# README Hi there šŸ‘‹! My name is Nerya, and I'm a CS student. This vault contains a lot of the notes that I have taken and materials I've accumulated during my degree's courses. When starting my degree, one ambition of mine was to open-source as much as I can from it so that many different people can profit from it. # Courses - [[Computer Science]] ## Disclaimer Be aware that this is very much a work in progress. Many of these notes are incomplete or empty! And as the content grows, the number of topics I'll want to revisit and expand on later will continue to grow (adding even more empty notes and dead links). Thus, this site will never look complete. If you see any mistakes here, don't hesitate to point them out. I am continually proofreading and revisiting topics. However, I am writing about things, andĀ there areĀ mistakes on here. ## Contact I'm open to suggestions and criticism. Please send all feedback to [email protected] ## Donations If you like the vault and would like to contribute to its continuation and growth, please consider "Buying me a coffee" ā˜•[BuyMeCoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mycsvault)