Sontag has a good quote: "I rush about the world raiding other people's wells (?) to bring back my buckets + pour all these contributions into my super-well. No one is to see the full extent, all the riches stored there. My deepest secret! They are to see only my skills and products piecemeal which are made possible by this laboriously accumulated resource." Which is to say, this webpage is just a collection of things I've raided from other "wells" + thoughts I have had, questions I want answers to, things I find helpful and want to revisit after having read them but that I'd otherwise forget about. I hope you can feel free to browse and pick apart concepts and ideas and interact with them, send me a message and discuss them further. No thought or idea here is complete. i like the scattered and rushed-about nature here because now is not the time to organize and transform anything into a concrete belief. Find more info on me at: