![[cpt banner.png]] [🌐 Main Website](https://www.nik.software) | [Site Theme: Royal Velvet](https://github.com/caro401/royal-velvet) ---- # Welcome! I'm Nik. I'm a Cape Town based web developer. This is my "digital garden" where I post my notes and writing. I've been in the industry since 2017, in all sorts of team sizes from 2 to 50. My best work is done in product-oriented companies. Online & offline communities are important to me. My main port of call is ZATech, and I organise the Laravel Cape Town meetup. ## Perceptions - Personal Knowledgebase I'm a big believer in being self-sufficient with knowledge & information - especially if doing this on your own and not in an organizational context. To achieve that, the tools we use and formats we store in must be as simple as possible. Derek Sivers and Stephan Ango write about the importance of this. - https://sive.rs/plaintext - https://stephanango.com/file-over-app To that end, I developed my own style of note-taking & knowledge management - "Perceptions" as I called it. Perceptions is where I store various resources, guides, links, quotes and notes across a few specific areas of life. These days, I mostly store notes, information links, and quotes. In the past the system also supported topic-specific journalling, goals, and even decision matrixes. However to be honest I never really used those features, but made extensive use of the notes & quotes. Thus, I've let go of the extra cruft and honed this down to just the parts I actually use. I have centralised journalling & private resources offline in this knowledgebase. As much as possible, I've tried to link to original sources for copied content, but some have been lost to time & forgetting to save the links. Naturally, some resources can't or shouldn't be shared - either they're private, or relate to paid media content & courses and would in effect be a form of piracy to share. This is especially true of my notes on books, unfortunately. I'm excited to share everything I've built up & saved over the years. I hope it is of some use to you! With how this system of mine has changed over the years, I'm thinking it's time for a new name for it. If you have any ideas, let me know!