# Improving Primer Production with the PrimerPro 3D Parts Kit
## These tools can be found on this page.
Purchase info:
[NOE Primer Reloader Sizing Die Set](https://noebulletmolds.com/site/shop/gun-parts/tools/primer-sizing-die-set/)
Figure 1
Purchase info:
[Lee App Press](http://xn--midwyusa-2ya.com/)
Some items - such as the bench stand are Not included with the press
Figure 2
Purchase info:
[PrimerPro 3D Printed Parts Kit](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1313149152/primerpro-for-lee-app?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=primer+reloading&ref=sr_gallery-2-10&frs=1&organic_search_click=1)
Figure 3
Purchase info
[Frankfort Arsenal SP/LP Automatic Primer Tube Filler.](http://Frankford Arsenal Vibra Prime Universal Automatic Large and Small Primer Tube Filler for Reloading https://a.co/d/8ao4QyO)
Figure 4
MeWe contributor Adrian Jackson was the major designer of the primer cup preparation tool
Similar to ammo reloading:
He found that resizing primer cups (back to round) installed back into the brass and the anvils seated better as well. He discovered the firing dimples could be pressed out (as opposed tamping the dent out with a hammer and punch). This also resulted in less damage to the primer cup.
He teamed up with a die/bushing shop ( NOE). NOE took his design and now offers the die and punch set for both sp and lp cup sizes (See Figure 1).
New for around 2021:
Lee Precision introduced the "App press" (See Figure 2). It's an inexpensive press (much of it plastic/polymer) to reload ammo quickly. I'd term it a beginner press or a press that can be set up to deprime a boatload of brass en masse . You set up the App Press to perform the same task (say resize/depriming) in large batches. A batch of 'say' 200 brass casings are now deprimed and resized.
Members Reno and Clint embraced the NOE die and punch set and innovated a 3d printed parts kit to enhance the Lee App press for primer reloading.
The Lee App Press is reconfigured using the PrimerPro printed parts kit (See Figure 3) to perform primer cup prep. Resizing & de-denting is accomplished in one stroke.
The system is for mass production of primers. It makes child's play out of the tasks of resizing and de-denting the primer cups.
The NOE punch and die (Figure 1) About $60
The Lee App reloading press: (Figure 2) About 120 but this will not include any optional features (discussed below)
And the PrimerPro (Figure 3). It's in the $100 Range
I went one step further. I purchased a Frankfort arsenal automatic (through vibration) primer tube filler. $60
Additional features:
Full set of shell holders 35?
Bench plate 30
Brass collator (60$?)
Catch bin ($14)
The PrimerPro 3D system is fast.
I don't remember renos figures I'm sure you can prep 500 sp primer cups in an houŕ.
Reno may report double that rate and your production rate may vary.