More than 80 organizations who call themselves the “[Only Citizens Vote Coalition](” have been amplifying the threat of noncitizens casting ballots in our elections, despite the fact that there is **no empirical evidence** to suggest noncitizen voting is a major issue facing our elections. Issue One reviewed hundreds of annual tax filings, including records maintained on [the IRS’ website]( and [ProPublica’s Nonprofit Explorer database](, as well as campaign finance filings submitted to the Federal Election Commission, to examine the coalition and previously unreported connections. These relationships span from connections between individuals with official positions at multiple groups in the coalition to shared financial backers. ***These contributions and connections can be explored in further detail in this new interactive data visualization.*** # 🗺️ Site Navigation ### 📈 Interactive Graph Each page on this site ***(only on desktop, not accessible on mobile)*** includes an interactive graph in the upper right pane labeled, "Interactive Graph." Press the graph tree icon to see ALL connections between profiles on the site and press the arrow icon to expand the window and view the connections between the profile you are in and the rest of the site. ![[Final Tutorial.gif]] ### 📁 Folders Individual profiles of organizations and organization officers live within the folders found on the side bar of the site. They are categorized by profile type, described below: > **Coalition Members:** Grantee organizations are organizations that are members of the OCV coalition and where Issue One identified sources of their funding. Within these profiles, Issue One has identified known funders, the amount of funding, and the proportion of the organization's revenue that funding makes up. These profiles also include the organization's officers. > **Funders:** Grantor organizations are defined as organizations that gave money to any organization that is identified as a member of the OCV coalition. Within these profiles, Issue One has identified the number of organizations within the coalition the group has given to and the amount given. > **Organization Officers:** Organization officer profiles identify the number of organizations the individual served as an officer for within the coalition and their title. ### 🏷️ Tags Each profile is tagged to denote classifications and/or associations of the organization or person. You can press each tag within individual profiles to see a list of other profiles that share the same tag. Classifications are described below: ➡️ <mark style="background: rgba(24, 153, 163, 0.3);"> **\#Funder:**</mark> Indicates any organization that is not involved in the Only Citizens Vote (OCV) coalition that gave money to any organization within the coalition. ➡️ <mark style="background: rgba(200, 40, 46, 0.3);">**\#Coalition-Member:**</mark> Indicates any organization that is a member of the OCV coalition. ➡️ <mark style="background: rgba(220, 118, 52, 0.3)">**\#Project-2025-Involvement:** </mark> Indicates any organization involved in the OCV coalition that was involved in Project 2025 (according to Issue One's review of Project 2025 documents). ➡️ <mark style="background: rgba(31, 107, 179, 0.3);">**\#Officer:**</mark> Indicates any individual listed as an officer of an organization involved in the OCV coalition in the most recent fiscal year. ➡️ <mark style="background: rgba(31, 107, 179, 0.3);">**\#Shared-Officer:**</mark> Indicates any organization in the OCV coalition that shares an officer with another group involved in the coalition. ➡️ <mark style="background: rgba(232, 100, 97, 0.3);">**\#Coalition-Funder:**</mark> Indicates any organization in the OCV coalition that received any funding another group involved in the coalition. # 🔎 Explore Additional Resources 📝🔗 [Link]( to Issue One's full report 📊🔗 [Link]( to access data in downloadable, spreadsheet form