Welcome to NATFOOT Where we take you to your next destination. We are a human powered movement to mark routes and trails to and from communities and tourist destinations. Our unique European routing system allows for consistent and updated routing to your next destination. NATFOOT is the Home of the National Association for Trails Fostering Outdoor Opportunities and Travel. Similar to other organizations in Europe this organizations will be people based and help identify appropriate and crowd sourced signed routes to get you where you want to go. In future working with communities and people to bring standard signs and human powered routes to the masses. Route markers and distinctive guide posts stand out and make this a unique standard to the USA. This open source project aims to keep the public in the loop on the decision of any particular route with decision science. This system of markers is widely used in Europe for Hiking/Walking and Bike routes. Using colored route markers to identify primary, difficult, connector, and local routes. No need to keep your head in your phone with route markers visible every couple hundred feet for hike/walk routes and up to a thousand for bike routes. Some bike routes may be numbered just like bus routes keeping you on the 101 to the next guide post or your destination. Your organization may register as a charter organization natfoot.org/charter_with_us [[Charter_with_us]] NATFOOT will organize trainings, communications, and funding for local charter organizations. It is important as we build out the system that we maintain the three year maintenance and update cycle. If routes change due to other factors updates will be made as needed. We seek Outdoor groups, scout groups, walking clubs, bike clubs, and environmental organizations. Government agencies may register as charter organizations. Look through our catalog of [[Routes]]. Routes are currently in a proposal stage and are yet to be confirmed for signage. [[Donate]] | [[Charter_with_us]] | [[History]] | [[About us]] | [[Benefits]] | [[Partners]] | [[Charter organization]] | [[What makes a good Route]]