## Welcome to my [[External Brain | external 🧠]] This site represents a **working** collection of my[^1] thoughts/notes on anything that I come across. **This means that you're likely to find typos, unfinished notes, and generally messy stuff**.[^2] Typically, I use it with respect to my research. I do, however, try to keep things organized. If you'd like to better understand how that works, checkout the [[KB Organization]] note. Otherwise, I encourage you to checkout the <mark>🚨 [[Knowledge Base Map]] 🚨</mark>, which acts as an entry-level note to the rest of my notes. [^1]: Hi, I'm [Matt DeVerna](https://www.matthewdeverna.com/). [^2]: Please remember the [[Paper_Schwartz_2008_ImportanceOfStupidity | importance of stupidity in scientific work]].