# "How to Not Screw up Grad School" - an (unofficial) RPI Grad Wiki ## DISCLAIMER #### Under Construction This is an _ongoing, community-driven_ [RPI Graduate Council](RPI/Graduate%20Council/GC%20Overview.md) project, by grads for grads, aimed to share history and insights on how to navigate the world-renowned Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, and beyond. If you notice something is amiss, it means no one has added it yet. Feel free to be the first to do so -- [see here](CONTRIBUTE.md)! #### Errare Humanum Est (lat.) We do our best to fact-check all entries, but to err is human. Thus, _all information provided and advice given in this Wiki comes without any warranty, whatsoever_. Please double-check before taking action. ## Why a Wiki? Generally, all experience we accumulate during our stay at RPI leaves with us when we graduate. Through this Wiki, we want to reduce the repetitive trial/error struggles many of us go through when starting out, accelerating our progress towards the finish line (=degree). ![CONTRIBUTE](CONTRIBUTE.md) --- ## Wiki Structure ### Front-End For quick a quick lookup/browse, best to use this publicly-facing [Website](https://publish.obsidian.md/rpi-grad-wiki). **How-to**: On desktop/laptop devices, use the navigation+search pane on the left. On mobile device, press the three lines on the top left corner to bring up navigation. ### Back-End Open knowledge should not be grounded in a proprietary structure. The actual Wiki database containing meta-data and all of history lives in this public [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/rpi-graduate-council/grad-wiki/). **How-to**: You can download the entire Wiki as a zip file, if you prefer to have it on your machine. Written in [MarkDown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/markdown), the _.md_ files can be opened with any plain text editor. For complete functionality, use the [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) note-taking application. In its folder structure, the folder - _\_assets_ contains all supplementary materials (pdfs, images, etc.), embedded in the Wiki's pages; - _.obsidian_ contains Obsidian-related configuration files.