# Home 🌎

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## [[MOC Cup and Anvil]]
** New!** Pictures for Primer Identification
## **Sections**
- ### Tutorials
- [[Introduction to Libby - A Digital Library for Homemade Primers]]
- [[_Table_Of_Contents_22 LR|22LR]]
- [Brass Sorter](_Table_Of_Contents_Brass%20Sorter.md)
- [Casting](_Table_Of_Contents_Casting.md)
- [Chemicals](_Table_Of_Contents_Chemicals.md)
- [Clathrates](_Table_Of_Contents_Clathrates.md)
- [FAQ](_Table_Of_Contents_FAQ.md)
- [Misc](_Table_Of_Contents_Misc.md)
- [MeWe](_Table_Of_Contents_MeWe.md)
- [Primer Reloading](_Table_Of_Contents_Primer%20Reloading.md)
- [Primer Reloading Lab](_Table_Of_Contents_Primer%20Reloading%20Lab.md)
- [Primer Reloading Recipes](_Table_Of_Contents_Primer%20Reloading%20Recipes.md)
- [Primer Reloading Tools](_Table_Of_Contents_Primer%20Tools.md)
- ### Notes
- [Notes](MOCS/Notes/_Table_Of_Contents_Notes.md)
- [Notes for New Users](_Table_Of_Contents_Info_Notes.md)
- [[MOC Notes from the Masters]]
- [[MOC - The Different Levels of Sorting Primers]]
- ### External Websites
| Website (by clicking) | Description | |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| www.AardvarkReloading.Com/ | Step by Step Instructions |  |
| (https://www.aardvarkreloading.com/resources/Homemade%20Primer%20Course%202021-06-01.pdf) | Homemade Primer Course |  |
- ### Chat with Like-minded People
| Join the MeWe Groups (by clicking) | Description | |
| ------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| https://mewe.com/join/primerreloading | 2nd Floor |  |
| https://mewe.com/join/primerreloadingforbeginners | 1st Floor |  |
| https://mewe.com/join/primerreloadingtools | Extension |  |
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