Link [[20-12-2020 Sun]]
# Positive Psychology Index
Related to
- [[Gratitude]]
- [[Slow living]]
- [[permaH]]
## Introduction
Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi define positive psychology as "the scientific study of positive human functioning and flourishing on multiple levels that include the biological, personal, relational, institutional, cultural, and global dimensions of life."[9] - wiki
Was having this thought, you know, we should have a Center for Positive Psychology in the hospital, perhaps within the Research Department, to inform and integrate positive psychology best practices in clinical care, staff welfare; building optimism, positive emotions, resilience, hopeful, contentment, happiness, flourishing, good life.
Positive psychology provide a much-needed balance to psychiatry's traditional focus on pain and pathology. Positive psychology focus on positive emotions and personal strengths.
# Articles
[[Article - The structure of psychological well-being revisited]] The 6 Dimensions of psychological wellbeing
[[Article - Positive mental health in psychotherapy a qualitative study from psychotherapists perspectives]]
## How to integrate positive psychology in practice?
Source: and edited by me (20 Dec 2020)
1. **Reverse the focus from negative to positive.**
1. Use techniques aimed at shifting attention to more positive aspects of life.
1. Gratitude Wins of the Week, What have been accomplished today, What has been better?
2. **Develop a language of strength.**
1. Instead of talking about pain, problems, Kauffman use strength coaching. Just as an athlete exercises certain muscles to become stronger, the theory is that people who use their strengths regularly will function better in life. To boost mental facility, Kauffman recommends that people identify one top strength and then use it at least once a day.
2. What is ONE strength you have? Practice that muscle. #solution-focus
3. [[Positive Affirmations]] - Asking self questions is more powerful, change the affirmations from "I AM ....." into a question, Ask yourself "Will I...?", "Do I....?""
[[Positive Affirmations#Follow this process to effectively apply the interrogative self-talk strategy]]
4. [[202011252022 Good questions lead to good answers]] - Ask Good Questions, "Why not?" to self.
3. **Balance the positive and negative**
1. Identify what has been "good", when we talk about the "bad", what are the plus, as well as minus?
2. Things are never one-dimensional
4. **Build strategies that foster hope**
1. Find ways to help foster hope.
2. Break the problems into smaller parts, and identify skills and ideas to tackle them one at at time,
3. Review progress "how far you have come".
## Resources
[[Introduction to Positive Psychology]]
[[Book - Positive psychology theory research and application. Chapter 6]]
Aspinwall LG and Staudinger UM, eds. A Psychology of Human Strengths (American Psychological Association, 2002).
Keyes CLM and Haidt J, eds. Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well Lived (American Psychological Association, 2002).
Lopez SJ and Snyder CR, eds. Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures (American Psychological Association, 2003).
- [[Daring Greatly How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead]]
Web sites
Coaching and Positive Psychology Initiative
This service, based at Harvard's McLean Hospital, supports research, trains professionals, and offers workshops on various aspects of coaching and positive psychology.
Authentic Happiness
This online service of the University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center offers free resources to anyone who registers, including a signature strengths questionnaire.
## Evidence
1. People who find it useful have inborn temperaments more "positive"
2. Happiness does not last. (Short study period)
3. Sample mostly do not have psychiatric diagnoses,
4. Confounded by other factors; other interventions used at the same time.
However, low risks in trying when someone discover his/her strengths, on focus on positive side of life.
[[46 what-if affirmations that open your mind to possibility]]
[[9 Ways to Increase the Positivity in Your Life]]