# What is Rogue History Notes? >[!danger] Important >This is a fluid site and pages, notes, ideas are in constant negotiation and dialogue. This means ideas, thoughts, and discourse are continually changing. Knowledge production is not sedentary, therefore this OAN is continuously evolving. ![[Nodes.jpeg]] Rogue History Notes is an Open-Access Notebook (OAN) of my dissertation research. The goal of the project is to foster an environment that promotes *Generous Thinking* and collaborative research in *East Roman Studies* and beyond. Moreover, the project is a multi/interdisciplinary undertaking which intends to highlight **_process_** as Digital Public History. The notebook uses Obsidian.md and Obsidian Publish software to publish my scholarly research for scholarly and public outreach and engagement. The former is a free open-source software for Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), while the latter is a paid service offered by Obsidian.md to publish one's notes online. Rogue History, www.roguehistory.ca, is the informal parent site to Rogue History Notes. It is my personal blog about my escapades in academia and worldly meanderings. I will also begin posting brief tutorials on Obsidian.md and its uses for academic pedagogical approaches. These tutorials will be posted on the landing page of RH Notes at roguehistory.ca. Transparent *processes* is an integral component for my research. Process implies a movement towards a direction(s): "a systematic series of actions directed to some end." ([ Dictionary.com](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/process))[^1] But in the Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines most research processes are hidden or convoluted. I hope to disrupt these processes in East Roman Studies and un-muddy the waters, to a degree, and to promote a more open dialogue where the public and scholarly community collaborate to challenge traditional historical narratives and promote new forms of historical meaning-making. No scholarly output is isolated or singularly built upon itself. All scholarly work depends and builds off of other scholarly and public ways of knowing, i.e., oral history. Acknowledging all scholarly and public work which my research is indebted to is a central tenant for my dissertation's publication. That brings us to [[Land acknowledgements]] --- # Hypothes.is Does an idea in a note inspire you, or do you disagree with an observation? Would you like to contribute or make comments and suggestions to my notes? I suggest using [Hypothesis | Online Annotation Tool](https://web.hypothes.is/). Hypothes.is is a free and simple-to-install web browser plug-in that allows you to annotate web pages and collaborate with individuals around the world. Give it a try. # Support: This project is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council [SSHRC](https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/home-accueil-eng.aspx) ![[sshrc-fip-full-reverse-fra.png]] # Supervisor: Dr. Shawn Graham (Carleton University) - [Shawn Graham - Department of History](https://carleton.ca/history/people/shawn-graham/) - [Dr. Shawn M. Graham](https://shawngraham.github.io/) - [Electric Archaeology | Human Cogitation, Human Explanation](https://electricarchaeology.ca/) # Committee **TBA** [^1]: Not the most scholarly of sources. But for now it will do.