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**Niklas Baumgarten**
Universität Heidelberg
Mathematikon, Room 1/335
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
[email protected]](mailto:
[email protected])
Phone: +49 6221 54 14118
#### About me and my Research
I am a PostDoc at the [Institut for Mathematics at Heidelberg University](https://www.math.uni-heidelberg.de/en) in the group of [Robert Scheichl](https://katana.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/people/rob/). Prior to that I did my PhD at the [Department of Mathematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)](https://www.math.kit.edu/en) in the group of [Christian Wieners](https://www.math.kit.edu/ianm3/~wieners/). My research interest evolve around Uncertainty Quantification, Scientific and High-Performance Computing, Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods, Finite Element Methods, Research Software Development, Algorithm Engineering, Bayesian Inverse Problems, Optimal Control Problems and Machine Learning.
A list of published work can be found on [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NWhNzMsAAAAJ&hl=de&oi=ao)
#### Software
I'm actively contributing to the development and maintenance of the parallel finite element library [M++](https://gitlab.kit.edu/kit/mpp/mpp) with integrated uncertainty quantification methods.
- [Mpp 3.3.1](https://gitlab.kit.edu/kit/mpp/mpp/-/releases/3.3.1)
- [Mpp 3.3.0](https://gitlab.kit.edu/kit/mpp/mpp/-/releases/3.3.0) https://dx.doi.org/10.35097/1867
- [Mpp 3.2.0](https://gitlab.kit.edu/kit/mpp/mpp/-/releases/3.2.0) https://dx.doi.org/10.35097/1867
- [Mpp 3.1.5](https://gitlab.kit.edu/kit/mpp/mpp/-/releases/3.1.5) https://doi.org/10.35097/1103
- [Mpp 3.1.4](https://gitlab.kit.edu/kit/mpp/mpp/-/releases/3.1.4) https://doi.org/10.35097/998
- [Mpp 3.1.3](https://gitlab.kit.edu/kit/mpp/mpp/-/releases/3.1.3) https://doi.org/10.35097/959
#### Teaching
| Term | Role | Courses |
| ----------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Fall | Lecturer | High-Dimensional Approximation and Applications in Uncertainty Quantification |
| Spring 2024 | Lecturer | Object-oriented Programming for Scientific Computing |
| Fall 2023 | Lecturer | Programming Practicals |
| Spring 2023 | Teaching Assistant | Numerical Mathematics for Computer Scientists, Practicum Software Engineering, Introduction to Python |
| Fall 2022 | Teaching Assistant | Numerical Mathematics 1 |
| Spring 2023 | Teaching Assistant | Mathematics 2 for Business Informatics, Seminar on Applied Linear Algebra |
| Fall 2021 | Teaching Assistant | Mathematics 1 for Business Informatics |
| Spring 2021 | Teaching Assistant | Optimization Theory, Seminar on Optimization Theory |
| Fall 2020 | Teaching Assistant | Numerical Optimization Methods, Seminar on Finite Element Methods |
| Spring 2020 | Teaching Assistant | Numerical Mathematics for Computer Scientists |
| Fall 2019 | Teaching Assistant | Finite Element Methods |
| Spring 2019 | Teaching Assistant | Introduction to Scientific Computing |
| Fall 2018 | Teaching Assistant | Numerical Methods for ODEs, Seminar on Mathematics of Machine Learning |
| Spring 2018 | Teaching Assistant | Teaching assistant Numerical Mathematics 2 |
| 2014 – 2015 | Tutor | Semiconductor Devices |
| 2014 – 2016 | Tutor | Advanced Mathematics for Electrical Engineers |