# How to show tasks in a calendar
<span class="related-pages">#plugin/dataview</span>
## No Calendar view in Tasks Plugin
The Tasks plugin can group tasks by their due dates, and the other kinds of dates.
However, this just produces a flat list, and it can be hard to glance at the results and quickly plan your day or week or month.
Several users have requested a calendar view in Tasks. This does not exist.
## Obsidian-Tasks-Calendar - a dataview-based solution
However, GitHub user [702573N](https://github.com/702573N) has provided an amazing calendar view, written using the dataview plugin. It recognises Tasks' emojis, so provides a great way to review your schedule.
The code and detailed setup instructions are at [Obsidian-Tasks-Calendar](https://github.com/702573N/Obsidian-Tasks-Calendar).