Reelated [[Eclipses]] [[Eclipse Sources]] [[Transits of Venus]] [[Sun and Moon]] [[Solar Cycle]] 3d Sun path Equal on all map projections ![[Attachments/ - 2023-02-03T194117.647 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/Ultimatte daylight map comparison.mp4]] ![[Attachments/(5) The figure 8 plot (analemma) in Ep.3s sky reel sequence explained. MoonKnight.mp4]] ## The Luminaries # The Sun ![[../../Attachments/photo_2023-09-20_11-45-34 (3) 1 1 1 1.jpg]] ![[Attachments/photo_2023-09-20_11-45-34 (3) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.jpg]] ![[../Attachments/Attachments 1/photo_2023-09-20_11-45-33 (3) 1 1 1 1 1.jpg]] ![[../../Attachments/photo_2023-09-20_11-45-34 (3) 1 1 1 1.jpg]] ![[../Attachments/Attachments 1/photo_2023-09-20_11-45-33 (3) 2 1 1 1.jpg]] ## Ecliptic ![[Attachments/suns ecliptic 1.gif]] ![[suns ecliptic.mp4]] ![[Analemma.mp4]] ![[Attachments/Analemma2.gif]] ## Light Distribution ![[Attachments/ - 2023-01-04T134500.177 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2023-01-04T134737.758 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2023-01-04T134500.177 1.gif]] Completely equal....forced equality even.... since it is taking the light distribution across the earth and forcing it onto each projection. ![[Attachments/ (48).gif]] ![[Attachments/Light and Dark Explained on flat earth.mp4]] ![[Attachments/ (21).gif]] ![[Attachments/day and night time (2).mp4]] ![[Attachments/ - 2023-01-29T211246.050 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/Light distribution on Earth makes sense on a globe, not on projections. (1) 1.mp4|Light distribution on Earth makes sense on a globe, not on projections. (1) 1]] ![[Attachments/Daylight Perfect.mp4]] ![[Attachments/equinox 1.mp4|equinox 1]] ![[Attachments/VID_20221221_184414_044 1 1.mp4|VID_20221221_184414_044 1 1]] ![[Attachments/Daylight Perfect 1.mp4|Daylight Perfect 1]] ### Coffee Cup Caustic ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240403014914.png]] ![[Attachments/hq2.jpg]] ![[Attachments/0iZyq.jpg]] ![[Attachments/0 (1).jpg]] ## Seasons ![[Attachments/soltice 1.gif]] ![[Suns position over Seasons.mp4]] ![[Artic V Antartic.mp4]] ![[Antartic Sun Times.mp4]] ![[Attachments/photo_2022-12-07_14-43-19 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.jpg]] ![[173213-7299d292-d60b-4457-961e-ddf5a878c9fc 1 1.png]] Tangential Velocity ![[Attachments/ (63).gif]] ![[Attachments/Animotica_26_7_13_41_37.mp4]] ![[ (f]] ![[Animotica_26_7_13_41_37.mp4]] ![[Attachments/Seasons path of the sun.mp4]] ![[../Attachments/image-20240306075224326 1 1 1 1 1.png]]] ![[Attachments/photo_2023-05-21_12-35-11 2 1 1 1 1 1.jpg]]] ![[Attachments/photo_2022-12-07_14-43-19 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.jpg]] ![[../../Attachments/photo_2022-08-03_0]] ![[photo_2022-08-10_10-02 ![[../../Attachments/photo_2022-08-10_10-02-13 1 1 1.jpg]] ![[../Attachments/Attachments 1/photo_2023-09-20_11-45-33 (3) 1 1 1 1 1.jpg]] ## Local Sun ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240311132909.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240311132850.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240311132920.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240311132925.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240319032310.png]] ![[Attachments/ (30).gif]] ![[Attachments/The sun never sets.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2023-01-29T211407.605.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2023-01-29T211246.050 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2023-01-29T210955.972 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/2023-01-29 21-07-16 1.mp4]] ![[Attachments/2023-01-29 21-08-06.mp4]] ![[Attachments/ - 2023-01-29T205530.294 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/Animotica_29_1_20_54_18.mp4]] ![[Attachments/ - Clouds behind The Sun_1080p 1.mp4]] ![[Attachments/ - Sunset beyond the cloud horizon_1080p 1.mp4]] ![[Attachments/sun_high_altitude_below_clouds.gif]] ## Sunsets ![[Attachments/SunsetSunrise simulated with a laser.mp4]] ![[Attachments/0XKDu3tRCY5o (2).mp4]] ![[Attachments/ (94).gif]] ![[Attachments/]] ![[Attachments/video_2023-07-30_01-42-52.mp4]] ![[Attachments/Bringing the sun back into view - .mp4.mp4]] ![[Attachments/The Sun does NOT go over the horizon - .mp4.mp4]] ![[Attachments/The Sun never goes over the horizon (1) 2.mp4]] ![[Attachments/ - 2023-01-15T150218.245.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2023-01-15T150219.585.gif]] ## Fade outs ![[Attachments/The Sun Fade Out 4K.mp4]] ![[The_Sun_Fade_Out_4K-1.gif]] ![[ (93).gif]] ![[ (89).gif]] ![[Animotica_10_7_15_34_26.mp4]] ![[Animotica_10_7_15_35_14.mp4]] ![[Attachments/IMG_3696.mp4]] ![[Attachments/StraightBackSun (1).webm]] ![[Attachments/The Sun Should NOT Fade 93 million miles away as the distance is constant on that day - .mp4 (1).mp4]] ![[Attachments/ (86).gif]] ![[Attachments/ (66).gif]] ![[Attachments/ (73).gif]] ![[Attachments/ (72).gif]] ##### The green flash ![[Attachments/video_2023-05-01_12-56-50 1 1.mp4|video_2023-05-01_12-56-50 1 1]] I Put this globe video here, because without the spherical limit of vision, I would like a ![[Attachments/silly 'debunk' 1 1.mp4|silly 'debunk' 1 1]] ![[Attachments/ - 2022-10-10T202830.810 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2022-10-10T203104.119 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/Bringing the sun back into view - .mp4 2.mp4|Bringing the sun back into view - .mp4 2]] ![[Attachments/Screenshot_30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[ (41).gif]] ![[Attachments/ (53) 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/photo_2023-09-20_11-45-33 (3) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.jpg]] ## Fade In ![[Attachments/ - Sunsets PROVE Flat Earth_1080p 1.mp4| - Sunsets PROVE Flat Earth_1080p 1]] ![[ (38).gif]] ![[Attachments/ - Clouds behind The Sun_1080p 2 1.mp4| - Clouds behind The Sun_1080p 2 1]] ![[Attachments/video_2023-05-01_12-56-50 1 1.mp4|video_2023-05-01_12-56-50 1 1]] ![[Attachments/2023-01-29 21-07-16 1 1.mp4|2023-01-29 21-07-16 1 1]]] ![[Attachments/ - Sunset beyond the cloud horizon_1080p 1 1.mp4| - Sunset beyond the cloud horizon_1080p 1 1]] ![[Attachments/ - Clouds behind The Sun_1080p 1 1.mp4| - Clouds behind The Sun_1080p 1 1]] ![[Attachments/Bringing the sun back into view - .mp4 1 1.mp4|Bringing the sun back into view - .mp4 1 1]] ![[ (72).gif]] ![[IMG_3696.mp4]] ![[ (73).gif]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240311135137.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240311135141.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240311135146.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240311135151.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240311135200.png]] ![[Attachments/173213-7299d292-d60b-4457-961e-ddf5a878c9fc.png]] ## Perspective the sun and moon set due to angular resolution and the limits of human vision. It suggests that the sun and moon do not change in size as they set, but rather travel in a straight line across a flat plane until they reach the vanishing point of our perspective, at which point they "set" or disappear from view. ![[Attachments/photo_2023-06-12_11-10-36.jpg]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240319032218.png]] ![[Attachments/photo_2023-01-09_00-05-56.jpg]] ![[Attachments/173213-7299d292-d60b-4457-961e-ddf5a878c9fc.png]] ![[Attachments/photo_2023-01-09_00-05-07.jpg]] ![[Attachments/The Sun never goes over the horizon (1).mp4]] ![[Attachments/sunsimFE (1).gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2022-09-28T141838.606.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2022-09-28T141756.409.gif]] ![[Attachments/ (15).gif]] ![[Attachments/Animotica_21_4_0_59_30.mp4]] ![[The Sun never goes over the horizon (1).mp4]] ![[ - 2023-01-15T153457.552.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2022-09-28T141756.409.gif]] ![[Attachments/photo_2023-07-30_13-07-21 1 1 1 1 1 1.jpg]] ![[Attachments/The Sun does NOT go over the horizon - .mp4 1.mp4|The Sun does NOT go over the horizon - .mp4 1]] ![[Attachments/Bringing the sun back into view - .mp4 1 1.mp4|Bringing the sun back into view - .mp4 1 1]] ## Toroidal SUn, Toroidal Earth Flat Earth - ABSOLUTE MUST SEE! Flat Earth Magnetic Sun ![[Attachments/aasa 1.png]] ![[Attachments/sd33.jpg]] ![[Attachments/ (57) 1.gif]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240319032326.png]] This [solargraph]( exposed over the course of a year shows the Sun's paths of [diurnal motion]( "Diurnal motion"), as seen from [Budapest]( "Budapest") in 2014. ![[Attachments/aasa.png]] ![[Attachments/ - The Cosmic Breath of Flat Earth_v720P.mp4]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240315221337.png]] ![[Attachments/video_2023-01-13_22-47-06.mp4]] Pinhole Camera on the sun ![[Attachments/ (52).gif]] ![[Attachments/ (53).gif]] ## Spherical Limit of Vision ![[Attachments/The Sunrise and Sunset Over the Equator Observed from Alaska in the Tropic of Cancer.mp4]] ![[Attachments/Sunrise Angles all over the Earth (1).mp4]] ![[Attachments/suns pat.png]] ![[Attachments/photo_2022-12-07_14-42-57.jpg]] ![[Attachments/interestinglobe.jpg]] ![[Attachments/6a0105371bb32c970b01b8d20eebc6970c-750wi.png]] ![[Attachments/sun rays (2).mp4]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240319032345.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240319032354.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240319032359.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240319032402.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240319032406.png]] ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240319032410.png]] ![[Attachments/Ecliptic_vs_equator_small.gif]] ## Analemma ![[Attachments/Pasted image 20240311132959.png]] ![[Attachments/dsf34.jpg]] ![[Attachments/The Analemma and the Sun and Moon.mp4]] ![[Attachments/Analemma.mp4]] ![[Attachments/The Analemma 720 (1).mp4]] ![[Attachments/ecliptic overload.mp4]] # The Moon ThE moon As the moon revolves around the earth in twenty nine and one-half days, the twelve months of the year must alternately possess thirty and twenty-nine days in order to keep up her movements—twelve lunations or months (Moon-eths,) in a year. This is a system now followed by the Jews, Turks and Chinese, w ho use the original Lunar Year, the months of which are more astronomical than our Pagan, Solar year, which, although a perfect measure of time, can begin and end anywhere, and have months of irregular length. The Lunar year, and each month of the year, must begin with a new moon. ![[../../Attachments/the_moon_analemma_like_share_and_follow_my_new_page_exposing_the 1 1 1 1.mp4]] ![[../../Attachments/image-20240306063606760.png]] ![[../../Attachments/Analemma of the Moon.mp4]] ![[../../Attachments/wr.mp4]] ![[Attachments/the_moon_analemma_like_share_and_follow_my_new_page_exposing_the.mp4]] ![[Attachments/ - 2022-10-12T023958.402.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2022-10-12T022720.152.gif]] ![[Attachments/All the Celestial Bodies are within the Same Distance.mp4]] ![[Attachments/ - 2022-10-12T022813.736.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2022-10-12T160618.581.gif]] ![[Attachments/ - 2022-10-12T023812.699.gif]] ## Scaling Invariance ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00187 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00188 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00189 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00190 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00191 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00192 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00193 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00194 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00267 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00268 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00269 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00270 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/vlcsnap-00271 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[../../assets/Attachments/Attachments 1/vlcsnap-00186 1 1 1 1.png]] ![[Attachments/image-20240306103408053 1 1 1 1 1 1.png]]