# Task Properties
<span class="related-pages">#feature/scripting</span>
> [!released]
> Task Properties were introduced in Tasks 4.0.0.
## Introduction
In a growing number of locations, Tasks allows programmatic/scripting access to values in your Tasks:
- [[Grouping#Custom Groups]]
- [[Sorting#Custom Sorting]]
- [[Filters#Custom Filters]]
This page documents all the available pieces of information in Tasks that you can access.
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## Values for Task Statuses
For more information, including adding your own customised statuses, see [[Statuses]].
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| Field | Type 1 | Example 1 | Type 2 | Example 2 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `task.isDone` | `boolean` | `false` | `boolean` | `false` |
| `task.status.name` | `string` | `'Todo'` | `string` | `'In Progress'` |
| `task.status.type` | `string` | `'TODO'` | `string` | `'IN_PROGRESS'` |
| `task.status.typeGroupText` | `string` | `'%%2%%TODO'` [^commented] | `string` | `'%%1%%IN_PROGRESS'` [^commented] |
| `task.status.symbol` | `string` | `' '` | `string` | `'/'` |
| `task.status.nextSymbol` | `string` | `'x'` | `string` | `'x'` |
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1. `task.status.typeGroupText` (added in Tasks 4.9.0) is a convenient way to sort status types in to a natural order in custom grouping functions.
## Values for Dates in Tasks
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| Field | Type 1 | Example 1 | Type 2 | Example 2 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `task.created` | `TasksDate` | `2023-07-01 00:00` | `TasksDate` | `` |
| `task.start` | `TasksDate` | `2023-07-02 00:00` | `TasksDate` | `` |
| `task.scheduled` | `TasksDate` | `2023-07-03 00:00` | `TasksDate` | `` |
| `task.due` | `TasksDate` | `2023-07-04 00:00` | `TasksDate` | `` |
| `task.cancelled` | `TasksDate` | `2023-07-06 00:00` | `TasksDate` | `` |
| `task.done` | `TasksDate` | `2023-07-05 00:00` | `TasksDate` | `` |
| `task.happens` | `TasksDate` | `2023-07-02 00:00` | `TasksDate` | `` |
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1. Each of these values is a `TasksDate` object. The [[#Values in TasksDate Properties]] section below shows what can be done with them.
1. Note that currently all stored dates have no time, or rather, their time is midnight at the start of the day, local time.
1. For example uses of date properties, see [[Filters#Due Date]] and [[Grouping#Due Date]].
1. `task.happens` is the earlier of `task.due`, `task.scheduled` and `task.start`.
1. `task.cancelled` was added in Tasks 5.5.0.
## Values in TasksDate Properties
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| Field | Type 1 | Example 1 | Type 2 | Example 2 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `task.due` | `TasksDate` | `2023-07-04 00:00` | `TasksDate` | `` |
| `task.due.moment` | `Moment` | `moment('2023-07-04 00:00')` | `null` | `null` |
| `task.due.formatAsDate()` | `string` | `'2023-07-04'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.due.formatAsDate('no date')` | `string` | `'2023-07-04'` | `string` | `'no date'` |
| `task.due.formatAsDateAndTime()` | `string` | `'2023-07-04 00:00'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.due.formatAsDateAndTime('no date')` | `string` | `'2023-07-04 00:00'` | `string` | `'no date'` |
| `task.due.format('dddd')` | `string` | `'Tuesday'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.due.format('dddd', 'no date')` | `string` | `'Tuesday'` | `string` | `'no date'` |
| `task.due.toISOString()` | `string` | `'2023-07-04T00:00:00.000Z'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.due.toISOString(true)` | `string` | `'2023-07-04T00:00:00.000+00:00'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.due.category.name` | `string` | `'Future'` | `string` | `'Undated'` |
| `task.due.category.sortOrder` | `number` | `3` | `number` | `4` |
| `task.due.category.groupText` | `string` | `'%%3%% Future'` [^commented] | `string` | `'%%4%% Undated'` [^commented] |
| `task.due.fromNow.name` | `string` | `'in 22 days'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.due.fromNow.sortOrder` | `number` | `320230704` | `number` | `0` |
| `task.due.fromNow.groupText` | `string` | `'%%320230704%% in 22 days'` [^commented] | `string` | `''` |
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1. These examples refer to `task.due`, but they can be used on any of the date properties show in the section [[#Values for Dates in Tasks]] above.
1. The `TasksDate` formatting methods use the [moment.js format characters](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/).
1. The `TasksDate` formatting methods all take an optional `fallBackText` string value, which is the value to use when there is no date. <br>The `fallBackText` value can be any of:
- a fixed string, such as `'no date'`,
- an [[Expressions|expression]], such as `task.priorityName` or `task.priorityNameGroupText`,
- an empty string `''` or `""`, meaning 'do not add a heading for tasks missing this date property'.
1. You can see the current [TasksDate source code](https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks/blob/main/src/DateTime/TasksDate.ts), to explore its implementation.
1. `task.due.toISOString(true)` prevents UTC conversion - see the [moment documentation](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/as-iso-string/)
1. `category` divides dates in to 5 named groups:
- `Invalid date`
- `Overdue`
- `Today`
- `Future`
- `Undated`
- And they are numbered 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, in the order listed above.
1. `fromNow` groups dates by the [time from now](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/fromnow/), for example:
- `2 months ago`
- `8 days ago`
- `in 11 hours`
- `in 5 days`
- `in 3 months`
- `in a year`
1. The `category` properties were added in Tasks 4.9.0.
- The `Invalid date` category was added in Tasks 6.0.0.
1. The `fromNow` properties were added in Tasks 4.9.0.
## Values for Task Dependencies
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| Field | Type 1 | Example 1 | Type 2 | Example 2 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `task.id` | `string` | `'abcdef'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.dependsOn` | `string[]` | `['123456', 'abc123']` | `any[]` | `[]` |
| `task.isBlocked(query.allTasks)` | `boolean` | `false` | `boolean` | `false` |
| `task.isBlocking(query.allTasks)` | `boolean` | `false` | `boolean` | `false` |
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1. See the page [[Task Dependencies]], which explains the dependencies facility.
1. `Task.isBlocked()` behaves the same as `is blocked`: see [[Filters#Blocked Tasks]].
1. `Task.isBlocking()` behaves the same as `is blocking`: see [[Filters#Blocking Tasks]].
1. Task Dependencies were released in Tasks 6.1.0.
## Values for Other Task Properties
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| Field | Type 1 | Example 1 | Type 2 | Example 2 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `task.description` | `string` | `'Do exercises #todo #health'` | `string` | `'minimal task'` |
| `task.descriptionWithoutTags` | `string` | `'Do exercises'` | `string` | `'minimal task'` |
| `task.priorityNumber` | `number` | `2` | `number` | `3` |
| `task.priorityName` | `string` | `'Medium'` | `string` | `'Normal'` |
| `task.priorityNameGroupText` | `string` | `'%%2%%Medium priority'` [^commented] | `string` | `'%%3%%Normal priority'` [^commented] |
| `task.urgency` | `number` | `3.3000000000000007` | `number` | `1.9500000000000002` |
| `task.isRecurring` | `boolean` | `true` | `boolean` | `false` |
| `task.recurrenceRule` | `string` | `'every day when done'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.onCompletion` | `string` | `'delete'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.tags` | `string[]` | `['#todo', '#health']` | `any[]` | `[]` |
| `task.originalMarkdown` | `string` | `' - [ ] Do exercises #todo #health 🆔 abcdef ⛔ 123456,abc123 🔼 🔁 every day when done 🏁 delete ➕ 2023-07-01 🛫 2023-07-02 ⏳ 2023-07-03 📅 2023-07-04 ❌ 2023-07-06 ✅ 2023-07-05 ^dcf64c'` | `string` | `'- [/] minimal task'` |
| `task.lineNumber` | `number` | `17` | `number` | `0` |
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1. `task.description` has spaces at the start and end stripped off.
1. `task.description` includes any tags.
1. `task.priorityName` and `task.priorityNumber` values are:
- 'Highest': 0
- 'High': 1
- 'Medium': 2
- 'Normal': 3
- 'Low': 4
- 'Lowest': 5
1. `task.priorityNameGroupText` (added in Tasks 4.9.0) is a convenient way to sort priority names in to a natural order in custom grouping functions.
1. `task.isRecurring` is:
- `true` if the Task has a **valid** recurrence rule,
- `false` if:
- **either** it does not have a recurrence rule
- **or** the recurrence rule is invalid (such as `🔁 every seven weeks`, for example).
1. `task.recurrenceRule` is:
- **either** the standardised text of the recurrence rule if the Task has a **valid** recurrence rule
- An example might be `every 7 weeks`.
- Note that this text is generated programmatically and standardised, and so may not exactly match the text in any manually typed tasks.
- For example, a task with `🔁 every Sunday` will have a `task.recurrenceRule` value of `every week on Sunday`.
- **or** an empty string (`''`) if:
- **either** it does not have a recurrence rule,
- **or** the recurrence rule is invalid (such as `🔁 every seven weeks`, for example).
1. `task.onCompletion` (added in Tasks 7.8.0) will have one of these values:
- `delete`
- `keep`
- `` (empty string), which is the default, when the task has no [[On Completion]] action specified.
1. Note that if there is a [[Global Filter]] enabled in settings, and the filter is a tag, it will be removed from `task.tags`.
## Values for File Properties
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| Field | Type 1 | Example 1 | Type 2 | Example 2 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `task.file.path` | `string` | `'some/folder/fileName.md'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.file.pathWithoutExtension` | `string` | `'some/folder/fileName'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.file.root` | `string` | `'some/'` | `string` | `'/'` |
| `task.file.folder` | `string` | `'some/folder/'` | `string` | `'/'` |
| `task.file.filename` | `string` | `'fileName.md'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.file.filenameWithoutExtension` | `string` | `'fileName'` | `string` | `''` |
| `task.hasHeading` | `boolean` | `true` | `boolean` | `false` |
| `task.heading` | `string` | `'My Header'` | `null` | `null` |
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1. `task.file` is a `TasksFile` object.
1. You can see the current [TasksFile source code](https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks/blob/main/src/Scripting/TasksFile.ts), to explore its capabilities.
1. The presence of `.md` filename extensions is chosen to match the existing conventions in the Tasks filter instructions [[Filters#File Path|path]] and [[Filters#File Name|filename]].
1. `task.file.pathWithoutExtension` was added in Tasks 4.8.0.
1. `task.file.filenameWithoutExtension` was added in Tasks 4.8.0.
[^commented]: Text inside `%% ... %%` comments is hidden from view. It is used to control the order that group headings are sorted in.
## Values for Obsidian Properties
> [!released]
> Access to the Obsidian Properties was introduced in Tasks 7.7.0.
These are described in full in [[Obsidian Properties]].
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| Field | Type 1 | Example 1 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `task.file.hasProperty('creation date')` | `boolean` | `true` |
| `task.file.property('creation date')` | `string` | `'2024-05-25T15:17:00'` |
| `task.file.property('sample_checkbox_property')` | `boolean` | `true` |
| `task.file.property('sample_date_property')` | `string` | `'2024-07-21'` |
| `task.file.property('sample_date_and_time_property')` | `string` | `'2024-07-21T12:37:00'` |
| `task.file.property('sample_list_property')` | `string[]` | `['Sample', 'List', 'Value']` |
| `task.file.property('sample_number_property')` | `number` | `246` |
| `task.file.property('sample_text_property')` | `string` | `'Sample Text Value'` |
| `task.file.property('sample_text_multiline_property')` | `string` | `'Sample\nText\nValue\n'` |
| `task.file.property('sample_link_property')` | `string` | `'[[yaml_all_property_types_populated]]'` |
| `task.file.property('sample_link_list_property')` | `string[]` | `['[[yaml_all_property_types_populated]]', '[[yaml_all_property_types_empty]]']` |
| `task.file.property('tags')` | `string[]` | `['#tag-from-file-properties']` |
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1. `task.file.hasProperty()` and `task.file.property()` were added in Tasks 7.7.0
1. `task.file.hasProperty('property name')` returns true if the property `'property name'` is both present in the file and has a non-`null` value.
1. `task.file.property('property name')` returns either the value in the file, or `null` if there is no value.