# Diagrams [[Data Visualization]] [[Visual thinking]] [[Software Architecture]] I love boxes and arrows! There are many tools to draw and deal with diagrams. [[Category Theory]] is the mathematics of boxes/points and arrows, and the [[Topos Institute]] has a fair amount of research into the [[Category Theory]] of [[Diagrams]], especially [[Symmetric Monoidal Categories]]. ## ZK - [[ZK - 3d2 - Design systems using arrows and boxes]] - [[ZK - 2d2 - Many engineering disciplines work with arrows and boxes]] - [[ZK - 2e0 - Diagrams are great tools to expose underlying formalisms and make them obvious to the human eye]] - [[ZK - 2d1 - Engineering Diagrams are often Mathematical Objects of their Own]] ## Books - [[BOOK - An Invitation to Applied Category Theory - Seven Sketches of Compositionality - Brendan Fong, David I. Spivak]] Directly from the introduction of [[Christopher Alexander]]'s book: ![[QUOTE - Christopher Alexander - The Idea of the Diagrams#The idea of the diagrams]] - [[BOOK - Notes on the Synthesis of Form - Christopher Alexander]] ## Tools - [[PlantUML]] - [[Mermaid]] - [[Graphviz]] - [[Excalidraw]] A tool to create [[Cloud]] [[Infrastructure]] [[Diagrams]] in [[Python]]: ![[Pasted image 20220622221317.png]] - [GitHub - mingrammer/diagrams: Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures](https://github.com/mingrammer/diagrams) ## Log [[2022-07-27]] - Added links to [[BOOK - Notes on the Synthesis of Form - Christopher Alexander]] - Added links to [[Topos Institute]] and [[Symmetric Monoidal Categories]]