# kataqatsi's second brain - Github: [https://github.com/kataqatsi/brain](https://github.com/kataqatsi/brain) (PRs welcome) - Obsidian: [https://publish.obsidian.md/kataqatsi](https://publish.obsidian.md/kataqatsi/README) These notes are "raw" Follow me on twitter [kataqatsi](https://www.twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=kataqatsi) ## User Guide - I will rearrange and rename at any time with no notice - The folders are named in [PARA](https://fortelabs.co/blog/para/) format - optimizing for: - P - near-term projects i want to do - A - standards i want to upkeep - R - resources for stuff i like - Archive - for misc past junk i don't see myself needing anymore - Not everything is public, sorry if your thing isn't on here - **This is a public digital garden - Terms of Service: [TOS](TOS.md) - There is no explicit licensing on this because these are personal notes - you are welcome to read them, contribute to them, suggest additions - **just do not copy them and share them as your own**.