# Example Statuses
<span class="related-pages">#feature/statuses</span>
## Overview
Once we know what [[Statuses]] are, what can we do with them?
Here are some example scenarios, for inspiration.
## Todo -> In Progress -> Done
You can tweak Tasks' `Todo` status so that it toggles to 'In Progress', which then toggles to 'Done'.
This might be useful if you have a few slightly more time-consuming tasks to keep an eye on. Perhaps you would like to prioritise finishing things that are in progress before starting something new?
<!-- include: DocsSamplesForStatuses.test.DefaultStatuses_todo-in_progress-done.approved.mermaid.md -->
flowchart LR
classDef TODO stroke:#f33,stroke-width:3px;
classDef DONE stroke:#0c0,stroke-width:3px;
classDef IN_PROGRESS stroke:#fa0,stroke-width:3px;
classDef CANCELLED stroke:#ddd,stroke-width:3px;
classDef NON_TASK stroke:#99e,stroke-width:3px;
2["In Progress"]:::IN_PROGRESS
1 --> 2
2 --> 3
3 --> 1
linkStyle default stroke:gray
<!-- endInclude -->
<!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: DocsSamplesForStatuses.test.DefaultStatuses_todo-in_progress-done.approved.md -->
| Status Symbol | Next Status Symbol | Status Name | Status Type | Needs Custom Styling |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `space` | `/` | Todo | `TODO` | No |
| `/` | `x` | In Progress | `IN_PROGRESS` | Yes |
| `x` | `space` | Done | `DONE` | No |
<!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude -->
## Separate cycle for Important tasks
Sometimes I have a few really important tasks that I wish to stand out from the crowd, and several Themes make `!` tasks stand out visually, so I find this works really well.
By using non-standard symbols for the `IN_PROGRESS` and `DONE` statuses, if I decide to later re-open one of these completed tasks, it automatically goes on to `!` again.
<!-- include: DocsSamplesForStatuses.test.DefaultStatuses_important-cycle.approved.mermaid.md -->
flowchart LR
classDef TODO stroke:#f33,stroke-width:3px;
classDef DONE stroke:#0c0,stroke-width:3px;
classDef IN_PROGRESS stroke:#fa0,stroke-width:3px;
classDef CANCELLED stroke:#ddd,stroke-width:3px;
classDef NON_TASK stroke:#99e,stroke-width:3px;
2["Doing - Important"]:::IN_PROGRESS
3["Done - Important"]:::DONE
1 --> 2
2 --> 3
3 --> 1
linkStyle default stroke:gray
<!-- endInclude -->
<!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: DocsSamplesForStatuses.test.DefaultStatuses_important-cycle.approved.md -->
| Status Symbol | Next Status Symbol | Status Name | Status Type | Needs Custom Styling |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `!` | `D` | Important | `TODO` | Yes |
| `D` | `X` | Doing - Important | `IN_PROGRESS` | Yes |
| `X` | `!` | Done - Important | `DONE` | Yes |
<!-- placeholder to force blank line after included text --><!-- endInclude -->
## Pro and Con checkboxes - which toggle to each other
If I'm brain-storming ideas for things I am stuck on, writing a list of Pros and Cons sometimes helps.
Happily, some themes use `P` and `C` for these. Others use `p` and `c`.
Either way, I can make them toggle to each other, and by giving them the type `NON_TASK`, I can exclude them from my Tasks searches, as I don't see them as actionable.
<!-- include: DocsSamplesForStatuses.test.DefaultStatuses_pro-con-cycle.approved.mermaid.md -->
flowchart LR
classDef TODO stroke:#f33,stroke-width:3px;
classDef DONE stroke:#0c0,stroke-width:3px;
classDef IN_PROGRESS stroke:#fa0,stroke-width:3px;
classDef CANCELLED stroke:#ddd,stroke-width:3px;
classDef NON_TASK stroke:#99e,stroke-width:3px;
1 --> 2
2 --> 1
linkStyle default stroke:gray
<!-- endInclude -->
<!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: DocsSamplesForStatuses.test.DefaultStatuses_pro-con-cycle.approved.md -->
| Status Symbol | Next Status Symbol | Status Name | Status Type | Needs Custom Styling |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `P` | `C` | Pro | `NON_TASK` | Yes |
| `C` | `P` | Con | `NON_TASK` | Yes |
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## Ignoring clicks and toggles
Suppose you have some statuses which are purely for display purposes: they will definitely never be used for actionable tasks, and if you click on one by mistake, you do not want it to toggle or get a Done date.
There is a nice property that statuses with the same Status Symbol and Next Status Symbol - and a type other than `DONE` - do nothing when they are toggled.
Here are some statuses from the ITS Theme where this behaviour might be useful.
<!-- include: DocsSamplesForStatuses.test.DefaultStatuses_toggle-does-nothing.approved.mermaid.md -->
flowchart LR
classDef TODO stroke:#f33,stroke-width:3px;
classDef DONE stroke:#0c0,stroke-width:3px;
classDef IN_PROGRESS stroke:#fa0,stroke-width:3px;
classDef CANCELLED stroke:#ddd,stroke-width:3px;
classDef NON_TASK stroke:#99e,stroke-width:3px;
1 --> 1
2 --> 2
3 --> 3
4 --> 4
5 --> 5
linkStyle default stroke:gray
<!-- endInclude -->
<!-- placeholder to force blank line before included text --><!-- include: DocsSamplesForStatuses.test.DefaultStatuses_toggle-does-nothing.approved.md -->
| Status Symbol | Next Status Symbol | Status Name | Status Type | Needs Custom Styling |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| `b` | `b` | Bookmark | `NON_TASK` | Yes |
| `E` | `E` | Example | `NON_TASK` | Yes |
| `I` | `I` | Information | `NON_TASK` | Yes |
| `P` | `P` | Paraphrase | `NON_TASK` | Yes |
| `Q` | `Q` | Quote | `NON_TASK` | Yes |
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