### Look at all the weeds!
> [!What are they for?]
It seems a *Digital Garden* is looser than a Blog, less structured than a web post, less judgy than a Social Media rant and forms part of a Knowledge Network.
Digital Garden, a stupid term?
It’s put best in an article from: [Maggie Appleton](https://maggieappleton.com/garden-history)
The fact of the matter is that while I’ve had a career in all things digital, especially photography and video. I now find myself having to get my hands properly dirty, messy and muddy, not just bossing pixels, words and code around. I’ve become a commercial gardener, odd-jobber, fixer-upper too.
I volunteered for this. (never volunteer) Helping out a family business venture. “Can you find an extra 10 hours a week to help us out please“? Was the question. Easy I thought. No, it’s not. The scope of the job has expanded along with the time commitment and I could easily fill my week on the muddy side.
On the plus side; It has made me *very happy*.
Initially, I was sceptical and thought this *beneath* me. But now I’m having fun, outside most days and meeting all kinds of new people.
I wanted a change and this is an unexpected branching. I’m still living with the pixels and now add the weeds too.
So, hopefully this will be part chainsaw, part visual, part pixels, part writing all wrapped up in [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish).
[[My Obsidian workflow]]