Welcome to my creative compost heap. This is my take on a [[Digital Garden]]. It’s an imperfect home for bits of research, observations, and creative inspiration. This process is integral to my [[Creative Ecosystem]]. You’ll find notes on books I’m reading, research on various subjects, movies I watch with my kid, and ideas I am unraveling. 🕸️ Everything is tossed on the heap. Here it can decompose & form new connections. 🪱🐛🍄 --- ###### Last Tended June 24, 2024 --- 🌱 **Turn the Heap** is the compost heap proper. Things are still decomposing and developing. Grab a shovel and dig in. 🥕 **Kitchen Scraps** are ideas & links I’d like to explore further. 🌲**Wildwood** is a growing forest of evergreen writing and art. Perhaps you will add these to your compost heap to begin the cycle again. 🍃 **Tree Rings** is an [experiment](https://publish.obsidian.md/sarahshotts/The+Compost+Heap/🍃+Tree+Rings/2024-04-8-14) in documenting how ideas and projects develop over time. --- ###### 🌱 MEET THE GARDENER Hi, I’m Sarah Shotts. (they/she) I make [art](https://www.sarahshotts.com/thisismybrainonmotherhood), write [books](https://www.sarahshotts.com/books), and love learning new things. I’m a neglectful gardener in real life, but a [papaya once sprouted](https://publish.obsidian.md/sarahshotts/The+Compost+Heap/🪴+Seedlings/Papaya+Leaves) from my compost heap so I believe there is magic in letting the garden do it’s own thing. When I’m not making stuff I also home educate my kid and teach adjunct university courses. I’m autistic and nonbinary. 🏳️‍🌈 I love meeting fellow creative weirdos. If you see something you want to chat about please say hi! ([email protected]) --- ###### 🐝 SUBSCRIBE If you’d like updates from The Heap you can [subscribe](https://sarahshotts.substack.com) to weekly-ish updates. --- ###### 🌿 ROOTS I created my [[Digital Garden]] with [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish). My theme is the Everforest version of [Minimal](https://minimal.guide/publish/download)