# R [[Programming Languages]] [[Statistics]] I did quite a bit of R programming when I was learning data science and statistics, and it was quite the pleasant experience. While the language can feel comically archaic, [[Tidyverse]] flipped the whole thing on its head, and made it supremely elegant. Combined with [[ggplot2]], a [[Grammar of Graphics]] [[Data Visualization]] library to have a consistent way of transforming data into graphs, combined with [[R Studio]] and [[R Notebooks]], it was easy to make beautiful reports using the [[Literate Programming]] Rmd files ([[Markdown]] combined with R). [[R Shiny]] furthermore makes it easy to create [[Information Dashboards]] and full-fledged apps. It probably is also quite useful for [[Computational Essays]]. It was a language I tried learning with [[Spaced repetition]], but I didn't stick with it long enough. I was using [[Anki]] at the time, but hadn't stumbled upon [[ARTICLE - How to write good prompts - Andy Matuschak]]. Of course, all my R knowledge is now mostly gone, along with [[Statistics]] and [[Data Analysis]]/[[Machine Learning]] knowledge in general. ## Topics - [[Tidyverse]] - [[ggplot2]] - [[R Shiny]]