# LLMs for UX design [[2023-07-22]] See: - [[Large Language Models]] - [[UI UX]] - [[UI UX For Developers]] This is work that is created in the context of [[Un-label]] and after visiting ephes and his wife on the way to Hannover on [[2023-06-02]]. ## [[SKETCHBOOK - 2023-05-29 - weinheim sketchbook]] p.7 - [[ZK - 2023-07-22 - LLMs allow for quick feedback loops when iterating on UX by allowing the user and designer to manipulate prototypes with language]] - [[ZK - 2023-07-22 - Often, component systems, backend systems are easy to code up in a vacuum]] ### Generating prototypes at different levels There is an interesting idea on [[SKETCHBOOK - 2023-05-29 - weinheim sketchbook]] p.7, which is to generate prototypes at different levels: - visual - UX - written out scenarios - user stories - actual code Again, a DSL to scaffold these out is useful, encoding the different domain terms (see [[Domain Driven Design]], which is [[DSL]] heavy already anyway) into something that can be manipulated much more succinctly. One fun thing I tried was to convert concepts from one paradigm to the other: - form to wizard - form to adventure game / linear menu This could allow us to explore different target DSLs (for example, only large buttons, for mobility disabilities). Then, once the DSL is refined, start experimenting with the conversion. In a way, the [[glazed.Command]] flags are such a target DSL.