# Prompt context manager
- [[2023-03-11 - Glazed ecosystem]]
This is already started to be used as such inside [[PROJ - GO GO GOLEMS - GEPPETTO]]
## Sketch
First sketch out:
- [[SKETCHBOOK - 2023-05-29 - weinheim sketchbook]] p. 8-9
Ideas from that sketch:
- functionality: add, diff, update, merge, share, log
- import data from other source
- provide access layers to local directories, DBs, external APIs, etc… (those could be done through registered plugins like below)
- (note from [[2023-08-08]]) attach typescript and json schema to the access layers and plugins. In a way this is already done by the [[glazed.Command]] description
- background processing of context entered (through some other pipelines), for example summarization
- attaching simple deterministic processing to commands, for example other glazed commands, a bit like funcmap. These could be exposed over the API a bit like the processing middlewares in bknr
- funcmaps of commands could actually all be solved by [[]]
- validation, reprompting, validation component (for especially)
- attach human annotations to pieces of context (this can be used for further prompting but also just for documentation in the UI)
- add commenting and metadata editing section on prompt fragments
- add versioning, forking, sharing (other people can basically edit and share "prompt context" apps)
- if the prompt context building something that can be serialized into a yaml/bundle just like other GO GO GOLEMS apps? Sounds like it. Basically a list of fragment builders, a list of input parameters (for example, directory for the codebase, additional docs repository, etc…)
- this means that there would be handlers for different prompt context types (already mentioned above as imports / access layers)
- If we create a serialization format for the context manager, that means we can use git as a backend to handle commenting and versioning and sharing and forking, potentially