# Causality [[Statistics]] [[Data Science]] The study of intervention and counterfactuals (on top of [[Statistics]], which would be about observing). ![[Causality-1656982784282.jpeg]] [[ZK - Probability Notation is Very Naive wrt Causality]] [[ZK - Correlation always implies Causality]] ## Books A small math heavy little booklet, which I haven't really studied much. It introduces the [[Causal Calculus]]. - [[BOOK - Causal Inference in Statistics - Judea Pearl Madelyn Glymour Nicholas P Jewell]] I listened to this as an audio book and it went into one ear and out the other. I have it as hardcopy and should use that. - [[BOOK - The Book of Why - Judea Pearl, Dana Mackenzie]] ## Links An overview article (retweeted by [[Judea Pearl]]): - [Causality 2021 | HPCC Systems](https://hpccsystems.com/blog/causality-2021) - [The Causal Revolution in Data Science - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMk6DNml1AA)