Hey I'm Serj Hunt, I'm in phase 1 of my career. Redesigning Education. Below you can find out more about phases 2,3 and 4. I'm currently Founder, CEO of [City as a School (CAS)](https://cityasaschool.com/) Associate at [WILD learning sciences](https://wildlearn.co/), where we've assessment for supporting human agency, train teachers / coaches to support self-leadership, systems thinking and complex problem solving. I'm interested in questions related to human nature, building [ubiquitous computation](https://www.ics.uci.edu/~djp3/classes/2012_09_INF241/papers/Weiser-Computer21Century-SciAm.pdf) to support perspectival freedom and systems that support human flourishing. You can read [[About & Work - Serj Hunt]]. ![[Gold Divider for Notion.png]] I have three career goals in life. Redesign & paradigm shift the three E’s. 🎓 Education 📈 Economics 🌳 Environment Each of these requires new conceptions of 'what a human is'. Each world system's, mechanisms and architecture is downstream of it's assumptions of human nature e.g. education is philosophy 'developmentalised'. [[Phase 2 Economics]] of my career will return to working on redesigning economics continuing my work with the School For [Social Design](https://sfsd.io/) [[Phase 3 - Environment]] of my career will be looking at how the downstream effects of redesigned (post-capitalist) economics and education systems effect the environment. Starting with research in how bitcoin mining rigs incentivising renewable energy production and local community flourishing. [[Phase 4 - DeSci & Chill]] is to chill out with my family, meditate lots and work quietly funding / organising decentralised science (de-sci) so smart people can work on fundamental physics and computational cognitive science. Likely remotely in a special economic zone, post-nation state territory with no guns and insane natural abundance due to human-nature technological harmony. To achieve most of this I'm Networking 100 positive-sum friends building for human flourishing. I'm also building a curriculum and ['accelerator' for people to work on the Economics, Education, Environment (EEE) Trilema](https://twitter.com/Serjhunt_ARK/status/1678684817276256256?s=20) I work best with playful and easy going 'researchers' who's existentialism is derived from some form of meaning crisis, with a heavy bias towards action and building things. DM me [@serjhunt_Ark](https://twitter.com/Serjhunt_ARK) ![[Gold Divider for Notion.png]] # How-to ⎔ **Choose-your-own adventure:** Jump to anything that interests you and skip anything that doesn’t. ⎔ **Critique**: I invite you to challenge any ideas here or to point me to ways that I can improve my thinking about anything that you read. ⎔ **Navigating using links: ** Hover over links [[like this one]] to preview the notes inside. Click it to open the page. ⎔ **Navigate using the interactive graph:** To the right you can see an 'Interactive Graph'. It's a map of all the notes, click the circles to open new notes. ![[Gold Divider for Notion.png]] # My current work My team an I are exploring a big question... >How can our built and information environments (the sea of data we swim in everyday - the internet) become games that help you understand yourself, how the world works and build competencies that help you positively contribute to society? # Insights of Previous work WIP I hope to leave this body of work public so that others can walk through my thinking, replicate, debate, critique what i'm doing, so that we can keep creating new knowledge together. I never actually intended to work in 'education'. I initially set out to answer these simple questions. What is a human? What supports it's flourishing? How should I raise my children? Here's the TL;DR so far **What is a human** A human is not the aggregate of or individual - Thoughts - Memory - Emotions - Associations - Perceptions - Actions - Attention - Intentions It's experiences itself as [[disassociated from 'cosmic mind, likely through metabolism]]. It's mostly a story. [[Only a simulation can become conscious]] - [[Joscha Bach]] This biological process sets up the conditions for [[Agency]] via an [[agent arena relationship]] which gives rise to [[counter factuals]] We are [[computationally bounded]] Conscious mind is just the tip of the iceberg - the experiencing edge of something far deeper. That deeper thing is un-entropic, eternal, bare awareness or consciousness, the unnamable Dao. Gödel shows us that it is unspeakable, and escapes capture of any formal system. This is reality Li (Entropy) is created, and with it a headset of space-time for bare awareness to have the experience an arrow of time. Why would bare awareness do that? I believe it is learning about itself. Through the headset of the cat, ant, human, flower, trees, whales. It is echoing, feeding itself back. It's only in this standing wave that any creation can exist. Here's some steps in my inquiry process: - Who's in control? conscious vs subconscious - [[7 fold reasoning ]] - [[Parts and whole - gestalt and feature list]] - [[Am I the spirit?]] - Josha Bach Definition - [[Many selves IFS, mythology many competing agents]] - [[The quantified self, IEEE Standards for humans and metrics.]] - [[Digital Twins]] - [[Different but the same as my child photos]] - Is a part of me 'outside' of linear time. - [[I am not the body, Time and space are not fundamental.]] - The Ruliad - Not my thoughts - Surely I'm my genes? - Am I fungible? Quantum entanglement - So I'm everything everywhere all at once! - Process view of the human - Whitehead / Russel - I cannot find a human, or a self, - The a human is most like a vortex in fluid dynamics. - Strong conviction, strong dukkha - - [[The best place to hide infinite potential is in a finite being]] - [[Primacy of Consciousness]] - The take away for designers - Depending on how you construct your view of what a human is will inform your design. # What makes me think what I thought? # Chapter 1 | Agency [[Agency]] [[Learning power]] # Chapter 2 | Meaning, values, attention and expressive pedagogy [[06 Notes/Expressive Pedagogy]] # Chapter 3 | Systems thinking, an account of understanding [[Redesigning Assessment - Knowing how to Know - My Account of Understanding]] # Chapter 4 | Learning Relationships and mirror neurons [[Types of learning relationships]] ## Chapter 5 | Age of Augmentation [[Age of Augmentation]] [[06 Notes/Auger]] [[Latent Cenetaurs]] # Chapter 6 | Assisted Introspection [[Missing Transjective Lanuage]] # Chapter 7 | The System is the curriculum - Economics as a tool for thought. # Chapter 8 | Love # Chapter 9 | Longtermism and Adaptive Institutions [[Mimetis Theory of Change]] # Chapter 10 | Any game can be gamed - New organising principles. [[Outcome Aligning Society - Wellbeing metrics]] # Chapter 11 | Mardi and Peace [[Violence]] [[1000 YoP]] # I believe children are born whole, perfect, pure. The trajectories of their lives are drawn perfectly by a bowstring made of stars, destined to return to wholeness and love. However the pain, shame and conditioning our world impedes their ability to fly true and return to that wholeness. They come to believe themselves as a 'self'. While a necessary construct, this self is both the vehicle and prison of freedom. My life is a project in umasking who I think I am, who my parents, society, school and media told me I am, so I can fly true. If I can do this better than my parents did before me then I'll be levelling up my ability to do the same for my children. I want this so that they can live a life in deep remembrance of their wholeness. Children have superpowers but our social design crushes their hope of discovering and acting on them. Children are the key to the shackles created by the shortcomings of older generations. Without sustainable futures for them, there is no innovation or progress, no walking through the scientific orchard, or discovery of religious and mystical experience. They are the portal between this world and the future. So opening their creative aperture to manifest, is opening our collective imagination towards new worlds and new ways of being together.