Welcome, this site is part of [my main blog at RickCarlino.com](https://rickcarlino.com).
I use this as a public notebook for quick ideas or small content that does not fit into my main blog.
### Interesting Articles and Research
- [Research as Leisure Activitiy](https://www.personalcanon.com/p/research-as-leisure-activity)
- [Incremental Writing](https://supermemo.guru/wiki/Incremental_writing)
- [Improving Reading Comprehension Question Generation with Data Augmentation and Overgenerate-and-rank](www.researchgate.net/publication/371606122_Improving_Reading_Comprehension_Question_Generation_with_Data_Augmentation_and_Overgenerate-and-rank)
- [[Primitive Information Technology]] - A collection of semiconductor-free technology of the past
- [The "Testing" Phenomenon: Not Gone but Nearly Forgotten](https://gwern.net/doc/psychology/spaced-repetition/1989-glover.pdf)
- [[Summary of the original "10,000 Hours" paper]]
### Web Dev
- [[File-Based Routing Outside of Next.JS]]
### LLMs and Language Learnering
- [[LLMs and L2 Acquisition - Applications and Research Topics]]
- [[Grammar Pattern Practice Drills]]
- [[Reading Level "Downscaling"]]
- [[Literal vs. Natural Translations]]
- [[Experiment - Using Readlang Sentences to Generate New Sentences]]
- [[Asking LLMs to follow the i+1 rule of the input hypothesis]]
- [[Summary of Henkel, Roberts, Hills, and McGrane (2023) - Can LLMs Grade Short-Answer Reading Comprehension Questions?]]
- [[Experiment - LLM assisted creation of reading comprehension questions]]
### Idea Bin
* [[Using LLMs to Create End-User Programmable Software]]
### Koala Cards
* [[Koala Cards Roadmap]]
### Korean Language Studies
- [[Browsable Korean Dictionary]]
- [[300 Random Grammar Patterns]]
- [[Passing the TOPIK via Part-Time Study]]
- [[My Readlang Importer]]
- [[Notes - Korean Conversations and Debating]]
## Drafts and Incomplete Thoughts
- [[Probability-Based Software Estimation]]
- [[Summary of "How to Focus"]]
- [[Fine Tuning an LLM to Grade Language Learning Prompts]]