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> *"Curiosity builds real value... if you let it!"* - [[Nick Milo]]
Welcome to my notebook. I [[learning in public]] and these are my personal notes. Some are gorgeous, some are unpolished, some are both.
After my inner [Conflict at Incosmetics](https://priscillarolvers.eu/posts/conflict-at-incosmetics/) in April 2024, I started to go through over a decade worth of notes: analog notebooks, labjournals and digital notes in many different places.
These notes are the products of my curiosity and they mostly revolve around ways to make the cosmetics industry more sustainable, but don't be surprised if something else is in here, that doesn't seem to be linked to that topic. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
One of the reasons I started to gather my notes, thoughts and ideas, is that I am writing a book (or maybe books!) about [[Sustainable Cosmetic Development]].
Do you want me to share what I learn with you? [Sign up for my newsletter](https://buttondown.com/priscillarolvers).
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