1800 Bernie breaks down workflow that [starts at Markdown](https://publish.obsidian.md/transformation), moves to public view, and gets micropublished with [content from Bernie's topgold blog]([Quick Notes after AI Workshop](https://www.topgold.ie/quick-notes-after-ai-workshop/)). 1810 Alannah Wilmot explains the process needed to make the [cognifying video on Substack](https://substack.com/@alannahwilmot1/note/c-95346419). 1815 Yeliz explains [fur versus function](https://substack.com/home/post/p-157321648). 1825 Tom shares how to enhance [his LinkedIn contribution](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7299552863557419008/). 1830 Raya explains [Protopia in the context of the EU AI Act](https://flickr.com/photos/202192007@N06/54334100753/in/pool-digitaltransformation/). 1840 Peter reveals [synthography](https://flickr.com/photos/petergrogan/54346731330/in/pool-digitaltransformation/) and includes the role of the EU AI Act. 1850 Tom explains how his use of his phone has changed since starting this module. Yeliz shares how DX could enhance human [engagement](https://tusmm.sharepoint.com/sites/23-24DigitalTransformationADVT09002/SitePages/Immersive-Interaction--The-Future-of-Human-Computer-Engagement.aspx). 1900 Bernie wants to know, "Can you use your phone for transformative processes spotlighted in this module?" This question is for Ruth, Monica, John, Jackie, Cathal, and Maria. 1920 Remember to write down your prompts. This includes you, Tom, even though you have already passed the module. 1925 Take a 15 minute break and then rejoin the Zoom Call.