Welcome to my home page! ![[profile.png|right|hsmall|profile]] I am %% currently a Postdoctoral fellow at the [Mathematics department of Bar-Ilan University](https://math.biu.ac.il/en), working with [Assaf Rinot](https://assafrinot.com/). %% currently a Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Helsinky, working with [Jouko Väänänen](http://www.math.helsinki.fi/logic/people/jouko.vaananen/) as part of the [Helsinki logic group](https://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/Logic/Home). I'm interested in logic and set-theory, and in particular in the interactions between set-theory and various kinds of logics. My MSc and PhD theses were written in the [Hebrew University of Jerusalem](https://mathematics.huji.ac.il/) under the supervision of Menachem Magidor, the former on the topic of [[The modal logic of σ-centered forcing]] and the latter on the topic of [[Inner models from extended logics]]. In this site, in addition to my [[CV]] and [[Research papers|list of publications]], you can find my [[!ndex of Digital-garden|Digital garden]] where I publish notes on various topics I study. It consists of the following sections: - [[Cantors_Attic|Cantor's Attic]] - a fork of the amazing database on large cardinals [Cantor's Attic](https://neugierde.github.io/cantors-attic/). - [[!ndex of Definitions and Facts|Definitions and Facts]] - a growing database of definitions and facts I come across during my research (excluding large cardinal topics which are added to [[Cantors_Attic|Cantor's Attic]]). Notable subcategories are [[!ndex of Forcing notions|Forcing notions]] and [[!ndex of Forcing properties|Forcing properties]]. - [[!ndex of Papers and Books|Papers and Books]] - Summaries of papers and books I read during my research. For any questions, comments, errors, contact me at [ur.yaar](mailto:[email protected])@pm.me