☀ <font color="red">**触摸:**</font> <font color="sky blue">**touch**</font> [tʌtʃ] <font color="orange">vt.(用手或其他身体部位)触摸。是此义的常规用词:</font>Don’t touch! 请勿触摸!<font color="orange">n. 1 [C, usually sing.](用手或其他身体部位所进行的)触摸:</font>The gentle touch of his hand on her shoulder made her jump. 他的手轻轻地触了一下她肩膀便使她跳了起来。<font color="orange">2 [sing.] 由触摸所造成的感觉:</font>The body was cold to the touch. 这具尸体摸上去冷冰冰的。/ material with a smooth silky touch 摸起来光滑得像丝绸一样的料子 / He could not bear the touch of clothing on his sunburnt skin. 他忍受不住衣服磨蹭他那被太阳灼伤的皮肤。 <font color="sky blue">**dab**</font> [dæb] <font color="orange">vt.&vi.(通常指若干次地)轻轻接触某事物,如轻触、轻按:</font>He dabbed at the cut with his handkerchief. 他用手帕轻轻按了按伤口。<font color="orange">n. [C] 轻触、轻按(但不揉擦):</font>He gave the cut a quick dab with a towel. 他麻利地用毛巾蘸了蘸伤口。 <font color="sky blue">**grope**</font> [grəʊp; 美 groʊp] <font color="orange">vt. [非正式](尤指猥亵地)摸某人:</font>He would try to grope her breasts and put his hand up her skirt. 他会试图摸她的胸部,还把手从她的裙子上向上移。<font color="orange">n. [C] [非正式] 对某人的摸(尤指猥亵的摸):</font>了解即可 <font color="sky blue">**maul**</font> [mɔ:l] <font color="orange">vt. 粗手粗脚地粗暴触摸(某人或某事物):</font>了解即可 <font color="sky blue">**contact**</font> [ˈkɒntækt; 美 ˈkɑ:n-] <font color="orange">n. [U] 对某事物的接触、触摸:</font>His fingers were briefly in contact with the ball. 他的手指稍稍地接触了一下球。/ This substance should not come into contact with food. 这种物质切莫与食物接触。/ They compared how these organisms behaved when left in contact with different materials. 他们比较了与不同材料接触时这些生物体的反应。/ The cry occurs when air is brought into contact with the baby's larynx. 婴儿的喉咙接触到空气时,就会哭出来。/ This pesticide kills insects on contact (= as soon as it touches them). 这种杀虫剂昆虫一触即死。/ sexual contact 性接触 / The disease is transmitted through physical contact. 这种疾病通过身体接触传播。/ eye contact 目光接触 / He never makes eye contact with me. 他从不与我直接对视。/ Do not let the glue come into contact with water. 不要让这种胶水碰到水。/ For a brief moment their lips were in contact. 他们的嘴唇有瞬间的接触。/ The light will go out on contact with water. 一碰到水,这种灯就会熄灭。/ There should be no contact between the separate samples. 分开的样本之间不应该有任何接触。 <font color="sky blue">**feel**</font> [fi:l] <font color="orange">n. [sing.] the feel 触摸(或被触摸)时所得到的一种感觉,即触感:</font>You can tell it’s silk by the feel. 你一摸就知道这是丝绸。/ She loved the feel of the sun on her skin. 她喜欢太阳照在皮肤上的感觉。 <font color="sky blue">**texture**</font> [ˈtekstʃə(r)] <font color="orange">n. 1 [C, U](一个表面、一种物质、一片织物的)质地、手感:</font>The cloth was rough in texture. 这种布料质地粗糙。/ the soft texture of velvet 天鹅绒柔软的质地 / She uses a variety of different colours and textures in her wall hangings. 她悬挂的帷幔色彩和质地多姿多彩。/ hair, skin texture 头发质地;皮肤质地 / I use a styling gel to give texture to my hair. 我用发胶给头发定型。/ Aloe Vera is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture. 芦荟用于润肤霜中,使之具有美妙的丝般润滑感。/ Her skin is pale, the texture of fine wax. 她肤色苍白,肤质细腻如蜡。/ She pays great attention to the surface texture of her paintings. 她非常重视她的画作的表面质感。<font color="orange">2 [C, U](尤指食品、土壤的)质地、结构、构造:</font>This cheese has an open, crumbly texture with a strong flavour. 这种奶酪多孔松脆,风味浓郁。/ Earthworms consume large amounts of soil, and produce a rich humus, perfect in texture. 蚯蚓吃下大量土壤,排出肥力丰富、物理结构理想的腐殖质。/ soil texture 土壤质地 / the gritty texture of sand 沙子的粗糙质地 <font color="sky blue">**explore**</font> [ɪk'splɔ:] <font color="orange">vt. 用手(或身体的其他部位)去感觉某事物,如探察,有一种探索的意味:</font>She explored the sand with her toes. 她用脚趾感觉沙的情况。 <font color="sky blue">**handle**</font> ['hændl] <font color="orange">vt. 用手触摸某事物。词义已为touch所涵盖,且不如touch常用:</font>Our cat hates being handled. 我们的猫不喜欢被人摸弄。 <font color="sky blue">**handling**</font> [ˈhændlɪŋ] <font color="orange">n. [U](用手对某事物进行的)触摸、感觉:</font>了解即可 <font color="sky blue">**pet**</font> [pet] <font color="orange">vt. [尤美] 慈爱地抚摸(即爱抚)一个动物或孩子:</font>了解即可 <font color="sky blue">**finger**</font> ['fɪŋɡə] <font color="orange">vt. 用手指触摸:</font>to finger the beard 捋胡子 / He fingered the few coins in his pocket. 他用手指摸了摸他兜里的几枚硬币。 <font color="sky blue">**thumb**</font> [θʌm] <font color="orange">vt.&vi. 用手指触摸某事物:</font>了解即可 <font color="sky blue">**physical**</font> ['fɪzɪkl] <font color="orange">adj. [非正式] 指人爱触摸其他人的:</font>The naughty kid is very physical. 这个淘气的孩子喜欢对别人摩摩挲挲的。 相关词义延伸: · touch还可指(身体的)触觉,触感。也可指碰到某人; · pet还可指(两个人)以调情的方式来爱抚; · contact还可指电流的接触、接通、接触器。也可指传染病患者的接触者; · grope还可指用手摸索着寻找(看不到的东西)。也可指摸索(问题的解决方案等)。亦可指(因看不清而)用手摸索着往前走。 周边词汇补充: · brush可指经过…的时候对其进行的轻轻的一个触摸,即轻擦着掠过; · nudge可指轻推某人(以引起其注意),尤指用肘轻推; · palpate可指通过触摸身体部位来检查疾病,如触诊。 · 表示“触碰”的词群见[[02碰撞 砸摔]]