![[GUnC9wiW4AAJpF3.jpeg]] My word for 2024 is Alchemy. I wasn't sure how it was going to be relevant back in December/January when I decided upon it. Here's another clue and one that links in with what I call The Essence Map and Joseph Campbell refers to as The Hero's Journey. I'm contemplating how this detail about alchemy might fit in to my map. Mass confusa - that's us in our base form. Vas Hermeticus - us under pressure. Heat is applied in the form of love, loss or life. We are transformed, although we may not yet know it. Condensation Distillation - heating, separation of substances, end product (distillate) Repetitio - the cycle repeats. More distillation to create a more purified distillate. Mortificatio - [the death of the old](https://jungiancenter.org/experiencing-the-mortificatio-jung-on-grief-grieving-and-mourning/) Marriage of the King and Queen God or Golden Child - our true Essence ## Related Notes - [[2024-07-19 Alchemy]] - [[2024-08-10]]