decentralized economies, how it can be done better and why it sucks now.
## [[mutual aid]]
both a topic of research and a discussion of action that i and others are taking to better society through direct action.
## [[music]]
I'm... trying my best to become more musically talented, mostly by learning guitar, DJ'ing and music production.
## [[politics]]
i shied away from direct political blogs before, but i don't really feel like doing that now... after all, does it really matter at this point?
## [[privacy]]
privacy, including encryption, data sovereignty, surveillance, OPSEC, etc.
## [[security]]
security, including technical, non-technical, operational, etc. for the people, not necessarily the corporations
## [[software development]]
i like writing software. it's a lot of fun. here i'll talk software development principles, link to apps i'm writing and apps i find interesting, etc.