![[Header#^header-embed]] ## Church of Corpus Christi, Tremeirchion In the years after [[Gabriel Piozzi]] and [[Hester Thrale née Salusbury|Hester]] took up residence at [[Brynbella]], they improved the scandalous state of the family church of the Salusbury family. They replastered the walls and repaired the windows, pews and pulpit. ![[tremeirchion_church_2001.jpg]] <div class="caption">Church of Corpus Christi, Tremeirchion in 2001.</div><br> <iframe width="100%" height="350" src="https://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=-3.376662433147431%2C53.24614364372718%2C-3.3753481507301335%2C53.24745167940556&amp;layer=mapnik&amp;marker=53.24679766656452%2C-3.3760052919387817" style="border: 1px solid black"></iframe><br/><small><a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=53.24680&amp;mlon=-3.37601#map=19/53.24680/-3.37601">View Larger Map</a></small> ![[corpus_christie_tremerchion_inside.png]] <div class="caption">Church of Corpus Christi interior, Tremeirchion.</div> > [!QUOTE] On 17 September 1803, Hester Thrale wrote in [[Thraliana]] … > A new vault has been constructed under the Altar at Dymerchion for his and my last cold Residence, & narrow Apartment—Poor dear old Lucy Salusbury my admirable Progenetrix & Mother to my Father[^1] Was found crumbling in Dust; her Skull only whole, & the Black Ribbon pinned round it, that I suppose bound her head in its last Agony[^2] —There was no Act[^3] then extant for burying in Woollen. > > My Father being wrapt in Lead was easily discerned from his Brothers, & dear Mama—as he called her to the Last—They had never found Money to make themselves a Vault, so their poor Bones have been gathered up now by Mr Piozzi, and placed decently in our new Repository, where ours will shortly accompany them no doubt: to the great Joy of all my Daughters who really have now waited my Death so long—They are justified in their Impatience. New Pulpit Cloths—new Reading Desk Bible & Surplices—& a new Brass Chandelier—in Lieu of a Wooden one—are among my [[Gabriel Piozzi|present Master's]] Donations—beside Slating & Glazing & painting & Whitewashing: & what our Curate Mr Roberts prefers to all—Enlarging his little Church in the Gallery-Part—& we will put up the old curious Cross wch some fools pulled away 40 Years ago— & make all smart and handsome. ![[tremeirchion_church_2001_lychgate.png]] <div class="caption">Church of Corpus Christi Lychgate, Tremeirchion in 2001.</div> In winter 1804, Hester wrote [[Tremeirchion village church repaired|verses on the restoration of the Church]]. ![[Hester Thrale's death#Memorial tablet]] ## Graves ![[2001-07-19 Thu#Sir John Salusbury Piozzi Salusbury]] ## See also ![[hester-lynch-thrale-1741-1821🔎#^hester-lynch-thrale-infoblock]] #history/person/SALUSBURY/hester-lynch-born-1741 #history/person/PIOZZI/gabriel-mario-born-before-1740 #history/person/SALUSBURY/john-salusbury-piozzi-born-1793 #history/place/wales/flintshire/tremeirchion ![[Footer#^footer-embed]] [^1]: [[John Salusbury]]. [^2]: She died in 1745. [^3]: Burying in Woollen Acts 1666-80.