# Welcome to my digital garden! I'm Tara, a English Literature M.A graduate from the UK who fell in love with Obsidian around April of 2021 for the possibilities it brought for studying and retaining information. I love the idea of a Second Brain and while I have my own personal one for the Literature studies, I thought I might as well try a [[Digital Garden]] Notes are organised into folders that fit the general overall topic they're about, but tags allow more specific filtering. These aren't always accurate / fully developed notes - this is a digital garden for a reason! Anything tagged with # Glasp is a note that I have taken from my Glasp highlights but haven't properly sorted into Obsidian yet. ![[Pasted image 20210921181409.png|350]] ## Where to find me: 🐦 Twitter: @[THLiterary](https://twitter.com/THLiterary) 💻 Medium: [TH Literary](https://medium.com/@THLiterary) 🖥️WordPress [TH Literary](https://thliterary.wordpress.com) 🍵Ko-Fi: [THLiterary](https://ko-fi.com/THLiterary) [[TH Literary Services]] *Rowan is a penname I used for writing poetry, and when I started using Discord it was for that reason I kept it, and therefore I'm on Discord under that name and started using Obsidian under that too - hence why it's Rowan's Digital Garden * ## What am I working on? - Working on writing blog posts for the blog over on [TH Literary](https://medium.com/@THLiterary) - Putting templates up on my [THLiterary KoFi](https://ko-fi.com/THLiterary) # Currently Reading ![[Currently Reading]] # Currently Watching ![[Currently Watching]]