![[Header#^header-embed]] > [!SUMMARY] > [[Hester Maria Thrale]] (Queeney)’s and [[Hester Thrale née Salusbury]]'s first verses aged 12. ## Queeney's first verses > [!QUOTE] Introductory commentary by [[Hester Thrale née Salusbury|Hester Thrale]] > I will write down her[^1] first Attempt at Verses, & have done; She will be thirteen next September, and then they will be no Rareties; if I had not thought these past Specimens of her Wit tolerable in themselves I would not have inserted them—but _[Burke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Burke)_ would have given a Crown apiece for the Quibbles, and as for the insolent Speeches they are very happy ones let who would have said them. The Verses are a Song from [Metastasio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metastasio). When the Rivers haughty Wave Breaks from forth its wonted Bed; Scarce th’affrighted Swain can save From the Stream his little Shed. Though he stop one open Shore Were the Currents swiftly glide, At a hundred Places more Rushes the victorious Tide. —— ## Hester's first verses > [!QUOTE] Commentary by [[Hester Thrale née Salusbury|Hester Thrale]] on verses by her aged 12. These Verses of hers at twelve and a half are better than my own Translation of the Spanish Sonnet in the Novel of the Curious Impertinent[^2] done at thirteen, as for Example: > > > Since frail Woman’s made of Glass > Can my friend be such an Ass > To use brittle Ware like Brass? > Knowing what may come to pass. > Why hazard the Jewel you might defend? > Why strive to ruin what none can mend? > Why pine with needless Pain? > When Generous Jove on Danae pours > Resistless Love in Golden show’rs > He shall not sigh in vain. It is my Opinion they are likewise better than what follows from the Spanish of [Quevedo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_de_Quevedo)—it was a Task I remember, & done [invita](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/invita) [Minerva](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Minerva) in the year 1758.—these however are quite litteral > Old [Orpheus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orpheus) lost his Wife one Day > Where should he seek her but in Hell! > The likeliest Place to find one’s Wife > As honest Orpheus knew full well. > Singing he sought her all the Way > And could it surpass your Belief, > Had he sung on from Morning till Night > At the Thoughts of so sweet a Relief. > The Beasts that still crowded around > His Voice and Intent to admire; > Much wonder’d his Skill he’d employ > To fetch his Wife out of the Fire. > Pluto too though he gave him his Wife > Thought his Song so uncommonly clever; > That in Friendship he dropt him a hint > How he surely might lose her forever. > T’was therefore that as they return’d > And fancying She stopt on the Road; > He turn’d round at this lucky Excuse > Miss’d his Wife and continued his Road. > Thrice happy old Orpheus say I > For to bury two Wives is not new; > But twice to get quit of the same > Is a Pleasure experienc’d by few. ## See also ![[hester-maria-thrale-1764-1857🔎#^hester-maria-thrale-infoblock]]![[hester-lynch-thrale-1741-1821🔎#^hester-lynch-thrale-infoblock]] #history/person/THRALE/hester-maria-born-1764 ![[Footer#^footer-embed]] [^1]: Eldest child, [[Hester Maria Thrale]] - Queeney. [^2]: In [Miguel de Cervantes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_de_Cervantes)'s novel _Don Quixote_, the interpolated novella _The Curious Impertinent_ features a Spanish sonnet recited by the character Anselmo. The sonnet, which is not given a title in the novel, is a meditation on love and desire, and it has been the subject of much critical discussion.