# Grouping <span class="related-pages">#feature/grouping</span> <!-- NEW_QUERY_INSTRUCTION_EDIT_REQUIRED --> ## Contents This page is long. Here are some links to the main sections: - [[#Basics]] - [[#Custom Groups]] - [[#Group by Task Statuses]] - [[#Group by Task Dependencies]] - [[#Group by Dates in Tasks]] - [[#Group by Other Task Properties]] - [[#Group by File Properties]] - [[#Multiple groups]] - [[#Refining groups]] - [[#Notes]] - [[#Screenshots]] - [[#Examples]] ## Basics > [!released] Introduced in Tasks 1.6.0. By default, Tasks displays tasks in a single list. To divide the matching tasks up with headings, you can add `group by` lines to the query. ## Custom Groups > [!released] > `group by function` was introduced in Tasks 4.0.0. Tasks provides many built-in grouping options, but sometimes they don't quite do what is wanted by all users. Now Tasks has a powerful mechanism for you to create your own **custom groups**, offering incredible flexibility. There are many examples of the custom grouping instruction `group by function` in the documentation below, with explanations, for when the `group by` instructions built in to Tasks do not satisfy your preferences. You can find out more about this very powerful facility in [[Custom Grouping]]. ## Group by Task Statuses For more information, including adding your own customised statuses, see [[Statuses]]. ### Status - `group by status` (Done or Todo, which is capitalized for visibility in the headings) - Note that the Done group is displayed before the Todo group, which differs from the Sorting ordering of this property. - `Done` is used for tasks status types `DONE`, `CANCELLED` and `NON_TASK` - `Todo` is used for status types with type `TODO` and `IN_PROGRESS` Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by status** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.isDone_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.isDone ? "Action Required" : "Nothing To Do" ``` - Use JavaScript's ternary operator to choose what to do for true (after the ?) and false (after the :) values. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Status Name - `group by status.name` - This groups by the names you give to your custom statuses, in alphabetical order. > [!released] `group by status.name` was introduced in Tasks 1.23.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by status names** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.statuses_task.status.name_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.status.name ``` - Identical to "group by status.name". ```javascript group by function task.status.name.toUpperCase() ``` - Convert the status names to capitals. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Status Type - `group by status.type` - This groups by the types you have given to your custom statuses. - The groups will appear in this order, and with these group names: - `IN_PROGRESS` - `TODO` - `DONE` - `CANCELLED` - `NON_TASK` > [!released] `group by status.type` was introduced in Tasks 1.23.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by status types** is now possible. `task.status.typeGroupText` was added in Tasks 4.9.0. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.statuses_task.status.type_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.status.type ``` - Unlike "group by status.type", this sorts the status types in alphabetical order. ```javascript group by function task.status.typeGroupText ``` - This sorts the status types in the same order as "group by status.type". <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Status Symbol There is no built-in instruction to group by status symbols. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by status symbol** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.statuses_task.status.symbol_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function "Status symbol: " + task.status.symbol.replace(" ", "space") ``` - Group by the status symbol, making space characters visible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Next Status Symbol There is no built-in instruction to group by next status symbols. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by next status symbol** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.statuses_task.status.nextSymbol_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function "Next status symbol: " + task.status.nextSymbol.replace(" ", "space") ``` - Group by the next status symbol, making space characters visible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ## Group by Task Dependencies At a high level, task dependencies define the order in which you want to work on a set of tasks. You can read more about them in [[Task Dependencies]]. > [!released] > Task Dependencies were introduced in Tasks 6.1.0. ### Id - `group by id` For more information, see [[Task Dependencies]]. > [!released] > > - Task Id was introduced in Tasks 6.1.0. Since Tasks 6.1.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by Id** is now possible, using `task.id`. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.dependencies_task.id_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.id ``` - Group by task Ids, if any. - Note that currently there is no way to access any tasks that are blocked by these Ids. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Depends On There is no built-in instruction to group by 'Depends On'. For more information, see [[Task Dependencies]]. > [!released] > > - Task Depends On was introduced in Tasks 6.1.0. Since Tasks 6.1.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by Depends On** is now possible, using `task.dependsOn`. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.dependencies_task.dependsOn_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.dependsOn ``` - Group by the Ids of the tasks that each task depends on, if any. - If a task depends on more than one other task, it will be listed multiple times. - Note that currently there is no way to access the tasks being depended on. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ## Group by Dates in Tasks ### Due Date - `group by due` - The due date of the task, including the week-day, or `Invalid due date` or `No due date`. > [!released] > > - `due` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 1.7.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by due date** is now possible. These examples all use `task.due` property, which is a `TasksDate` object. See [[Task Properties#Values in TasksDate Properties|Values in TasksDate Properties]] to explore its capabilities. Some of these examples use the [moment.js format characters](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/). <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.dates_task.due_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.due.category.groupText ``` - Group task due dates in to 5 broad categories: `Invalid date`, `Overdue`, `Today`, `Future` and `Undated`, displayed in that order. - Try this on a line before `group by due` if there are a lot of due date headings, and you would like them to be broken down in to some kind of structure. - The values `task.due.category.name` and `task.due.category.sortOrder` are also available. ```javascript group by function task.due.fromNow.groupText ``` - Group by the [time from now](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/fromnow/), for example `8 days ago`, `in 11 hours`. - It uses an empty string (so no heading) if there is no due date. - The values `task.due.fromNow.name` and `task.due.fromNow.sortOrder` are also available. ```javascript group by function task.due.format("YYYY-MM-DD dddd") ``` - Like "group by due", except it uses no heading, instead of a heading "No due date", if there is no due date. ```javascript group by function task.due.formatAsDate() ``` - Format date as YYYY-MM-DD or empty string (so no heading) if there is no due date. ```javascript group by function task.due.formatAsDateAndTime() ``` - Format date as YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm or empty string if no due date. - Note: - This is shown for demonstration purposes. - Currently the Tasks plugin does not support storing of times. - Do not add times to your tasks, as it will break the reading of task data. ```javascript group by function task.due.format("YYYY[%%]-MM[%%] MMM", "no due date") ``` - Group by month, for example `2023%%-05%% May` ... - ... which gets rendered by Obsidian as `2023 May`. - Or show a default heading "no due date" if no date. - The hidden month number is added, commented-out between two `%%` strings, to control the sort order of headings. - To escape characters in format strings, you can wrap the characters in square brackets (here, `[%%]`). ```javascript group by function task.due.format("YYYY[%%]-MM[%%] MMM [- Week] WW") ``` - Group by month and week number, for example `2023%%-05%% May - Week 22` ... - ... which gets rendered by Obsidian as `2023 May - Week 22`. - If the month number is not embedded, in some years the first or last week of the year is displayed in a non-logical order. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> DON'T PANIC! For users who are comfortable with JavaScript, these more complicated examples may also be of interest: <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.dates_task.due.advanced_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.due.format("dddd") ``` - Group by day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc). - The day names are sorted alphabetically. ```javascript group by function task.due.format("[%%]d[%%]dddd") ``` - Group by day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc). - The day names are sorted in date order, starting with Sunday. ```javascript group by function \ const date = task.due; \ if (!date.moment) { \ return "Undated"; \ } \ if (date.moment.day() === 0) { \ {{! Put the Sunday group last: }} \ return date.format("[%%][8][%%]dddd"); \ } \ return date.format("[%%]d[%%]dddd"); ``` - Group by day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc). - The day names are sorted in date order, starting with Monday. - Tasks without due dates are displayed at the end, under a heading "Undated". - The key technique is to say that if the day is Sunday (`0`), then force it to be displayed as date number `8`, so it comes after the other days of the week. - To add comments, we can use `{{! ... }}` - To make the expression more readable, we put a `\` at the end of several lines, to continue the expression on the next line. ```javascript group by function \ const date = task.due.moment; \ return \ (!date) ? '%%4%% Undated' : \ !date.isValid() ? '%%0%% Invalid date' : \ date.isBefore(moment(), 'day') ? '%%1%% Overdue' : \ date.isSame(moment(), 'day') ? '%%2%% Today' : \ '%%3%% Future'; ``` - This gives exactly the same output as `group by function task.due.category.groupText`, and is shown here in case you want to customise the behaviour in some way. - Group task due dates in to 5 broad categories: `Invalid date`, `Overdue`, `Today`, `Future` and `Undated`, displayed in that order. - Try this on a line before `group by due` if there are a lot of due date headings, and you would like them to be broken down in to some kind of structure. - Note that because we use variables to avoid repetition of values, we need to add `return` ```javascript group by function \ const date = task.due.moment; \ return \ (!date) ? '%%4%% ==Undated==' : \ !date.isValid() ? '%%0%% ==Invalid date==' : \ date.isBefore(moment(), 'day') ? '%%1%% ==Overdue==' : \ date.isSame(moment(), 'day') ? '%%2%% ==Today==' : \ '%%3%% ==Future=='; ``` - As above, but the headings `Invalid date`, `Overdue`, `Today`, `Future` and `Undated` are highlighted. - See the sample screenshot below. ```javascript group by function \ const date = task.due.moment; \ const now = moment(); \ const label = (order, name) => `%%${order}%% ==${name}==`; \ if (!date) return label(4, 'Undated'); \ if (!date.isValid()) return label(0, 'Invalid date'); \ if (date.isBefore(now, 'day')) return label(1, 'Overdue'); \ if (date.isSame(now, 'day')) return label(2, 'Today'); \ return label(3, 'Future'); ``` - As above, but using a local function, and `if` statements. ```javascript group by function \ const date = task.due.moment; \ const tomorrow = moment().add(1,'days'); \ const now = moment(); \ const label = (order, name) => `%%${order}%% ==${name}==`; \ if (!date) return label(5, 'Undated'); \ if (!date.isValid()) return label(0, 'Invalid date'); \ if (date.isBefore(now, 'day')) return label(1, 'Overdue'); \ if (date.isSame(now, 'day')) return label(2, 'Today'); \ if (date.isSame(tomorrow, 'day')) return label(3, 'Tomorrow'); \ return label(4, 'Future'); ``` - As above, but adds a heading for Tomorrow. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ![Tasks grouped by due date category, and then by due date|600](../images/tasks_custom_groups_categorise_dates.png) Sample image showing tasks grouped first by highlighted words `Overdue`, `Today`, `Future` and `Undated`, and then by individual due date. ### Done Date - `group by done` - The done date of the task, including the week-day, or `Invalid done date` or `No done date`. > [!released] > > - `done` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 1.7.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by done date** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.dates_task.done_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.done.format("YYYY-MM-DD dddd") ``` - Like "group by done", except it uses an empty string instead of "No done date" if there is no done date. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> For more examples, see [[#Due Date]]. ### Scheduled Date - `group by scheduled` - The scheduled date of the task, including the week-day, or `Invalid scheduled date` or `No scheduled date`. > [!released] > > - `scheduled` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 1.7.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by scheduled date** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.dates_task.scheduled_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.scheduled.format("YYYY-MM-DD dddd") ``` - Like "group by scheduled", except it uses an empty string instead of "No scheduled date" if there is no scheduled date. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> For more examples, see [[#Due Date]]. ### Start Date - `group by start` - The start date of the task, including the week-day, or `Invalid start date` or `No start date`. > [!released] > > - `start` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 1.7.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by start date** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.dates_task.start_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.start.format("YYYY-MM-DD dddd") ``` - Like "group by start", except it uses an empty string instead of "No start date" if there is no start date. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> For more examples, see [[#Due Date]]. ### Created Date - `group by created` - The created date of the task, including the week-day, or `Invalid created date` or `No created date`. > [!released] `created` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 2.0.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by created date** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.dates_task.created_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.created.format("YYYY-MM-DD dddd") ``` - Like "group by created", except it uses an empty string instead of "No created date" if there is no created date. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> For more examples, see [[#Due Date]]. ### Cancelled Date - `group by cancelled` - The cancelled date of the task, including the week-day, or `Invalid cancelled date` or `No cancelled date`. > [!released] `cancelled` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 5.5.0. Since Tasks 5.5.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by cancelled date** is now possible, using `task.cancelled`. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.dates_task.cancelled_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.cancelled.format("YYYY-MM-DD dddd") ``` - Like "group by cancelled", except it uses an empty string instead of "No cancelled date" if there is no cancelled date. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> For more examples, see [[#Due Date]]. ### Happens - `group by happens` - The earliest of start date, scheduled date, and due date, including the week-day, or `No happens date` if none of those are set. > [!released] `happens` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 1.11.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by happens date** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.dates_task.happens_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.happens.format("YYYY-MM-DD dddd") ``` - Like "group by happens", except it uses an empty string instead of "No happens date" if there is no happens date. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> For more examples, see [[#Due Date]]. ## Group by Other Task Properties As well as the date-related groups above, groups can be created from properties in individual tasks. ### Description There is no built-in instruction to group by description. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by description** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.description_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.description ``` - group by description. - This might be useful for finding completed recurrences of the same task. ```javascript group by function task.description.toUpperCase() ``` - Convert the description to capitals. ```javascript group by function task.description.slice(0, 25) ``` - Truncate descriptions to at most their first 25 characters, and group by that string. ```javascript group by function task.description.replace('short', '==short==') ``` - Highlight the word "short" in any group descriptions. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Description without tags Since Tasks 4.2.0, it is possible to remove tags from the descriptions in custom groups, for use in **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]]**. The value `task.descriptionWithoutTags` returns a copy of the description with all the tags removed, so that you can group together any tasks whose descriptions differ only by their tags. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.descriptionWithoutTags_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.descriptionWithoutTags ``` - Like `group by description`, but it removes any tags from the group headings. - This might be useful for finding completed recurrences of the same task, even if the tags differ in some recurrences. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Priority - `group by priority` - The priority of the task, namely one of: - `Highest priority` - `High priority` - `Medium priority` - `Normal priority` - `Low priority` - `Lowest priority` > [!released] > > - `priority` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 1.11.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by priority name and number** is now possible. `task.priorityNameGroupText` was added in Tasks 4.9.0. Using the priority name: <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.priorityName_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.priorityName ``` - Group by the task's priority name. - The priority names are displayed in alphabetical order. - Note that the default priority is called 'Normal', as opposed to with `group by priority` which calls the default 'None'. ```javascript group by function task.priorityNameGroupText ``` - Group by the task's priority name. - The priority names are displayed from highest to lowest priority. - Note that the default priority is called 'Normal', as opposed to with `group by priority` which calls the default 'None'. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> Using the priority number: <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.priorityNumber_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.priorityNumber ``` - Group by the task's priority number, where Highest is 0 and Lowest is 5. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Urgency - `group by urgency` ([[Urgency|urgency]]) - The groups run from the highest urgency to the lowest. - You can reverse this with `group by urgency reverse`. > [!released] > > - `urgency` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 3.6.0. > - In Tasks 4.0.0 the order of `group by urgency` was reversed, to put most urgent tasks first. Add or remove the word `reverse` to get the original order. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by urgency** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.urgency_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.urgency.toFixed(3) ``` - Show the urgency to 3 decimal places, unlike the built-in "group by urgency" which uses 2. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Recurrence - `group by recurring` - Whether the task is recurring: either `Recurring` or `Not Recurring`. - `group by recurrence` - The recurrence rule of the task, for example `every week on Sunday`, or `None` for non-recurring tasks. - Note that the text displayed is generated programmatically and standardised, and so may not exactly match the text in any manually typed tasks. For example, a task with `🔁 every Sunday` is grouped in `every week on Sunday`. > [!released] > > - `recurring` and `recurrence` grouping options were introduced in Tasks 1.11.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by recurrence** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.isRecurring_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.isRecurring ? "Recurring" : "Non-Recurring" ``` - Use JavaScript's ternary operator to choose what to do for true (after the ?) and false (after the :) values. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.recurrenceRule_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.recurrenceRule.replace('when done', '==when done==') ``` - Group by recurrence rule, highlighting any occurrences of the words "when done". <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Tags See [[Tags]] for important information about how tags behave in the Tasks plugin. - `group by tags` - The tags of the tasks or `(No tags)`. If the task has multiple tags, it will show up under every tag. > [!released] > > - `tags` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 1.10.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by tags** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.tags_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.tags ``` - Like "group by tags" except that tasks with no tags have no heading instead of "(No tags)". ```javascript group by function task.tags.join(", ") ``` - Tasks with multiple tags are listed once, with a heading that combines all the tags. - Separating with commas means the tags are clickable in the headings. ```javascript group by function task.tags.sort().join(", ") ``` - As above, but sorting the tags first ensures that the final headings are independent of order of tags in the tasks. ```javascript group by function task.tags.filter( (tag) => tag.includes("#context/") ) ``` - Only create headings for tags that contain "#context/". ```javascript group by function task.tags.filter( (tag) => ! tag.includes("#tag") ) ``` - Create headings for all tags that do not contain "#tag". <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> These are more complicated examples, which you might like to copy if you use tasks with [nested tags](https://help.obsidian.md/Editing+and+formatting/Tags#Nested+tags) and wish to group them at different tag nesting levels. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.tags.advanced_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.tags.map( (tag) => tag.split('/')[0].replace('#', '') ) ``` - `#tag/subtag/sub-sub-tag` gives **`tag`**. ```javascript group by function task.tags.map( (tag) => tag.split('/')[1] ? tag.split('/').slice(1, 2) : '') ``` - `#tag/subtag/sub-sub-tag` gives **`subtag`**. ```javascript group by function task.tags.map( (tag) => tag.split('/')[2] ? tag.split('/').slice(2, 3) : '') ``` - `#tag/subtag/sub-sub-tag` gives **`sub-sub-tag`**. ```javascript group by function task.tags.map( (tag) => tag.split('/')[3] ? tag.split('/').slice(3, 4) : '') ``` - `#tag/subtag/sub-sub-tag` gives no heading, as there is no value at the 4th level. ```javascript group by function task.tags.map( (tag) => tag.split('/')[0] ) ``` - `#tag/subtag/sub-sub-tag` gives **`#tag`**. ```javascript group by function task.tags.map( (tag) => tag.split('/')[1] ? tag.split('/').slice(0, 2).join('/') : '') ``` - `#tag/subtag/sub-sub-tag` gives **`#tag/subtag`**. ```javascript group by function task.tags.map( (tag) => tag.split('/')[2] ? tag.split('/').slice(0, 3).join('/') : '') ``` - `#tag/subtag/sub-sub-tag` gives **`#tag/subtag/sub-sub-tag`**. ```javascript group by function task.tags.map( (tag) => tag.split('/')[3] ? tag.split('/').slice(0, 4).join('/') : '') ``` - `#tag/subtag/sub-sub-tag` gives no heading, as there is no value at the 4th level. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Original Markdown There is no built-in instruction to group by the original markdown line. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by original markdown line** is now possible. For example, this could be used to extract information from `task.originalMarkdown` that Tasks does not parse, to use for grouping tasks. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.originalMarkdown_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function '``' + task.originalMarkdown + '``' ``` - Group by the raw text of the task's original line in the MarkDown file as code. - Note the pairs of backtick characters ('`'), to preserve even single backtick characters in the task line. - It's important to prevent the task checkbox (for example, '[ ]') from being rendered in the heading, as it gets very confusing if there are checkboxes on both headings and tasks. ```javascript group by function task.originalMarkdown.replace(/^[^\[\]]+\[.\] */, '') ``` - An alternative to formatting the markdown line as code is to remove everything up to the end of the checkbox. - Then render the rest of the task line as normal markdown. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ### Line Number There is no built-in instruction to group by the task's line number. Since Tasks 7.16.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by the task's line number** is now possible, using `task.lineNumber`. > [!tip] > With `task.lineNumber`, the first line in the file is on line number `0` (zero), not `1` (one). <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.other_properties_task.lineNumber_docs.approved.md --> <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ## Group by File Properties ### File Path - `group by path` (the path to the file that contains the task, that is, the folder and the filename) Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by file path** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.file_properties_task.file.path_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.file.path ``` - Like 'group by path' but includes the file extension, and does not escape any Markdown formatting characters in the path. ```javascript group by function task.file.path.replace(query.file.folder, '') ``` - Group by the task's file path, but remove the query's folder from the group. - For tasks in the query's folder or a sub-folder, this is a nice way of seeing shortened paths. - This is provided to give ideas: it's a bit of a lazy implementation, as it doesn't check that `query.file.folder` is at the start of the line. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> Since Tasks 5.1.0, the query's file path can be used conveniently in custom groups. - `query.file.path` or - `query.file.pathWithoutExtension` - Useful reading: [[Query Properties]]. ### Root - `group by root` (the top-level folder of the file that contains the task, that is, the first directory in the path, which will be `/` for files in root of the vault) > [!released] `root` grouping option was introduced in Tasks 1.11.0. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by root folder** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.file_properties_task.file.root_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.file.root ``` - Like 'group by root' except that it does not escape any Markdown formatting characters in the root. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> Since Tasks 5.1.0, the query's file root can be used conveniently in custom groups. - `query.file.root` - Useful reading: [[Query Properties]]. ### Folder - `group by folder` (the folder to the file that contains the task, which always ends in `/` and will be exactly `/` for files in root of the vault) Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by folder** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.file_properties_task.file.folder_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.file.folder ``` - Like 'group by folder', except that it does not escape any Markdown formatting characters in the folder. ```javascript group by function task.file.folder.slice(0, -1).split('/').pop() + '/' ``` - Group by the immediate parent folder of the file containing task. - Here's how it works: - '.slice(0, -1)' removes the trailing slash ('/') from the original folder. - '.split('/')' divides the remaining path up in to an array of folder names. - '.pop()' returns the last folder name, that is, the parent of the file containing the task. - Then the trailing slash is added back, to ensure we do not get an empty string for files in the top level of the vault. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> Since Tasks 5.1.0, the query's folder can be used conveniently in custom groups. - `query.file.folder` - Useful reading: [[Query Properties]]. ### File Name - `group by filename` (the link to the file that contains the task, without the `.md` extension) - Note that tasks from different notes with the same file name will be grouped together in the same group. Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by file name** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.file_properties_task.file.filename_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function task.file.filename ``` - Like 'group by filename' but does not link to the file. ```javascript group by function task.file.filenameWithoutExtension + (task.hasHeading ? (' > ' + task.heading) : '') ``` - Like 'group by backlink' but does not link to the heading in the file. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> Since Tasks 5.1.0, the query's file name can be used conveniently in custom groups. - `query.file.filename` or - `query.file.filenameWithoutExtension` - Useful reading: [[Query Properties]]. ### Backlink - `group by backlink` (the text that would be shown in the task's [[Backlinks|backlink]], combining the task's file name and heading, with a link) ### Heading - `group by heading` (the heading preceding the task, or `(No heading)` if there are no headings in the file) Since Tasks 4.0.0, **[[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] by heading** is now possible. <!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: CustomGroupingExamples.test.file_properties_task.heading_docs.approved.md --> ```javascript group by function (task.heading + '.md' === task.file.filename) ? '' : task.heading ``` - Group by heading, but only if the heading differs from the file name. - This works well immediately after a 'group by filename' line. - Note the three equals signs '===': these are important for safety in JavaScript. <!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude --> ## Multiple groups You can add multiple `group by` query options, each on an extra line. This will create nested groups. The first group has the highest priority. Each subsequent `group by` will generate a new heading-level within the existing grouping: - First `group by` is displayed as `h4` headings - Second `group by` is displayed as `h5` headings - Third and subsequent `group by` are displayed as `h6` headings See the [[#Screenshots|screenshots below]] for how this looks in practice. > [!info] > Headings are displayed in case-sensitive alphabetical order, not the original order. ## Refining groups ### Reversing groups > [!released] > Reversing of group headings was introduced in Tasks 3.7.0. After the name of the property that you want to group by, you can add the `reverse` keyword. If given, the group headings will be reversed for that property. For example: - `group by due` will sort the group headings: - from **oldest** due date first... - to **newest** due date last - `group by due reverse` will sort the group headings: - from **newest** due date first... - to **oldest** due date last > [!tip] > The `reverse` keyword controls the order that group headings are displayed. > > The [[Sorting|sort by]] facility, by contrast, controls the order in which displays are displayed *inside* each group. ### Limiting group size You can limit the number of tasks in each group, perhaps to work on the most important things first. See [[Limiting#Limit number of tasks in each group|Limit number of tasks in each group]]. ## Notes > [!info] > The order of operations ensures that grouping does not modify which tasks are displayed, for example when the `limit` options are used: > > 1. all the filter instructions are run > 1. then any sorting instructions are run > 1. then any `limit` instructions are run > 1. then any grouping instructions are run > 1. then any `limit groups` instructions are run ## Screenshots ### Before Here is an example Tasks result, without any `group by` commands: ![Tasks Ungrouped](../images/tasks_ungrouped.png) Tasks not grouped. ### After And here is what this might look like, when grouped by folder, filename and heading: ![Tasks Grouped](../images/tasks_grouped.png) Tasks grouped. ## Examples Give me three levels of grouping, to indicate the locations of my tasks: ```tasks not done group by folder group by filename group by heading ``` Show me tasks I need to do today - and put today's tasks first, for visibility: ```tasks not done due before tomorrow group by due reverse ```