I wrote about Paul Jarvis in this week's [Substack](https://www.nicolafisher.com/p/the-derbyshire-digest-27th-july-2024). He was always ahead of the curve and, in 2020, he quit the internet. He's not returned.
The internet and tech were the be all and end all for me for a couple of decades. Every new shiny thing, new website design trend, new app - I was on it. Now, I'm more choosy. Perhaps it's because I've been there, done that and got the t-shirt. Or, maybe, it's a sign of the times.
With every innovation comes a complication. Have we discovered that tech is not a panacea, that there are downsides, and that the internet might not be around forever? Are we rediscovering life at a different pace, craving a return to a more analogue way of being?
Ted Gioia shares his [# 52 Reasons to Fear that Technological Progress Is Reversing](https://www.honest-broker.com/p/52-reasons-to-fear-that-technological).
I especially liked this because, back in the day, search engines worked. Now, they're almost useless.
Gioia's list of reasons makes grim reading. I often wonder if, one day, tech will implode, the internet will switch off and we'll revert to a pre-1990 analogue lifestyle. My typewriter's at the ready and I have a stash of books under the bed. Plus, a ton of pens and notebooks!
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