> [!Metadata|i-at]
> [[ITS Theme]]
# Alternate Checkboxes
> Different checkbox types
📥 [Download Alternate Checkboxes Snippet](https://github.com/SlRvb/Obsidian--ITS-Theme/blob/main/Snippets/S%20-%20Checkboxes.css)
> [!caution] Do not use snippet version with the ITS Theme installed
# Checkbox Types
- [ ] Unchecked
- [x] Regular
- [X] Checked
- [-] Dropped
- [>] Forward
- [<] Migrated
- [D] Date
- [?] Question
- [/] Half Done
- [+] Add
- [R] Research
- [!] Important
- [i] Idea
- [B] Brainstorm
- [P] Pro
- [C] Con
- [Q] Quote
- [N] Note
- [b] Bookmark
- [I] Information
- [p] Paraphrase
- [L] Location
- [E] Example
- [A] Answer
- [r] Reward
- [c] Choice
- [d] Doing
- [T] Time
- [@] Character / Person
- [t] Talk
- [O] Outline / Plot
- [~] Conflict
- [W] World
- [f] Clue / Find
- [F] Foreshadow
- [H] Favorite / Health
- [&] Symbolism
- [s] Secret
- [ ] Unchecked
- [x] Regular
- [X] Checked
- [-] Dropped
- [>] Forward
- [<] Migrated
- [D] Date
- [?] Question
- [/] Half Done
- [+] Add
- [R] Research
- [!] Important
- [i] Idea
- [B] Brainstorm
- [P] Pro
- [C] Con
- [Q] Quote
- [N] Note
- [b] Bookmark
- [I] Information
- [p] Paraphrase
- [L] Location
- [E] Example
- [A] Answer
- [r] Reward
- [c] Choice
- [d] Doing
- [T] Time
- [@] Character / Person
- [t] Talk
- [O] Outline / Plot
- [~] Conflict
- [W] World
- [f] Clue / Find
- [F] Foreshadow
- [H] Favorite / Health
- [&] Symbolism
- [s] Secret
# Styling
> [!warning|bg-c-orange] Needs the [[Style Settings]] plugin installed to apply alternate styling
> **For ITS Theme** settings found under: `Note Elements > Lists > Checkboxes`
> **For Snippet version** settings found under: `SlRvb Checkboxes`
## Colorful Text
Toggled on by default
## Dim Text
## Colorful Backgrounds
Toggled on by default