> 아래의 Reference 에 있는 악분 일상 및 공식 문서를 통해 2024년 8월 14일 공식 버전 1.0.0 기준으로 재구성하여 기록하였습니다.
> https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2024/08/karpenter-1-0/?nc1=h_ls
# What is cluster autoscaler?
![[1. Auto scaling EKS Node using Karpenter-20241012151522691.webp]]
> If you're using a cluster autoscaler, it monitors the CPU and memory required by the pods and makes resources available if they're running low to keep the pods running.
>[!caution] Cons
>![[1. Auto scaling EKS Node using Karpenter-20241012151818523.webp|894]]
>Slow to create node, depend on launch template
# [Karpenter](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/autoscaling.html)
> Kapenter is a flexible, high-performance Kubernetes cluster autoscaler
> pros
> - launches right-sized compute resources<font color="#d83931"> in response to changing application load in under a minute</font>
> - <font color="#d83931">Automatically provisions new compute resources based on the specific requirements of cluster workloads</font>
## Workflow
![[Karpenter Main page-20241012153031965.webp]]
1. **NodePool and EC2NodeClass**
- **NodePool**: Karpenter manages multiple NodePools to cater to different workload requirements, such as `Default`, `Wild`, and `Farm`.
- Each NodePool has properties like `Arch`, `CPU`, `Type`, `AZ`, and `Toleration`, allowing it to provision nodes that meet specific workload needs.
- **EC2NodeClass**: Linked to each NodePool, EC2NodeClass holds configurations such as AMI, User Data, Security Group, Kubelet settings, and Subnet information, which guide the provisioning of EC2 instances for the nodes.
2. **Monitoring Pending Pods**
- Karpenter watches for Pods in a **Pending** state within the cluster. If pods remain pending due to a lack of available nodes, Karpenter initiates a process to provision new nodes.
3. **Creating NodeClaims**
- After detecting pending pods, Karpenter generates suitable **NodeClaims**. NodeClaims define the specifications of the required nodes according to the workload needs and associated conditions.
4. **Requesting EC2 Instances**
- Based on the NodeClaim, Karpenter requests the necessary EC2 instance from the AWS EC2 service. This request can be for **On-Demand** or **Spot Instances** depending on the configuration. Each NodeClaim specifies the required instance type (CPU, memory, etc.), which directs this request.
5. **Launching and Registering EC2 Instances**
- Once the request is accepted, the EC2 instance is launched and registered as a node according to the NodeClaim.
- Through this process, Karpenter dynamically scales and optimizes resources within the cluster by automatically managing node provisioning based on workload demands.
# Example and Code
## [[1. Auto scaling EKS Node using Karpenter]]
## [[2. Pods selecting nodes based on node label]]
## [[3. Karpenter EKS node selection process]]
## [[4. Criteria for karpenter to pick candidate instances]]
## [[5. Provider configure]]
## [[6. NodePool weight, ratio, toleration]]
## [[7. Karpenter node shutdown time and node reschedule]]
# Reference
[karpenter로 EKS노드를 오토 스케일링](https://youtu.be/WjkfXgNJsig?si=4GBFibR4c0WWZL2k)
[Karpenter Documentation](https://karpenter.sh/preview/)