- [[🌲 zettels]]
- Tags: [[DSynthesis Infrastructure]]
- Description:
- We see this in scholars' behavior during synthesis: for example, [[CLM - Scholars constantly need to reread during a literature review]]
- It is possible that with good contextualizability properties, less rereading is necessary; but there is probably a base level of returning that needs to happen, since [[CLM - Synthesis is sensemaking on hard mode]]
- Informally, we observe that balancing and preserving coupling/grounding between the "layers of evidence" is challenging
- For these reasons, we claim that the level of contextualizability puts an upper limit on how deep/effective/rich of a synthesis can be achieved.
- [[CLM - People process complex information in multiple levels and stages of processing]]
- The larger point is that [[CLM - Knowledge must be recontextualized to be usefully reused]]
- However, [[CLM - Specifying context for future reuse is costly]]
- R-Sources:
- the idea of evaluation and clear criteria for gaps is an important observation that connects with why [[context]]
- Todos
- [[Joel Chan]]
- [[CLM - Context is necessary for reasoning under uncertainty]]
- [[CLM - Knowledge is fundamentally contextual]]
###### Discourse Context
- **Informs::** [[QUE - What (existing) systems facilitate individual synthesis]]
- **Informs::** [[CLM - Compression is necessary for synthesis]]
- **Informs::** [[CLM - Compressing complex ideas into more manageable chunks facilitates more complex thought]]
- **Informs::** [[CLM - Multiplicity is necessary for synthesis]]
- **Informs::** [[CLM - Universal Semantic Webs are neither feasible nor useful]]
- **Informed By::** [[@granelloPromotingCognitiveComplexity2001]]
- **Informed By::** [[CLM - Knowledge must be recontextualized to be usefully reused]]
- **Informed By::** [[CLM - Scholars constantly need to reread during a literature review]]
- **Informed By::** [[CLM - Sensemaking requires iterative loops of (re)interpreting data in light of evolving schemas]]
- **Informed By::** [[CLM - Synthesis is sensemaking on hard mode]]
- **Informed By::** [[CLM - Context is necessary for reasoning under uncertainty]]
- **Informed By::** [[CLM - Specifying context for future reuse is costly]]
- **Informed By::** [[CLM - Knowledge is fundamentally contextual]]