David is an advanced reader (vocabulary and reading comprehension is 4-5 years ahead of his age). But he was late to speak (like 4 years old before forming unique sentences). So spoken languages and constructing sentences is still an area for growth.
I made this list to expand on what’s working and where we might go next. I’m particularly interested in games we can play with conversation anywhere we find ourselves.
## I Spy
We started our I Spy journey with mostly color, but occasionally I expand the scope. Then David started creating variants. 😂
I Spy “with my mind’s eye” (or “with my brain”) kind of like a simplified 20 questions
I Spy “something small, medium or large”
Carrying this forward it could be themed in other ways - texture, etc.
## Scavenger Hunt
This feels like a natural continuation of I Spy. I was considering buying a deck or cards for a texture scavenger hunt when I realized it could be ad hoc / DIY. David can read so I can write up a list or we could use an egg carton or small box or tin to collect items.
## One Sentence Story
I tried one word story and David had a hard time confining himself to a single word. So we naturally shifted to a one sentence story and it feels like a great way to practice language.
## Echo Songs
Buenos Dias
Be My Echo
## Poetry / Fingerplay Games
5 Little Pumpkins
Way Up High in the Apple Tree
## Songs
# Language Games with Supplies
Magnetic Poetry Sentences
###### 🐝 Cross Pollination
[[Home Brew Home Education]]
###### 🌱 Gardener’s Notes
Added: September 30, 2024
#### Tags 🍄
#home-education #speech