- [[references]] - Title: Technology Brokering and Innovation in a Product Development Firm - Meta: - Authored by:: [[Andrew Hargadon]] - Year: [[1997]] - Publication: Administrative Science Quarterly - Zotero link: [Zotero Link](zotero://select/items/1_5K9IE3A9) - URL: [Hargadon & Sutton (1997). Technology Brokering and Innovation in a Product Development Firm. Administrative Science Quarterly](https://www.jstor.org/stable/2393655) - Content - Abstract - We blend network and organizational memory perspec- tives in a model of technology brokering that explains how an organization develops innovative products. The model is grounded in observations, interviews, informal conversations, and archived data gathered during an eth- nography of IDEO,a product design firm. This firm ex- ploits its network position, working for clients in at least 40 industries, to gain knowledge of existing technological solutions in various industries. It acts as a technology broker by introducing these solutions where they are not known and, in the process, creates new products that are original combinations of existing knowledge from dispa- rate industries. Designers exploit their access to a broad range of technological solutions with organizational routines for acquiring and storing this knowledge in the or- ganization's memory and, by making [analogies]([[analogy]] - #lit-context - [[Joel Chan]] - 09:46 | #inspectionalread - key terms - broker - structural hole - organizational memory - i'm interested in - details of how they store stuff - details and examples of analogies - the model (somewhat) - questions/results - how does IDEO and its designers get access to brokerage resources - perspectives - network - organizational memory - actor-network theory - random things that catch my attention - cc obliqueness - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Froam-journal-club-pilot-1%2Fq4445Qxi4E.png?alt=media&token=31f7bbba-ec4d-4d50-85fc-1f628f0940d6) - how might an organizational memory be organized differently to optimize for brokerage, exaptation, and analogy? - interesting: past lit framing here seems to conflate organizational memory with routinization (like... fixation?) - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Froam-journal-club-pilot-1%2FoMGiJQOf6b.png?alt=media&token=f9094531-c330-46e8-a2fa-001cbf6aa599) (p. 732) - i'm struck by how visually impoverished this paper is! aching for some figures of the network, screenshots/pictures of the workspaces, the cabinets, the crash carts.. so many wonderfully rich artifacts to learn from! - snippets - #analyticalread - my questions - implications for the [[THE - interaction-oriented theory of creative inspiration from examples]] - methods notes - method: ~2-year [[mEthnography]] - sources (table 2) - overall - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Froam-journal-club-pilot-1%2F3nzlLaXnts.png?alt=media&token=6adc2b23-ce86-46bd-8f9d-c9b491aae85c) ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Froam-journal-club-pilot-1%2FrwEu6j7n_m.png?alt=media&token=4e0eb437-3689-491a-a1b1-44a90df705d3) (pp. 726-727) - details - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FaSExX4bSuQ.png?alt=media&token=198e492e-a51d-4cc5-b526-3e6a691c2455) ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2F3GSjGnSvwu.png?alt=media&token=330799f7-6fcc-4f8b-86e5-561cd4ce2924) ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FH3EsJnwwRy.png?alt=media&token=9547695f-06bb-4d40-9dde-29298e232c4c) (pp. 720-722) - details of timing and intensity: phase 1: intense ~6-8 hrs/week, may 1994 to 1995; phase 2: weekly visits, until feb 1996; phase 3: monthly visits, until december 1996 - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FUomEhqo6XI.png?alt=media&token=7db1a141-4cb1-4fdf-ab79-1d42297e650b) (p. 719) - field site: Palo Alto office of IDEO, focusing on mostly the mechanical engineering team of designers (+ their managers and support staff) - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2F2jUFmvMfYA.png?alt=media&token=e58fdaaa-f0c9-4409-aab8-d18731511546) (p. 718) - analysis: weick theory building and [[@glaserDiscoveryGroundedTheory2010]] - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2F8hX7_85wtD.png?alt=media&token=f293932c-80f1-45ce-828f-47dca81d01bd) (p. 725) - results notes - [[EVD - a substantial number of IDEO-designed products incorporated technological solutions from other industries - @hargadonTechnologyBrokeringInnovation1997]] - [[EVD - IDEO intentionally curated a diverse portfolio of products and staff with an eye to constructing a base of analogies to apply to new designs - @hargadonTechnologyBrokeringInnovation1997]] - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FZ4jh9zlT7-.png?alt=media&token=e139a16c-2bf9-4f0d-bc2c-3fd5993cd70d) (p. 741) - IDEO methodology handbook encourages designers to expand their portfolio and network - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FYzGYfMv59M.png?alt=media&token=3683130f-b3e7-4397-8288-67ec68aa4a96) (p. 730) - this can happen through exposure in various forms, experience on projects, and exploratino of industry consultants and suppliers - consultants - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FOIhCaYmGjZ.png?alt=media&token=3ae62500-438b-4a49-ad75-9a5242ab8ffe) (p. 733) - studying an industry through catalogs, stores, show and tell etc. - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FSalLoLbOp9.png?alt=media&token=28bb41f9-7bb0-4a56-bdef-30b8b349ce1e) (p. 734) - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2F7HiWXpmB0j.png?alt=media&token=74a388ea-9bc6-4a57-8d62-6b87da392863) (p. 735) - btw, this is cc [[CLM - examples can improve creative outcomes by enabling more robust (re)modeling of the problem space]] - e.g., similar to [[EVD - professional designers curated examples to understand trends and design approaches to inform .... simple direct transfer of solution approaches - @sharminUnderstandingKnowledgeManagement2009b]] - hiring criteria focused on diversified experience as well as outside interests (e.g., building model airplanes) that would expand IDEO's base of knowledge - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FFMOTxJJzFU.png?alt=media&token=bbaf4e97-3d84-409f-bfc2-2cc65224dfea) (p. 730-731) - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FI71_R1ZLBG.png?alt=media&token=909ccb00-c4e7-433a-8305-e47d99f53ed9) (p. 743) - [[EVD - IDEO intentionally cultivated social norms of help-seeking and help-giving across disciplinar...uch as peer reputation for performance evaluations - @hargadonTechnologyBrokeringInnovation1997]] - called an "attitude of wisdom" - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FyYqu7DhFqY.png?alt=media&token=90a3e0ce-d4ac-495d-afe7-5f132c8a9157) - [[EVD - Technical design knowledge at IDEO that was used for analogical inspiration resided in a mix ...intained through routines of access in design work - @hargadonTechnologyBrokeringInnovation1997]] - [[EVD - Intentional organizational routines, both formal and informal, such as brainstorming and regu...val and circulation of technical knowledge at IDEO - @hargadonTechnologyBrokeringInnovation1997]] - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fmegacoglab%2FPgdHxQGj2h.png?alt=media&token=1bef81fb-57f0-4788-a7fc-d327805a1f5b) (p. 740) ###### Discourse Context - **Informs::** [[QUE - Under what conditions do diverse initial examples lead to better final design solutions]] - **Informs::** [[QUE - How might domain distance modulate the effects of analogies on creative output]] - **Informs::** [[QUE - What are the most efficient routes to useful cross-boundary knowledge]] - **SourceFor::** [[EVD - a substantial number of IDEO-designed products incorporated technological solutions from other industries - @hargadonTechnologyBrokeringInnovation1997]] - **SourceFor::** [[EVD - Intentional organizational routines, both formal and informal, such as brainstorming and regu...val and circulation of technical knowledge at IDEO - @hargadonTechnologyBrokeringInnovation1997]] - **SourceFor::** [[EVD - Technical design knowledge at IDEO that was used for analogical inspiration resided in a mix ...intained through routines of access in design work - @hargadonTechnologyBrokeringInnovation1997]] - **SourceFor::** [[EVD - IDEO intentionally cultivated social norms of help-seeking and help-giving across disciplinar...uch as peer reputation for performance evaluations - @hargadonTechnologyBrokeringInnovation1997]] - **SourceFor::** [[EVD - IDEO intentionally curated a diverse portfolio of products and staff with an eye to constructing a base of analogies to apply to new designs - @hargadonTechnologyBrokeringInnovation1997]]