# BOOK - How to make a complete map of every thought you think - Lion Kimbro [[🧠 Notetaking]] [[Zettelkasten]] [[Analog Zettelkasten]] The proto-PKM book, manic, slightly psychotic, exhilarating. So much fun and reminds me of the old 90s/early 2000s web. [https://users.speakeasy.net/~lion/nb/book.pdf](https://users.speakeasy.net/~lion/nb/book.pdf) > WHEN A NEW THOUGHT APPEARS IT DOESN’T DO SO IN A VACUUM IT DOES SO IN A CONTEXT. > It tells you something about the development of your thoughts. When you see sloppy text, that means ”This is just a quick idea I spat out.“ When you see regular solid text, that means ”This is something I thought over for a while.” You have your own writing style, and it communicates to you things that are important to you, though you may not consciously register it. (Actually, that’s good: Unconscious communication is far stronger, and doesn’t get in the way of your thinking.) All of this, all of this telegraphing, disappears on the computer. A visual representation by [[Sacha Chua]]: ![Complete Map of Every Thought you Think](https://sachachua.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/How-to-Make-a-Complete-Map-of-Every-Thought-You-Think.jpg) I like the distinction between a jot and a gloss. **Glosses** A gloss is a paragraph explaining the point of a jot. If a jot is the title of a Zettelkasten card, a gloss is paragraph (often written in a distinct color). This gives enough of an idea that the thought will not be lost if it is left for a few weeks (perhaps even years, depending). Writing a gloss is usually easy, and doing so is often enough to get the ideas flowing. (from [[Zettelkasten#The zettelkasten method]])