### Top 10 referring talks
talk | count | series
:- | - |: -
<a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a> | 6 | <a data-href="2019 Four Circles, Four Parables of Stone and Light" class="internal-link">2019 Four Circles, Four Parables of Stone and Light</a>
<a data-href="Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2" class="internal-link">Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2</a> | 2 | <a data-href="2020 Vajra Music" class="internal-link">2020 Vajra Music</a>
<a data-href="Orienting to This Jhana Retreat" class="internal-link">Orienting to This Jhana Retreat</a> | 2 | <a data-href="2019 Practising the Jhanas" class="internal-link">2019 Practising the Jhanas</a>
<a data-href="Expressions of Metta" class="internal-link">Expressions of Metta</a> | 1 | <a data-href="2007 Lovingkindness and Compassion As a Path to Awakening" class="internal-link">2007 Lovingkindness and Compassion As a Path to Awakening</a>
### Quotes (old)
#IndexEntry #Robology
##### Vajra Music: Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2 <a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0302 Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2" data-href="0302 Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2" class="internal-link">(Transcript)</a>
<span class="counts">**<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0302 Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2 > 3-4" data-href="0302 Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2#3-4" class="internal-link">3-4</a>** · **<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0302 Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2 > 4-1" data-href="0302 Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2#4-1" class="internal-link">4-1</a>**</span>
> So those would be two examples of areas where a preliminary becomes [[Soul|ensouled]], and then it becomes something that's potentially - I don't know - the opposite of preliminary: super advanced. But the same could be said of something like _[[Dana|dāna]]_, or even <a data-href="mindfulness" class="internal-link">mindfulness</a>. Lots of possibilities there in relation to this idea of <a data-href="preliminaries" class="internal-link">preliminaries</a>. And again, to touch on this thread - I'll keep coming back to this, the 'why' of all this, and repeat something I think I said yesterday - why preliminaries? Why these exercises, these kinds of exercises? Why even _think_ in terms of exercises or preliminaries? As I said, we can just hope that the <a data-href="soulmaking dynamic" class="internal-link">soulmaking dynamic</a> - we know, we've heard, or we've even had <a data-href="experience" class="internal-link">experience</a> of the soulmaking dynamic - what it does is it will expand things. It will expand its range. It will include more and more. And it will expand something that it's kind of got in its vortex, in its dynamics - some area or aspect of our being or our life. It expands that area. We expand with it. Our [[Insight|understanding]] and our experience of that area or aspect of being expands with it, or shatters in the [[Vessel|breaking of the vessels]], and then has to be built in a larger way, a deeper, fuller, more far-reaching way. _(<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0302 Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2 > 3-4" data-href="0302 Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2#3-4" class="internal-link">3-4</a>)_
> [15:46] So it might be that we can just hope that if we're practising <a data-href="soulmaking" class="internal-link">soulmaking</a>, we like it, practising, and we can just hope that the <a data-href="soulmaking dynamic" class="internal-link">soulmaking dynamic</a> will expand, will get hold in its expansion or in the [[Vessel|breaking of vessels]] that happens occasionally, from time to time (sometimes it's just a stretch; sometimes it's actually a shattering), in that whole process, over time, that eventually it will just, by itself, come to involve and include and ensoul [[Embodiment|movement, gesture, voice]]. You can just hope that, because that's what the soulmaking dynamic does. _(<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0302 Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2 > 4-1" data-href="0302 Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2#4-1" class="internal-link">4-1</a>)_
##### Eros Unfettered: Eros Unfettered Part 4 <a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4" data-href="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4" class="internal-link">(Transcript)</a>
<span class="counts">**<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4 > 5-2" data-href="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4#5-2" class="internal-link">5-2</a>** (4) · **<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4 > 5-4" data-href="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4#5-4" class="internal-link">5-4</a>** · **<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4 > 5-6" data-href="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4#5-6" class="internal-link">5-6</a>**</span>
> Now, last thing. Sometimes, and in some <a data-href="relationships" class="internal-link">relationships</a> most of the time, perhaps all the time, sometimes and in some relationships it is not acting on the <a data-href="eros" class="internal-link">eros</a> that actually stimulates. It is the containment of the eros, preventing it from spilling out in certain ways into actuality, that actually allows the increase of the <a data-href="psyche" class="internal-link">psyche</a>, the growth, the expansion of <a data-href="soulmaking" class="internal-link">soulmaking</a>, of <a data-href="image" class="internal-link">image</a>, of <a data-href="logos" class="internal-link">logos</a>. It is the not acting. So what happens by kind of creating a space that is free of manifest action, that space becomes a kind of [[Alchemy|alchemical]] <a data-href="vessel" class="internal-link">vessel</a>, a crucible, if you like. The fire or the heat of eros accumulates in that space where there is not the possibility to act on the eros in the most sort of immediate or obvious or one-dimensional way. And this crucible and the vessel and the heat, the fire, heating that vessel, the fire of eros heating that vessel, heats and stimulates and galvanizes, catalyzes the soulmaking process. There is alchemy here. _(<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4 > 5-2" data-href="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4#5-2" class="internal-link">5-2</a>)_
> Rather than seeing this as then, "Ah, yes, the reason for those boundaries is so that you can re- <a data-href="experience" class="internal-link">experience</a> the Oedipal triangle and the frustration of not being able to get the mother," et cetera, so it is projected onto the therapist or whatever it is, or the teacher - which, again, mostly is a kind of psychological reductionist view of what is happening there, and so, "by reliving that, you are reliving the Oedipal trauma, if you like, or <a data-href="pain" class="internal-link">pain</a>, and you can find a healthier way to navigate that and to confront it and to accommodate it," et cetera. Rather than that kind of psychological reductionist view, actually what if we see those kind of boundaries, the necessity of them, as a kind of [[Alchemy|alchemical]] <a data-href="vessel" class="internal-link">vessel</a>? An alchemy of <a data-href="soulmaking" class="internal-link">soulmaking</a> is possible through the containment of the <a data-href="eros" class="internal-link">eros</a>, through this space, sacred space if you like - <a data-href="temenos" class="internal-link">temenos</a> is the Greek word for sacred space, I think. So through the non-acting at that level, sometimes in some <a data-href="relationships" class="internal-link">relationships</a>, a temenos is created of soulmaking, for soulmaking. _(<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4 > 5-4" data-href="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4#5-4" class="internal-link">5-4</a>)_
> So this boundary or containment, if you like, I am not talking now about kind of preservation or containing of the sexual <a data-href="energy" class="internal-link">energy</a>, for example, in certain sexual yogas, ancient and modern, where for instance the man does not ejaculate so the energy is contained and rechanneled, so it opens bliss or opens certain energy centers, and so that there can be a melting, the <a data-href="consciousness" class="internal-link">consciousness</a> melts into <a data-href="oneness" class="internal-link">oneness</a> and that sort of thing. Not talking about that. That is all valid and good and fine and can be helpful and important. But actually it is not for that, this kind of <a data-href="temenos" class="internal-link">temenos</a> that I am talking about. It is for the sake of the fertilization of the <a data-href="imaginal" class="internal-link">imaginal</a>, for the sake of the increase of <a data-href="soulmaking" class="internal-link">soulmaking</a>, the support of soulmaking, the <a data-href="vessel" class="internal-link">vessel</a> of soulmaking. You understand? It is different. The imaginal is involved. _(<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4 > 5-6" data-href="0126 Eros Unfettered Part 4#5-6" class="internal-link">5-6</a>)_
##### Eros Unfettered: Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1 <a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1" data-href="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1" class="internal-link">(Transcript)</a>
<span class="counts">**<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1 > 1-4" data-href="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1#1-4" class="internal-link">1-4</a>** (2) · **<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1 > 1-5" data-href="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1#1-5" class="internal-link">1-5</a>** · **<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1 > 2-3" data-href="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1#2-3" class="internal-link">2-3</a>** (3) · <a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1 > 10-1" data-href="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1#10-1" class="internal-link">10-1</a></span>
> Actually there is a whole other level in which it 'makes sense' in a different meaning of the word. (...) But it forms for us a <a data-href="vessel" class="internal-link">vessel</a>, if we go back to that [[Alchemy|alchemical]] metaphor or maxim that we were drawing on. The [[Conceptual framework]] forms a vessel, forms a structure that contains, we feel contained by, supported by, so that we can trust our movement on [[Dharma|the path]] (are we going in the right direction); (...) We say it is a head thing but actually it grounds us, it gives us a foundation, it gives us a kind of scaffolding. _(<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1 > 1-4" data-href="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1#1-4" class="internal-link">1-4</a>)_
> So in a way we could, to give a sort of <a data-href="image" class="internal-link">image</a>/metaphor for a [[Conceptual framework]], it is kind of like a trellis in a garden, you know, a sort of wooden scaffolding, if you like, or could be made of something else, that forms a support for a certain flower - maybe roses or something - to grow, and they grow along or up and wind their way along this trellis, and then they can flower and they can have their <a data-href="beauty" class="internal-link">beauty</a> and their beauty can be seen and we can receive that. The structure, the trellis is providing a structure that is supportive and for the sake of all the beauty that flowers there. _(<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1 > 1-5" data-href="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1#1-5" class="internal-link">1-5</a>)_
> So right there there is this [[Kabbala|Kabbalistic]] idea, mythical idea of the [[Vessel|breaking of the vessels]], Shevirat ha-Kelim. And one kind of vessel, as I said, is a [[Conceptual framework]], and those too, in our life, they break at times. (...) It is not fixed, it is organic, it grows. That is part of its nature. And it grows in a responsive way with what is around it. And the breaking might be part of it. _(<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1 > 2-3" data-href="0202 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 1#2-3" class="internal-link">2-3</a>)_
##### Eros Unfettered: Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 3 <a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0204 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 3" data-href="0204 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 3" class="internal-link">(Transcript)</a>
<span class="counts">**<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0204 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 3 > 12-1" data-href="0204 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 3#12-1" class="internal-link">12-1</a>** (2)</span>
> So implicit in the way that we are talking about the <a data-href="soulmaking dynamic" class="internal-link">soulmaking dynamic</a> and eros psyche logos and all that is this idea of the [[Kabbala|Kabbalistic]] idea of the [[Vessel|breaking of the vessels]] we mentioned before (the Shevirat haKeilim). It will break. And the crack is a <a data-href="blessing" class="internal-link">blessing</a>. The light comes in. In other words, there is an illumination. There is a further expansion. Something of the divine - if we amplify that - the light of the divine comes in via the crack. We will reach a point with any idea, with any concept or framework, where it wo not be able to contain or account for our <a data-href="experience" class="internal-link">experience</a> or new ideas or whatever, new observations - the very idea of the eros psyche logos dynamic, maybe that too, that too. It is interesting as an idea, though, because it includes within it this idea of the breaking of the vessels, of the cracks, because of what it implies about expansion. _(<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="0204 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 3 > 12-1" data-href="0204 Logos in the Garden of Souls Part 3#12-1" class="internal-link">12-1</a>)_
### Paragraphs with 4+ mentions
description | count | talk
:- | : - | :-
<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="Daimon, Refracted > Letting the anger build up in the energy body so that an image might arise" data-href="Daimon, Refracted#Letting the anger build up in the energy body so that an image might arise" class="internal-link">Letting the anger build up in the energy body, so that an image might arise</a> | 2 | <a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a>
<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="Daimon, Refracted > Theres heat and potential dynamism there" data-href="Daimon, Refracted#There's heat and potential dynamism there" class="internal-link">There's heat and potential dynamism there</a> | 2 | <a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a>
<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2 > Why preliminaries Because it expands soulmaking" data-href="Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2#Why preliminaries Because it expands soulmaking" class="internal-link">Why "preliminaries"? Because it expands soulmaking</a> | 1 | <a data-href="Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2" class="internal-link">Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2</a>
<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2 > If we like practicing soulmaking the soulmaking dynamic will expand" data-href="Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2#If we like practicing soulmaking the soulmaking dynamic will expand" class="internal-link">If we like practicing soulmaking the soulmaking dynamic will expand</a> | 1 | <a data-href="Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2" class="internal-link">Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2</a>
<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="Orienting to This Jhana Retreat > How we create this container together" data-href="Orienting to This Jhana Retreat#How we create this container together" class="internal-link">How we create this container together</a> | 1 | <a data-href="Orienting to This Jhana Retreat" class="internal-link">Orienting to This Jhana Retreat</a>
<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="Orienting to This Jhana Retreat > We all are participating in this" data-href="Orienting to This Jhana Retreat#We all are participating in this" class="internal-link">We all are participating in this</a> | 1 | <a data-href="Orienting to This Jhana Retreat" class="internal-link">Orienting to This Jhana Retreat</a>
<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="Daimon, Refracted > Strawinsky as vessel for the Rite of Spring" data-href="Daimon, Refracted#Strawinsky as vessel for the Rite of Spring" class="internal-link">Strawinsky as vessel for the Rite of Spring</a> | 1 | <a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a>
<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="Daimon, Refracted > 1 Sit with the anger at the inner critic" data-href="Daimon, Refracted#1 Sit with the anger at the inner critic" class="internal-link">(1) Sit with the anger at the inner critic</a> | 1 | <a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a>
<a aria-label-position="top" aria-label="Expressions of Metta > With anger we often dont see the wider web of conditions" data-href="Expressions of Metta#With anger we often don't see the wider web of conditions" class="internal-link">With anger we often don't see the wider web of conditions</a> | 1 | <a data-href="Expressions of Metta" class="internal-link">Expressions of Metta</a>
### Terms with 20+ co-occurrences
term | count | talks
[[Anger]] | 3 | <span class="counts"><a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a> (2) · <a data-href="Expressions of Metta" class="internal-link">Expressions of Metta</a> (1)</span>
[[Energy body]] | 2 | <span class="counts"><a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a> (2)</span>
[[Image]] | 2 | <span class="counts"><a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a> (2)</span>
[[Soulmaking]] | 2 | <span class="counts"><a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a> (1) · <a data-href="Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2" class="internal-link">Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2</a> (1)</span>
[[Soulmaking dynamic]] | 2 | <span class="counts"><a data-href="Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2" class="internal-link">Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2</a> (2)</span>
[[Alchemy]] | 1 | <span class="counts"><a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a> (1)</span>
[[Attention]] | 1 | <span class="counts"><a data-href="Daimon, Refracted" class="internal-link">Daimon, Refracted</a> (1)</span>
[[Blessing]] | 1 | <span class="counts"><a data-href="Orienting to This Jhana Retreat" class="internal-link">Orienting to This Jhana Retreat</a> (1)</span>
[[Dana]] | 1 | <span class="counts"><a data-href="Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2" class="internal-link">Preliminaries Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture - Part 2</a> (1)</span>
[[Dependent Origination]] | 1 | <span class="counts"><a data-href="Expressions of Metta" class="internal-link">Expressions of Metta</a> (1)</span>