# Introduction ## What's New? <!-- force a blank line --><!-- include: snippet-callout-titles-bug.md --> > [!Warning] Warning: Obsidian bug in versions 1.6.0 to 1.6.3 has caused some tasks not to be found > See [[Missing tasks in callouts with some Obsidian 1.6.x versions]] for how to ==make Obsidian 1.6.5 fix its metadata cache==, in case it was broken by earlier 1.6.x versions. <!-- force a blank line --><!-- endInclude --> _In recent [releases](https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks/releases)..._ <!-- Keep to around 2 to 3 releases, so that 'Navigation around this site' is visible. Move the older ones down to the top of the comment block below... --> - 7.6.0: - New setting to [[Use Filename as Default Date#Additional date format|recognise extra date format]] in file name as default date. - Add page [[Request a Feature]]. - 7.5.0: - Add page [[Missing tasks in callouts with some Obsidian 1.6.x versions]]. - [[Auto-Suggest#How do I see fewer or more suggestions?|Auto-suggest]] now defaults to at most 20 suggestions in new vaults. This is useful when adding dependencies. - 7.4.0: - [[Auto-Suggest#Details|Auto-suggest]] now supports [[Task Dependencies#Option 2 Use the Auto-Suggest feature|task dependencies]]. > [!Released]- Earlier Releases > > - 7.3.0: > - Add 'Remove date' option to the [[Postponing|postpone]] right-click menu in search results. > - 7.2.0: > - Much improved layout of the [[Create or edit Task]] modal, on mobile devices. > - Add [[Tasks Api#`executeToggleTaskDoneCommand (line string, path string) => string;`|executeToggleTaskDoneCommand()]] to the Tasks API. > - Add [[Tasks Api#Auto-Suggest Integration|Auto-Suggest Integration]], to enable other plugins to use Tasks' [[Auto-Suggest]] facility. > - 7.1.0: > - Much improved layout of the [[Create or edit Task]] modal, on desktop machines. > - Add access keys for Created, Done and Cancelled dates in [[Create or edit Task]]. > - 7.0.0: > - Major improvements to [[Combining Filters]] with Boolean combinations. See [[Combining Filters#Appendix Changes to Boolean filters in Tasks 7.0.0|the appendix]] for details. > - Add documentation page [[Resources]], with links to write-ups, talks and sample vaults from users. > - 6.1.0: > - Add support for [[task dependencies]]: > - First, [[Create or edit Task#Dependencies|use 'Create or edit Task']] to define the order in which you want to work on a set of tasks, using two new task emojis: 🆔 and ⛔. > - Then adjust your searches, perhaps to see tasks that are [[Filters#Blocking Tasks|blocking others]], or hide ones that are [[Filters#Blocked Tasks|blocked]] and cannot yet be done. > - `query.allTasks` is now available in custom searches: see [[Query Properties#Values for Query Search Properties|query search properties]]. > - The [[Create or edit Task]] modal now fully supports editing of statuses, updating done and cancelled dates, and creating new recurrences. See the [[Create or edit Task#Status|section on editing statuses]] for details and tips. > - Add HTML samples in [[Styling#Sample HTML Full mode|full]] and [[Styling#Sample HTML Short mode|short]] modes to demonstrate custom styling. > - 6.0.0: > - Add [[Custom Sorting|custom sorting]]. > - Document the [[Sorting#Default sort order|default sort order]]. > - **Warning**: This release contains some **bug-fixes** to **sorting** and to treatment of **invalid dates**. > - The changes are detailed in [[breaking changes#Tasks 6.0.0 (19 January 2024)|breaking changes]], even though they are all improvements to the previous behaviour. > - You may need to update any CSS snippets for the Edit or Postpone buttons: see [[How to style buttons]]. > - 5.6.0: > - The [[Postponing|postpone]] menu now offers `today` and `tomorrow`. > - 5.5.0: > - The [[Create or edit Task]] modal can now edit Created, Done and Cancelled dates > - Add support for [[Dates#Cancelled date|cancelled dates]]. > - 5.4.0: > - Add [[Layout#Full Mode|'full mode']] to turn off `short mode`. > - Add any [[Grouping|'group by']] and [[Sorting|'sort by']] instructions to [[Explaining Queries|explain]] output. > - Recurrence now works well [[Recurring Tasks and Custom Statuses#When DONE is not followed by TODO or IN_PROGRESS|when DONE is not followed by TODO or IN_PROGRESS]]. > - 5.3.0: > - Add [[Postponing|postpone button]] to Tasks query results. > - Add [[Toggling and Editing Statuses#'Change task status' context menu|'change task status' menu]] to Reading mode and Tasks query results. > - Add documentation section about [[About Editing|editing tasks]]. > - Add documentation page about [[toggling and editing statuses]]. > - 5.2.0: > - Most query instructions can now include [[About Queries#Capitals in Query Instructions - Case Insensitivity|capital letters]]. > - 5.1.0: > - Add 'Review and check your Statuses' facility: see [[Check your Statuses|check your statuses]]. > - Enable [[Custom Filters|custom filters]] and [[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]] to use [[Query Properties|query properties]] directly - no placeholders required. > - 5.0.0: > - Add [[Line Continuations|line continuations]]. > - **Warning**: This is a [[Line Continuations#Appendix Updating pre-5.0.0 searches with trailing backslashes|potentially breaking change]] if you search for backslash (`\`) characters. > - Document [[Comments#Inline comments|inline comments]] > - Document [[Recurring Tasks and Custom Statuses|recurring tasks and custom statuses]] > - Add new Help pages [[Known Limitations]] and [[Breaking Changes]]. > - 4.9.0: > - Add [[Task Properties|task properties]] `task.priorityNameGroupText` and `task.status.typeGroupText`, for example: > - `group by function task.priorityNameGroupText + ': ' + task.status.typeGroupText` > - Add [[Task Properties#Values in TasksDate Properties|task date properties]] for categorising dates, for example: > - `group by function task.due.category.groupText` > - Add [[Task Properties#Values in TasksDate Properties|task date properties]] for grouping dates by [time from now](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/fromnow/), for example: > - `group by function task.due.fromNow.groupText` > - 4.8.0: > - Add [[Query Properties#Values for Query File Properties|query file properties]] `query.file.pathWithoutExtension` and `query.file.filenameWithoutExtension` > - Add [[Task Properties#Values for File Properties|task file properties]] `task.file.pathWithoutExtension` and `task.file.filenameWithoutExtension` > - 4.7.0: > - Use [[Query Properties]] and [[Placeholders]] to filter and group with the query's file path, root, folder and name. > - 4.6.0: > - Add `on or before` and `on or after` to [[Filters#Date search options|date search options]] > - Add `in or before` and `in or after` to [[Filters#Date range options|date range search options]] > - 4.5.0: > - Support task in list items starting with [[Getting Started#Finding tasks in your vault|`+` signs]] > - 4.4.0: > - Support [[Expressions#More complex expressions|variables, if statements, and functions]] in custom filters and groups > - 4.3.0: > - Bug fixes, usability improvements and `explain` support for [[Regular Expressions|regular expression]] searches > - 4.2.0: > - Add [[Custom Filters|custom filtering]] > - 4.1.0: > - Add [[Layout|hide and show tags]] > - 4.0.0: > - Add [[Custom Grouping|custom grouping]], using [[Task Properties|task properties]] to create [[expressions|expressions]] - the start of a whole new [[About Scripting|scripting]] world in Tasks! > - 3.9.0: > - Add [[Priority#Priorities and Order|lowest and highest]] priorities > - 3.8.0: > - Add [[Limiting#Limit number of tasks in each group|limiting tasks per group]] > - Add option to control the [[Recurring Tasks#Order of the new task|order of new recurring tasks]] > - 3.7.0: > - Add [[Grouping#Reversing groups|reverse sorting of groups]] > - 3.6.0: > - Add [[Grouping#Urgency|group by urgency]] > - Add [[Sorting#Recurrence|sort by recurring]] > - 3.5.0: > - New [[Global Query]] facility. > - 3.4.0: > - Clicking on a [[Backlinks|Backlink]] jumps to the exact task line. > - Tasks now requires at least Obsidian 1.1.1. > - 3.3.0: > - Multiple [[About Task Formats|Task Format]] support - starting with [[Dataview Format]]. ## Navigation around this site These are the main pages and sections, that connect to all the pages here: > [!Info] Navigation > ### Basics > > - [[Installation]] > - [[About Getting Started|Getting Started ...]] > - [[About Statuses|Statuses ...]] > - [[About Editing|Editing...]] > - [[About Queries|Queries ...]] > - [[Quick Reference]] > > ### Advanced and Detail > > - [[About Scripting|Scripting ...]] > - [[About Advanced|Advanced ...]] > - [[About Other Plugins|Other Plugins ...]] > - [[About Reference|Reference ...]] > - [[About Status Collections|Status Collections ...]] > - [[About Task Formats|Task Formats ...]] > > ### Help > > - [[About How Tos|How Tos ...]] > - [[About Support and Help|Support and Help ...]] > - [[Useful Links]] ## Task management for the Obsidian knowledge base Track tasks across your entire [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) vault. Query them and mark them as done wherever you want. Supports due dates, recurring tasks (repetition), done dates, sub-set of checklist items, and filtering. You can toggle the task status in any view or query and it will update the source file. > Please submit bugs using [[Report a Bug]]. > > Please submit ideas using the [Feature Request form](https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks/issues/new?assignees=&labels=type%3A+enhancement&template=feature-request.yaml). > > Please ask for help in the [Q&A Discussions section](https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks/discussions/categories/q-a) by clicking **New discussion**. > > Please share any interesting or fun uses of tasks in the [Show and Tell Discussions section](https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks/discussions/categories/show-and-tell) by clicking **New discussion**. For changes in each release, please check the [releases page](https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks/releases). ## Screenshots - _All screenshots assume the global filter `#task` which is not set by default (see also "Getting Started")._ - _The theme is default Obsidian theme._ ![ACME Tasks](images/acme.png) The `ACME` note has some tasks. ![Important Project Tasks](images/important_project.png) The `Important Project` note also has some tasks. ![Tasks Queries](images/tasks_queries.png) The `Tasks` note gathers all tasks from the vault and displays them using queries. ![Create or Edit Modal](images/modal.png) The `Tasks: Create or edit` command helps you when editing a task.