# Toggling and Changing Task Statuses <span class="related-pages">#feature/statuses</span> ## Summary This page describes ways to mark a task line as `TODO` or `DONE`, or any other [[Statuses]] and [[Custom Statuses]] your vault may be configured to use. You can [[#Toggling Tasks with mouse|left-click]] or [[#'Change task status' context menu|right-click]] on task checkboxes. Other options are a [[#'Tasks Toggle task done' command|command]] and a [[#Edit task modal|modal]]. > [!tip] What is "toggling"? > The simplest meaning of 'toggling' is converting a task between these two states: > > 1. `- [ ] ...` - meaning `to do`. > 2. `- [x] ...` - meaning `done`. ## Toggling Tasks with mouse The most common way to change a task status is to **single-click on its checkbox**. | Where | Viewing Mode | Works? | | ----------------------------- | ------------ | ------ | | Task lines in markdown files | Source mode | ❌ | | Task lines in markdown files | Live Preview | ✅ | | Task lines in markdown files | Reading mode | ✅ | | In Tasks query search results | Live Preview | ✅ | | In Tasks query search results | Reading mode | ✅ | ## 'Change task status' context menu **Right-click** or **press-and-hold** on **a task's checkbox** to bring up a menu to allow any known status to be applied to the task. This works in both **Reading mode** and in **Tasks Query results**. ![Sample 'Change task status' context menu, in a vault with various custom statuses added.](change-status-context-menu-with-custom-statuses.png) <span class="caption">Sample 'Change task status' context menu, in a vault with various [[Custom Statuses]] added.</span> > [!tip] > The 'Change task status' context menu does correctly add Done dates, and create new instances of recurring tasks, when appropriate. The statuses are obtained from the vault's [[Status Settings]]. - [[Core Statuses]] are shown first, - then any [[Custom Statuses]]. Changing from one `DONE` status to another: - retains any original Done date. - does not create a new recurrence of recurring tasks. | Where | Viewing Mode | Works? | | ----------------------------- | ------------ | ------ | | Task lines in markdown files | Source mode | ❌ | | Task lines in markdown files | Live Preview | ❌ | | Task lines in markdown files | Reading mode | ✅ | | In Tasks query search results | Live Preview | ✅ | | In Tasks query search results | Reading mode | ✅ | > [!released] > The 'Change task status' context menu was introduced in Tasks 5.3.0. ## 'Tasks: Toggle task done' command There is also a command 'Tasks: Toggle task done'. Obsidian allows you to assign a [hotkey](https://help.obsidian.md/Customization/Custom+hotkeys) to commands, for ease of use. | Where | Viewing Mode | Works? | | ----------------------------- | ------------ | ------ | | Task lines in markdown files | Source mode | ✅ | | Task lines in markdown files | Live Preview | ✅ | | Task lines in markdown files | Reading mode | ❌ | | In Tasks query search results | Live Preview | ❌ | | In Tasks query search results | Reading mode | ❌ | Since Tasks 7.2.0, this command can also be triggered programmatically via the [[Tasks Api#`executeToggleTaskDoneCommand (line string, path string) => string;`|Tasks API]]. ## Edit task modal The [[Create or edit Task]] modal also allows editing of task statuses.