# Custom Sorting
<span class="related-pages">#feature/scripting #feature/sorting</span>
> [!released]
> Custom sorting was introduced in Tasks 6.0.0.
## Summary
- Define your own custom task sort order, using JavaScript expressions such as:
- `sort by function task.description.length`
- We call the result of this expression a **sort key**.
- Tasks with **lower values** from the sort key expression are sorted **before** tasks with **higher expression** values.
- There are examples in [[Sorting]].
- Search for `sort by function` in that file.
- Find all the **supported tasks properties** in [[Task Properties]] and [[Quick Reference]].
- A number of properties are only available for custom sorting, and not for built-in sorting instructions.
- Find all the **supported query properties** in [[Query Properties]].
- Learn a bit about how expressions work in [[Expressions]].
## Custom sorting introduction
The Tasks plugin provides a lot of built-in ways to [[Sorting|sort]] similar tasks in Tasks query results.
But sometimes the built-in facility just doesn't quite do what you want.
**Custom sorting** allows you to **invent your own ordering scheme** to sort tasks.
You use the instruction `sort by function` and then add a rule, written in JavaScript, to calculate a sort key for a task. See the examples below.
## How it works
### Available Task Properties
The Reference section [[Task Properties]] shows all the task properties available for use in custom sorting.
The available task properties are also shown in the [[Quick Reference]] table.
### Available Query Properties
The Reference section [[Query Properties]] shows all the query properties available for use in custom sorting.
### Expressions
The instructions look like this:
- `sort by function <expression>`
- `sort by function reverse <expression>`
The expression is evaluated (calculated) on each task that matches your query, and the expression result is used as the **sort key** for the task.
This table shows how the supported sort key value types behave.
| Sort key expression types | Values that you can return |
| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Strings | Example: `sort by function task.originalMarkdown`<br>Tasks are sorted alphabetically by the string key values. The sort is case-sensitive. It is aware of numbers and sorts them logically. |
| Numbers | Example: `sort by function task.description.length`<br>Numbers are sorted in ascending order. The lower the number, the earlier the task is sorted. |
| Boolean values: `true` and `false` | Example: `sort by function task.status.name.includes('!!')` <br>Tasks with sort key `true` sort before ones with `false`. |
| `TasksDate` and `Moment` objects | Example: `sort by function task.created`<br>See [[Sorting#How dates are sorted\|How dates are sorted]]. |
| `null` | `null` sorts after valid `TasksDate` and `Moment` objects, and before all other sort key values. |
The `expression` can:
- use a large range of properties of each task
- use any valid JavaScript language features
The `expression` must:
- use properties on a given task, such as `task.description`, `task.status.name`.
- See the reference page [[Task Properties]] for all the available properties.
- return one of types of values listed in the table above.
## Example custom sorts
Below are some examples to give a flavour of what can be done with custom sorts.
You can find some more examples by searching for `sort by function` in the [[Sorting]] page.
### Text property examples
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sort by function task.description.length
- Sort by length of description, shortest first.
- This might be useful for finding tasks that need more information, or could be made less verbose.
sort by function \
const priorities = [...'🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦']; \
for (let i = 0; i < priorities.length; i++) { \
if (task.description.includes(priorities[i])) return i; \
} \
return 999;
- A user has defined a custom system for their task descriptions, with coloured squares as a home-grown alternative priority system.
- This allows tasks to be sorted in the order of their coloured squares.
- The function returns 0 if the first square is found in the task description, 1 if the second square is found, and so on.
- And it returns `999` if none of the squares are found.
- It is important that we use a consistent value for all the tasks not containing any of the squares, to retain their original order, so that any later `sort by` instructions still work.
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### Date property examples
Useful sections:
- [[Task Properties#Values in TasksDate Properties|Values in TasksDate Properties]]
- [[Sorting#How dates are sorted|How dates are sorted]]
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sort by function task.due.format("dddd")
- Sort by due date's day of the week, alphabetically.
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### Number property examples
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sort by function reverse task.urgency
- Sort by task urgency values.
- We use `reverse` to put the most urgent tasks first.
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### File property examples
Useful sections:
- [[Task Properties#Values for File Properties|Values for File Properties]]
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sort by function task.file.folder
- Enable sorting by the folder containing the task.
sort by function task.file.path === query.file.path
- Sort tasks in the same file as the query before tasks in other files.
- **Note**: `true` sort keys sort before `false`.
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## Troubleshooting
> [!Tip]
> To test the values obtained from your sort key, replace `sort by` with `group by`. The generated group headings provide a sort of "debugger" to show expression values.
> However, be aware that whilst `group by` expressions can return arrays of values, `sort by` does not yet support arrays.
## Limitations of Custom Sorting
- Arrays cannot yet be used as sort keys, as we have not figured out the appropriate way to sort arrays of different lengths.